Sentences with phrase «of social evil»

To a theologian, their position sometimes seems analogous to that of Christian pietists who argue that individual conversions will ultimately solve all problems of social evil.
The third type of expectation to be rejected is the assurance that the major sources of social evil can be removed in such a way that the gains we make in removing them are secure.
They showed that evil may be related to vulgarity and behavior; and that the root of social evil lies in our insensitivity to other individuals [this is the key to the plot of Emma especially].
Churches are required to be agents of resistance to genocide or any other kind of social evil, as a basic expression of faithfulness to their God, their sacred scriptures and their social responsibility.
This shows the depth of the social evil produced by the slave system — it could not be eradicated by war, sermon, or prayer.
The difference lies mainly in the fact that the earlier exponents of the social gospel thought of the coming of the kingdom of God as progressive growth toward a better world through the conquest of these social evils.
The Stockholm conference made a long list of social evils, but made no social or economic structural analysis.
In the minds of many a successful ministry now entailed a study of society and of the social forces involved in the shaping of the life of the individual, an awareness of social evils as well as personal sins, and some knowledge of the means of «social salvation» as well as of individual redemption.
A New York Times editorial writer would readily find himself at home in Jeremiah's catalogue of social evils.
Role of psychology to deal with different social evils by focusing on the root cause of these social evils.

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Annika Elias, head of the Swedish managers» union Ledarnas and president of the pan-European managers federation, CEC, said the traditional view that wage differences were a social evil was losing ground.
For years I've been telling people about the evils of shooting themselves in the foot on social media, email, messaging apps, whatever.
«We should not continue to be afraid of technology, because it's really how we use and deploy that technology, and whether we use it for good or evil is a social aspect of things.
At the end of the ten hours, I came in and he made me give him two pennies which was my contribution to the social security and he gave me two one Dollar bills and a long lecture about the evils of Democrats and the welfare state and the lack of self - reliance and it went on and on and on, so I had the right antecedents too.
That may, however, be the lesser of two evils if the alternative is seeing your Social Security check shrink.
Ten bucks says that Ruth or someone in her family or circle of friends is collecting - welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, unemployment - all of those things that people like her consider an evil handout.
One important aspect of the editors» social concern was their - concentration on a topic that would preoccupy them for many years: prohibition and the evils of liquor.
The question was originally intended to be based off our current social views of good and evil considering they change slightly every few years.
Finally, there remains one pressing objection: Is not an appeal for an activist movement of direct, albeit nonviolent, confrontation with evil social structures fundamentally incompatible with Jesus» call for nonresistance?
Has a boss who calls women employees «honey» given evidence of evil intent, in which case he should be properly chastized, or is he of good will but ignorant of social conventions?
But in the absence of such means, the tradition of just war views armed conflict as an appropriate way to resist evil, protect innocent lives and restore just social relationships.
The unprincipled free reign of individual choice has, of course, long been seen as the sure prelude to social evil.
Conversely, a social evil, such as the decline of the two - parent American family, need not be the cause of all the world's ills, such as the bubble in the housing market.
One of the biggest fallouts (to oversimplify) then was that conservatives cared about personal morality and not involvement in social ethics / issues of evil, while liberals cared about social ethics / issues but were seen as lax about morality.
His conclusion: Evil is multicausal, brings together individual and social factors (Robespierre probably would have lived out his life as a harmless provincial lawyer if not for the French Revolution), and is particular (every act of evil has its own stoEvil is multicausal, brings together individual and social factors (Robespierre probably would have lived out his life as a harmless provincial lawyer if not for the French Revolution), and is particular (every act of evil has its own stoevil has its own story).
Jesus has been the inspiration of incredible social renewal and also the excuse for horrible evil.
As the social evils multiply and the exploitation of the lower classes increases, the need for religious morality is recognized and the penal laws of religion come into force.
Despite all influences to the contrary, it lifted a standard of judgment in the light of which the Christian conscience at its best could not be content with social evil.
The evils endured by the returning exiles, the need of uncompromising separateness if they were not to be assimilated and lost, the bitter resentment aroused by the cruelty of Hellenistic and Roman conquerors, constrained Judaism not only to social solidarity but, in Palestine especially, to extreme racial, national, and religious particularism.
as the source of outward evil and on regeneration of spiritual quality as the basis of social reformation.
This fact, with the resulting intermixtures of good and evil, is clearly illustrated by differing attitudes toward racial segregation in the North and South of the United States, or the presence of nontheological social factors in the creation of the various denominations of the Christian Church.
