Sentences with phrase «of social manners»

LANPHERNow, you once said in an interview that «Major Pettigrew's Last Stand» was many things, but among those, a comedy of social manners.
«The apple doesn't fall far from the tree» perhaps is the best way to describe Anne D'Harnoncourt's remarkable similarities in terms of social manner and taste with her father.

Not exact matches

«We're living in what I like to call the «Thank You Economy,» because only the companies that can figure out how to mind their manners in a very old - fashioned way — and do it authentically — are going to have a prayer of competing,» says social media expert and author of the book The Thank You Economy Gary Vaynerchuk in a recent column.
ING's relationship with the Stop might just look like a variant of corporate social responsibility, but it hints at the more symbiotic manner in which corporate and charitable organizations can — and likely should — work.
To do this you'll need to have full command of online tools that allow you to leverage the reach and other capabilities of social networks in a time and cost efficient manner.
While social networking sites have made the task of finding potential customers easier, be sure you're targeting the right people in the correct manner.
Monitoring the social media channels of your target audience gives you the opportunity to detect and react to customer feedback in a timely manner, preventing bad reviews from turning into a grapevine (or worse).
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The Fiancia platform enables investors and traders to trade cryptocurrencies online in a simple, transparent, and enjoyable manner by utilizing the social network investment strategies of a copy trading system.
As social scientist Arthur Brooks has documented, religious people give far more to all manner of do - gooding than do secular people.
Many of our social problems today demand a resurrection of values in a manner that can not be compelled by constitutional command or legislative enactment.
This sort of work is difficult and beautiful in its own way, but it is not at all self - evident in the manner of a falling apple or an elliptical planetary orbit, and it is very sensitive to the same sorts of accidental contamination, deliberate fraud, and unconscious bias as the medical and social - scientific studies we have discussed.
One prime example of this [unfortunate] manner of social analysis can be found in the editorial «AIDS: Deadly Confusions Compounded» (February).
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
Even among those who profess to value good manners (which frequently turns out to mean that they dislike being treated rudely without necessarily being willing to behave politely themselves), it is widely held that the decline of etiquette is a problem to be dealt with only after the panoply of more serious social problems has been solved.
Superficially but with widespread potency, one's degree of culture is judged by his manners and conformity to correct social usage, good taste in dress and appearance, cleanliness and freedom from offensive odors or habits, ability to converse agreeably and to fit smoothly into any social situation.
After drawing out how the encyclical applies this to various social, economic and ecological issues he highlighted, concerning «the problem of technology», that «this is the first time an encyclical deals with the subject in such an organic manner -LSB-...] The exclusively technical mentality [and ideology] in fact, reduces all to pure doing... [True human development] requires a new perspective upon man that only the God who is truth and love can provide.»
Even if we deny that Jesus worked for transformation in the explicit sense of deriving the dialectic of individual and society from social structures, or beginning the process of transformation with changes in property and social relationships, it can not be overlooked that in an indirect sense, the manner in which Jesus thought and acted de facto broke open and transformed the social structures of the world in which he lived.7
This freedom means that all men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise that no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs, whether privately or publicly, whether alone or in association with others, within due limits.»
This was followed by five subsequent phases of development in a regular pattern of succession: (1) the organization of home and foreign mission societies to channel new leadership into church planting or into the field; (2) the production and distribution of Christian literature; (3) the renewal and extension of Christian educational institutions; (4) attempts at «the reformation of manners» — i.e., the reassertion of Christian moral standards in a decadent society; and (5) the great humanitarian crusades against social evils like slavery, war and intemperance.
No social action can be morally valid if it treats another individual in a manner that denies the possibility of contestation and, therefore, of moral discourse.
It overlooks the fact that the original or classical evangelicalism of the 18th and 19th centuries was united around a constellation of concerns which in the modern church have been divided up between the left and right: Reformation orthodoxy, the spiritual renewal of the church, Christian unity, evangelism and missions, the reformation of manners, and social reform.
Obama's home church in Chicago subscribes to liberation theology, a strain of theology rejected by main - stream Christians pretty much since its inception for the manner in which it mixes in Marxism and often reject core christian beliefs in favor of using the Christian message to serve a social agenda that is not inherent to Christianity.
