Sentences with phrase «of society and culture»

Take classes regarding the important aspects of society and culture, focusing on techniques, values, language, social institutions and so on
Few professions have as great an impact on the future of our society and culture than the teachers who help instruct and mold young minds.
I think it is something that many Americans find difficult to grasp, primarily because of their very superficial notion of society and culture.
HT: Would you say that your paintings are critiques, considering that they so regularly assess the states of these communities, as well as the wider structures of society and culture?
Disarm / Clock (2013)-- one of a group of works started in 2008 in which weapons collected by the Mexican army and city governments are transformed into peaceful tools for the betterment of society and culture — functions as both a timepiece and an instrument, programmed to perform on its own at regular intervals.
The word «social change» refers to a progression in society, a paradigm shift forever changing the dynamics of a society and culture.
Ceramics have been around for almost as long as human history, and continue to be part of our society and culture.
«As a conservative, I identify with the tradition of American Individualism, the notion that individuals, not the government, are the most important units of our society and culture.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1996 Childbirth is the work of women as they labor and bear down with their uterine muscles to push their babies from the private inner world of their wombs into the larger world of society and culture.
On birth This article appears in the Sage Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Sage Publications, 2005 Until recently in human history, birth has been exclusively the work of the work of women as they labor and bear down with their uterine muscles to push their babies from the private inner world of their wombs into the larger world of society and culture.
He co-authored the Recreational Sport: Program Design, Delivery and Management textbook; and he also edited Youth Sport in America: The Most Important Issues in Youth Sports Today and Sports Global Influence: A Survey of Society and Culture in the Context of Sport.
Only a change in our institutional arrangements can halt the transformation of our society and culture by judges.
Heterosexual marriage, by its very nature, is an inherently stabilizing force of society and culture.
That is to say, in a technopoly, one's need for efficiency rather than social reform or greater philosophical or religious inquiry becomes the means and end, the subject and object, of society and culture.
Just as, in general, good works are distinct from faith and not to be identified with it, and yet are also demanded by faith and not to be separated from it, so justice in its political meaning as right structures of society and culture is both distinct from faith and demanded by it, and hence neither identifiable with faith nor separable from it.
«This world of ours is a new world,» wrote Robert Oppenheimer in 1963, «in which the unity of knowledge, the nature of human communities, the order of society, the order of ideas, the very notions of society and culture have changed and will not return to what they have been in the past» (Saturday Review of Literature, June 29, 1963, p. 11).
Clearly, the understanding of these matters that underlies the demand for justice in the specifically political sense is closely related to our distinctively modern historical consciousness, by which I mean our consciousness of ourselves as historical subjects who bear full responsibility for creating ourselves and one another in and through our creation of society and culture.
Both in its generally moral sense as right action and in its specifically political sense as right structures of society and culture, justice implies that it realizes the same divine interest in the interests of all that is expressed by God's own work of creation.
This world of ours is a new world, in which the unity of knowledge, the nature of human communities, the order of society, the order of ideas, the very notions of society and culture have changed and will not return to what they have been in the past.
Nature, especially in our time, is so integrated into the dynamics of society and culture that by now it hardly constitutes an independent variable.
The consortium describes the Templeton Foundation as having «made up to $ 3 million available for research grants to stimulate and sponsor new research insights directly pertinent to the «great debate» over purpose in the context of the emergence of increasing biological complexity, ranging from the biochemical level to the evolution of life andthe emergence of society and culture
We learn to read the labels on medicines at the pharmacy, and follow the commonly - known health advice of society and culture.
Many reproductions are beautifully done in color and all reflect charmingly on the spirituality and nature of their society and culture.
Tammy L. Anderson of the University of Illinois explained in «Drug Use and Gender» that drug abuse and addiction manifest «differently in the lives of males and females» due to «gender - based social organization of societies and cultures