They had tacitly accepted a truce on theological discussion in order to concentrate on a task in which they were all at one — action in the spheres of public morality and social evils.
If on the social group as a whole Yahweh's wrath was falling, the punishment was an inevitable consequence of the way individuals were thinking — «Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts».
Such misuse of reason, after all, was what gave rise to the slave trade in the first place and to many other social evils, not least the totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century.
By working to get these recognised as social evils akin to racism or sexism [2] it has been possible to get towards the goal, which is that homosexual behaviour is firmly accepted in society and that society should be indifferent to the form of relationships which individuals choose to enter or make the basis of their family lives.
Neither system is invoked by name, but in their complete violation, the novel presents not a world in which evil has triumphed, but one in which the basic obligations of humans as social beings — to establish civil society and recourse for its governance — are ignored.
Some of the insights provided by the first phase of liberation theology seem too important to let slip between the cracks — for instance, the centrality of the category «the poor» for biblical interpretation; the awareness of structural, not just individual, evil; the use of the social sciences as dialogue partner for theological discourse; and the need to apply a hermeneutic of suspicion to theology itself.
Still, the case against teleological ethics may here offer this response: Granting the difference between direct and indirect applications, this yields only the familiar distinction between «act - teleology» and «rule - teleology, «3 is problematic for the following reason: Social practices or patterns of social cooperation can not be validated teleologically without a comparative assessment of the good and evil consequences differing possible systems of rules or norms (for instance, differing sets of rights) are likely, if adopted, to prSocial practices or patterns of social cooperation can not be validated teleologically without a comparative assessment of the good and evil consequences differing possible systems of rules or norms (for instance, differing sets of rights) are likely, if adopted, to prsocial cooperation can not be validated teleologically without a comparative assessment of the good and evil consequences differing possible systems of rules or norms (for instance, differing sets of rights) are likely, if adopted, to produce.
But this argument overlooks the fact that for the past two generations evangelicals have been largely passive under the growing weight of social and cultural evil.
Schlesinger states that «religion has an indispensable social function,» but the body of his address argues that absolutism is the root of the worst social and political evils, and that all absolutism is essentially religious, whether it is the «Judeo - Christian tradition» or «the totalitarian social religions of our age» (by which, one assumes, he means fascism and communism).
This was followed by five subsequent phases of development in a regular pattern of succession: (1) the organization of home and foreign mission societies to channel new leadership into church planting or into the field; (2) the production and distribution of Christian literature; (3) the renewal and extension of Christian educational institutions; (4) attempts at «the reformation of manners» — i.e., the reassertion of Christian moral standards in a decadent society; and (5) the great humanitarian crusades against social evils like slavery, war and intemperance.
While the mainline has a great deal to say about the social - structural evils that afflict children, it sidesteps the impact of family breakdown on child well - being and has very little to say about the responsibilities that parents have to their children.
Even if the human person is most himself and freest when least encumbered with social, traditional, religious or familial ties, society is a necessary evil which protects as much as possible the freedom of the individual without being much of a threat to it.
Liberation theology has tended to place special emphasis on certain portions of the Bible, notably the story of the Exodus, the social criticism of the prophets, the figure of Mary, Jesus» preaching of the kingdom of God, the depiction of the liberating Christian community in Acts, and the struggle against evil in its imperialist and cosmic guise in the Book of Revelation.
Niebuhr's analysis of social sin in Moral Man and Immoral Society prepares us for the concept in liberation theology of «systemic evil
Editors condemned the evil of liquor without much recognition of the social circumstances that might drive some people to drink.
In both the Roman Catholic and the fundamentalist Protestant traditions there is an impulse toward contrition for what is recognized as sin and a channel of escape, but relatively little attention is given either to the more subtle sins of the spirit or to major social evils in which as sinners we all participate.
On the other hand, there is always the risk, in the just - because - of nature of Buddhist realization which accepts everything indiscriminately, even social and historical evil, that one's attitude toward the world will be, because of a false sameness, indifferent.43
The latter sees social life as a cycle like the cycle of natural seasons which is the basic framework for life; therefore nothing new enters the scene, and any creativity that affects the harmony of life and nature is considered a spiritual evil.
He called upon the Church to «repent of the sins of existing society, cast off the spell of lies protecting our social wrongs, have faith in a higher social order, and realize in ourselves a new type of Christian manhood which seems to overcome the evil in the present world, not by withdrawing from the world, but by revolutionizing it.»
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