Sentences with phrase «of societal responses»

It would be nice if we lived in a world where, when faced with an environmental problem, reporters only have to discuss risks delineated by science and the range of societal responses.
AIDS Timelinematerialized a dense cross-section of societal responses to and constructions of AIDS through artworks, artifacts, media accounts, medical statistics, governmental policies, activist initiatives, community organizations and public opinion — taking into account the particular social contexts and location of its presentation at the University of Berkeley.
Teacher Evaluation: a way to use teachers as scapegoats for the lack of societal response to the educational needs of minority students

Not exact matches

In an article from, Abigail Posner, Head of Strategic Planning And Agency Development at Google explains our societal fascination with sharing cat memes and videos: «In the language of the visual web, when we share a video or an image, we're not just sharing the object, we're also sharing in the emotional response it creates.»
It's been highly critical, in fact, of conventional food banks, arguing strenuously that they are an inadequate, and often harmful, response to more systemic societal dysfunction.
When the congregation I serve initiated a prayer chain several years ago, its participants were amazed at the response: healing intercessions requested for all manner of illnesses and ailments — physical, emotional, 1 spiritual, societal.
As stated earlier, the questionnaire returns and the responses of the conferees indicate clearly strong relational needs — personal, interpersonal, individual, and societal — involving all the structures of life and society.
That is to say, the shape of the church is a response to a societal attitude, and the church can not be understood historically save as an institution in dialogue with its world.
Whitehead's statements about the singularity of the primordial nature, the advocate of the societal view may observe in response, can mean two different things.
If the oldline churches are lukewarm in terms of intensity of conviction, can they really be doing even relatively well when it comes to such signs of vitality as societal engagement and response to external challenge?
The media and societal response to the Heard / Depp case is the perfect example of why women stay silent.
It addresses gun control measures, and creates frameworks for schools and law enforcement, including new units within the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Education, including a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Commission, and provides for student crime watch programs and other societal responses to potential threats to school safety.
«In Syria ineffective management practices, crop failure, and weak government response combined to exacerbate the societal effects of the drought,» said Joel Creswell, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow and one of the organizers of the symposium.
Researchers led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Röpke and Dr. Aline Vater (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy on Campus Benjamin Franklin) were able to show that a person's inflated sense of self - importance develops in response to societal influences.
Our response to societal pressures about vaccination has a direct effect on the spread of pediatric infectious diseases in areas where inoculation is not mandatory, says new research published this week in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
The purpose of the event will be to maximize the impact of the EU framework Horizon 2020 in terms of global collaborative science and the scientific response to global societal challenges.
OceanObs ’19 seeks to improve response to scientific and societal needs of a fit - for - purpose integrated ocean observing system, for better understanding the environment of the Earth, monitoring climate, and informing adaptation strategies as well as the sustainable use of ocean resources.
The extent to which human - driven phenomena, including technology and culture, can affect human nature itself raises an interesting philosophical question: Should our goals for societal development include mindfulness of how Homo sapiens evolve in response?
He gave it a shot, being the intrepid soul he is, but even though Kenan Thompson's game show host conceded that T'Challa's utopian responses about equally applied justice, respect for the elderly, and mutual societal respect were preferable, he also noted they were, in the America of Black Jeopardy, not applicable.
how artists create new ways of working and living in response to their historical and socio - economic conditions, often foretelling and epitomizing societal shifts and providing insight on influential forces in contemporary life that relate to us all.»
Expressionism emerged at the beginning of the 20th century as an artistic response to their Modernist malaise, an increasingly apathetic relationship with the physical world as a result of industrialization, urban growth, and other sometimes drastic societal shifts.
While Wurm considers humor an important tool in his work, there is always an underlying social critique of contemporary culture, particularly in response to the Capitalist influences and resulting societal pressures that the artist sees as contrary to our internal ideals.
Much of Wurm's work, though disturbing, offers an underlying social critique of contemporary culture, particularly in response to the capitalist influences and resulting societal pressures that the artist sees as contrary to our internal ideals.
The exhibition wonders if our over-consumption of virtual space and submission to the stress of competition and acceleration has provoked a deep mutation in the psychosphere, exploring the zombified body as a response to today's evolving societal structures.
