Sentences with phrase «of societal change»

, he goes beyond the legal profession to discuss other fields and the impact of societal changes on them.
Given this extraordinary period of societal change, what will this mean for teaching?
This negligible warming should be compared with the speed of societal changes.
As the law strives to stay abreast of societal change, law firms necessarily must recognize that how they deliver legal services must evolve as well.
This increase was the consequence of societal changes toward more open family systems.
«It's Harder To Turn Profit In The Online Dating Business Main AshleyMadison Reveals Hints Of Societal Change In South Korea»
In other words, there are certain human needs and inclinations that are constant amid the sea of societal change.
Maybe all this is just part of a societal change that is part of the pendulum swing.
In the Home Office in the 1960s she oversaw the introduction of societal changes including the abolition of the death penalty, the decriminalisation of homosexuality and the legalisation of abortion.
A study published earlier this year and led by Prestemon used both climate models and projections of societal changes, like population growth and development, to look at how they might impact wildfire projections.
The past few years have brought a great deal of societal change, and the GirlBoss.
I felt that the zombies in Land of the Dead were similar metaphorically, though as lumberers instead of fast - moving maniacs, representing the relentless, slow, UNYIELDING march forward of societal change.
In keeping with the trends of societal changes, the East Bay SPCA went vegetarian in October, 2014.
Students consider pottery, mosaics, and glassware as evidence of societal change and daily life in ancient times.
Rooted in his experience as a curator, art historian, educator, and administrator, James Merle Thomas will discuss the role of the artist and arts institutions during times of societal change.
Through a pragmatic study of the societal changes of this time period, Nesbit attempts to understand the break towards abstraction, best characterized by artists Pablo Picasso and George Braque with the rise of Cubism, in which Nesbit interprets the Cubist line as an «embrace of the language of industry».
Right now the conclusions of the IPCC lead one to conclude that the effects of societal changes will exceed climate changes by a ratio of 22 to 1 to 60 to 1.
Over 1/3 of the University's Electricity Use ideally, higher education establishments should show the way and be at the forefront of societal changes.
But as lawyers we have a particular responsibility to preserve the integrity of the legal and human rights system and to work hard for the vulnerable people who are always ultimately on the receiving end of these kinds of societal changes.
While «Wikisexuality» has done extremely well in the academic field, Saraswati has bigger fish to fry in the form of societal change, and with more books on the way, that shouldn't be too hard.
His most recent book, The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts, he goes beyond the legal profession to discuss other fields and the impact of societal changes on them.
The transformative impacts of societal change have opened new, transcultural, possibilities for female artists working today.
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