In the same manner that the Church can not realistically expect the world to accept our teaching on moral and social issues without recognition of our perspective, the world and «lazy Catholics» must eventually realize that there are foundational truths which are immutable to the faith.
Scenes of Joe fighting with contractors or negotiating rectory politics are pure comedy of manners, while scenes that take place at «the Great Badger, the Discount House with a heart,» veer more toward social satire.
Manners are the symbols of allegiance to the approved principles of the social establishment.
Instruction in manners that sustain the habits of detachment, control, and social sensitivity in eating are part of the long and never - completed task of weaning.
The important factors are the personal attitudes and social meanings of which the manners are the outward signs.
Unfortunately spirituality itself has been elaborated within the later Christian tradition very much in an individualistic manner: seeking inner purification and saving one's soul or advancing towards personal liberation, without an effort at a reform of the unjust social relationships and structures.
When aristocracy gives way to some other stable social form, aristocratic manners are replaced by a system of symbolic acts that express the character of the new society.
Good manners express and help to conserve sound social values; bad manners manifest social decay and hasten the disintegration of civilization.
The matter can be stated in a greatly oversimplified manner and without benefit of psychological or social contexts: women often seem to think that a man is not genuinely concerned about a woman unless he specifically asks her about her feelings, as she asks him about his feelings.
Slum areas subject those who are trapped there (usually because they are members of a ghettoed minority group) to severe stresses which erode their self - esteem and spawn all manner of social problems.
If it is removed from the social fabric the coming of God is likely to be interpreted in a purely historical rather than sacramental manner, frustrating the reach of God into our human, social world, undermining the human hope that God can answer our deepest yearning.
But only when they are used by a society which is governed by the methods and results of the new social sciences of economics, sociology and psychology will they become useful in the fullest manner.
«Fullness of life» may mean many things; but what is meant here appears from the fact that it is something which other faiths also offer in an inferior or equal manner and that it is elsewhere declared that «our dedication... is to the progressive realization of the dignity and worth of man in every area of life — political, economic, social and religious.»
I have interpreted it in a broad manner, as an invitation to talk about the Christian Faith in its relevance to social analysis of the present political situation and social response to it.
One of the points of DAMSELS is that the social dancing practices of Society that made the deb balls possible, and which dance-wise received a brief revival / reworking during the classic disco era — i.e., musically and socially reworked in a more democratic and improvised manner — are now almost completely dead.
Coalition in government, peace among nations, and ecumenism among religions are all accounted for by the pragmatic manner in which the characteristics of God are known in social existence.
A very important factor is the manner in which social attitudes determine the desirability or attractiveness of using alcohol as a means of personality adjustment.
It would only do so were we to understand human nature, in the manner of Rousseau, to be intrinsically good, with evil a mirage of unjust social life that will disappear with the transformation of corrupt institutions.
In an earlier article I noted that in India, any discussion about baptism and conversion takes on «added significance because of the understanding that after baptism the «converted» person has not only changed his or her religion but also social milieu, habits, customs, and manners, in addition to forfeiting several legal rights, especially with regard to the inheritance of property.
(He has also expressed this view on social media, where he often complains about the bad manners and poor spelling of those with whom he disagrees.)
I realized also, in an unusual and very lively manner, how great a part of Christianity lies in the performance of our social and relative duties to one another.
Morrisey thus provides a great example of exactly what the media has done to public discourse: It has blurred the lines between reality and fiction in the service of remaking social and sexual ethics, and it has helped to trivialize the language of relationship in a profoundly significant manner.
[5] Both The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity [6] and Christianity: Social and Cultural History [7]-- two of the most ambitious recent surveys of Christianity — tell the Christian story in a manner that diverges markedly from the book I just quoted.
These changes have reached into every department of our individual lives and into every manner of social organization, the church not excepted.
I would speak in a similar manner about the story of America or the story of a social movement or family.
Brilliant people run the gauntlets of all manners and mannerisms of social peculiarities from agnostic to gnostic to very religious to being atheistically orientated.
However, if Jesus's human identity was to be extrapolated it had to be done in the manner by which we do it for most other historical persons: realizing that a human being is a social entity, he or she is defined within the web of one's social and economic locatedness.
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