Taken from William Butler Yeats» famous poem «Easter, 1916», the exhibition's title borrows from the Irish writer's seminal response to turn - of - the - century political events to site art's underused potential for commenting symbolically on the world's societal, cultural and economic triumphs and ills.
E.g. Marvin Harris argued convincingly to me, among many other things, that diminishing resources and expectations markedly increased the likelihood of despotism replacing democratic institutions, and by the way diminishing the likelihood of effective societal responses to diminishing resources.
[Response: The larger point is that many of us could stand to have a better awareness of how much of societal / global security is dependent on a climate stability that we mostly, like so many things, take for granted.
And don't expect some fresh round of findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to magically galvanize a meaningful societal response (here's the latest summary of that effort).
Ideally the scientists who collect and analyze this important data really ought to be double blind (yes, thank you Michael Crichton for this remark, despite couching it in such biased drivel that noone will take it seriously); and without doubt, in order to preserve the integrity of the complex analysis that must be applied, these scientist shoud be maximally shielded, if not entirely separated from the process of determining a societal response.
Scientists from the United States were less convinced of the skills of the models than their German counterparts and, as would be expected under such circumstances, North American scientists perceived the need for societal and political responses to be less urgent than their German counterparts.
In short: (i) scientific understanding advances rapidly, but (ii) avoidance, denial, and reproach characterize the overall societal response, therefore, (iii) there is relatively little behavioral change, until (iv) evidence of damage becomes plain.
The critical policy response then becomes one of building societal resilience to whatever the planet throws at us.
A rational public and private sector response to the threat of storm damage in a changing climate must therefore acknowledge scientific uncertainties that are likely to persist beyond the time at which decisions will need to be made, focus more on the risks and benefits of planning for the worst case scenarios, and recognize that the combination of societal trends and the most confident aspects of climate change predictions makes future economic impacts substantially more likely than does either one alone.
There are many people who have suggested a broadening of the objectives of policy responses to include societal aspirations and environmental conservation — as a first step.
It has not been «proven'that cigarettes cause cancer, yet the accumulation of facts (scientific evidence) eventually resulted in our accepting that they do and most importantly after much fighting, a societal response occurred.
The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) facilitates collaboration between Arctic researchers, funding agencies, and other stakeholders so that science can inform societal responses to Arctic change.
Objective 1.2 aims to advance use - inspired science (defined as science necessary to improve fundamental understanding in areas important to society) to assess the vulnerabilities to global change, understand the societal and ecological characteristics that confer resilience in the face of these changes, and support the adaptation and mitigation responses to the risks these changes pose.
These include identifying and understanding key environmental and societal vulnerabilities to global change over a range of time scales; developing a knowledge base to support regional and sectoral responses to global change; developing a knowledge base to support responses to global scale threats; and finally, creating and applying the tools and approaches needed to iteratively manage the risks of global change.
Informed by an understanding of the threat that climate change poses to current and future children, pediatricians can play a valuable role in the societal response to this global challenge.
The scientific and societal relevance of improved understanding and response to a changing arctic ice cover has been underscored by a variety of planning documents.
My favorite quote from that paper is: «Because ENSO is the dominant mode of climate variability at interannual time scales, the lack of consistency in the model predictions of the response of ENSO to global warming currently limits our confidence in using these predictions to address adaptive societal concerns, such as regional impacts or extremes (Joseph and Nigam 2006; Power et al. 2006).»
As he explained, he didn't always practice law as he does now; instead, he pivoted over time and adjusted the structure of his practice in direct response to societal changes that he saw occurring around him:
«The reprimand or admonition that may have been seen as an acceptable penalty one or two decades ago is not, in our view, an acceptable regulatory response today, given the proper evolution of societal appreciation of the seriousness of sexual misconduct and the regulatory role of the Law Society in the public interest,» wrote panel chair Malcolm Mercer on behalf of the unanimous panel in reasons dated Jan. 16.
The responses provided a very interesting range of topics indicative of a number of things including the range of firms they are with; the stage they are at in their legal practice; their current happiness focus; and a broad societal focus.
Although these systems may not share similar mandates, espouse compatible philosophies, or re - spond to the same constituencies, they may provide societal and structural responses to the social development needs of children and youths, especially those in conflict or crisis.
She works for the constructive societal development in response to a growing awareness of social and political changes that undermine self - evident human rights and obstruct social and psychotherapeutic work.
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