Not exact matches

Beth Pickens, Managing Director of Global Consumer and Retail at William Blair, explains how society has shifted from a «need culture» to a «want culture» when it comes to retail.
A culture of anti-Semitism is a fertile ground for breeding extremism and terrorist sympathizers, while a society with no tolerance for anti-Semitism presents a unified front against their agenda.
These are things that are important to us as a culture and as a society and I only want to align myself with brands that have the same kind of cultural beliefs that I do.»
Making the case that greater openness is good for both company culture and society at large was Ijeoma Oluo, a Seattle - based writer, and Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments.
The most prominent hazard in this category is communicable diseases such as colds and the flu, and the reason they can knock out such large portions of your workforce depends partly on our society's working culture.
Manet, Monet, Degas, Cezanne, their peers, mentors, and legacies — to pick one of countless lineages — provoked discussion and debate in their time and affected society and culture forever.
Megatrends, per Bradford's PowerPoint, «are global, sustained, and macroeconomic forces of development that impact business, economy, society, culture, and personal lives, thereby defining our world and its increasing pace of change.»
In his new book A World of Three Cultures: Honor, Achievement and Joy, Basáñez defines and explains the history and significance of each of the three major world cultures in the areas of economics, politics, and Cultures: Honor, Achievement and Joy, Basáñez defines and explains the history and significance of each of the three major world cultures in the areas of economics, politics, and cultures in the areas of economics, politics, and society.
At the same time as CJNG's pseudo-insurgency and violence between self - defense groups, the UN Human Rights Council has found that the drug war's disruptions to Mexican society have deepened a culture of lawlessness and impunity.
After a seasonal stint as Editor of popular society blog «Guest of a Guest» in East Hampton, NY, Britta moved back to Minnesota and started working full - time as a Business Analyst for Target Corporation, while quickly adopting Minneapolis's thriving fitness culture.
This exposure to contemporary Asia has created a new bottom - up understanding of that region's cultures and societies, a stark difference from the more distant and top - down view our parents may have had when they were in their 20s and 30s.
They are exposed to the diversity and dynamics of Asian cultures and societies through grounded experiences and social networking.
For instance, Chinese firms have to be aware of roles of trade unions and labour laws that differ from those in China; be respectful to the diversity and equality that are the reality of Canadian culture and society; and be environment friendly that reflects Canadians value.
America's open society drives an entrepreneurial culture of risk taking, is accepting of failure, leading to creativity and innovation.
Many of them absorb much of their host culture, learning the language and customs that make up part of the fabric of that society.
I would assume it's because Chinese culture has strong social norms as the basis of the society, and people just collectively obey them.
In fact, the Tanach is very clear to the Jews that the only covenant they have (and will ever have) is the one pounded out between G - d and the Jews on Mt. Sinai (which, if you read the fine print AND the NT is allowed to be understood / interpreted by designated leaders in the Jewish society; Jesus believed those people to be the Pharisees and told his JEWISH followers to adhere to Pharisee teachings... the Pharisees were the honorable, compassionate end of the theology spectrum in the first century instead of the bad rap they get from a mis - reading of the NT (done generally with no comprehension of Jewish culture or historand will ever have) is the one pounded out between G - d and the Jews on Mt. Sinai (which, if you read the fine print AND the NT is allowed to be understood / interpreted by designated leaders in the Jewish society; Jesus believed those people to be the Pharisees and told his JEWISH followers to adhere to Pharisee teachings... the Pharisees were the honorable, compassionate end of the theology spectrum in the first century instead of the bad rap they get from a mis - reading of the NT (done generally with no comprehension of Jewish culture or historand the Jews on Mt. Sinai (which, if you read the fine print AND the NT is allowed to be understood / interpreted by designated leaders in the Jewish society; Jesus believed those people to be the Pharisees and told his JEWISH followers to adhere to Pharisee teachings... the Pharisees were the honorable, compassionate end of the theology spectrum in the first century instead of the bad rap they get from a mis - reading of the NT (done generally with no comprehension of Jewish culture or historAND the NT is allowed to be understood / interpreted by designated leaders in the Jewish society; Jesus believed those people to be the Pharisees and told his JEWISH followers to adhere to Pharisee teachings... the Pharisees were the honorable, compassionate end of the theology spectrum in the first century instead of the bad rap they get from a mis - reading of the NT (done generally with no comprehension of Jewish culture or historand told his JEWISH followers to adhere to Pharisee teachings... the Pharisees were the honorable, compassionate end of the theology spectrum in the first century instead of the bad rap they get from a mis - reading of the NT (done generally with no comprehension of Jewish culture or history).
The assumptions and techniques of psychology and therapy have found their way into business, schools, families, popular entertainment, and even the courts» so much so that it has become common to speak of our society as a «therapeutic culture
The argument of The Good Society is that Americans are people determined by a Lockean political culture» that is, one which emphasizes individual freedom and pursuit of individual influence» yet we are determined by a most un-Lockean economy and government.
«In trying to build a society that celebrates high self - esteem, self - expression, and «loving yourself,» Americans have inadvertently created more narcissists — and a culture that brings out the narcissistic behavior in all of us.»
In such works as Idea of a Christian Society, After Strange Gods, and Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, he turned away from firmly embedded nails and toward goads.
«Dear Society, If you think a woman in a tan vinyl bra and underwear, grabbing her crotch and grinding up on a dance partner is raunchy, trashy, and offensive but you don't think her dance partner is raunchy, trashy, or offensive as he sings a song about «blurred» lines of consent and propagating rape culture, then you may want to reevaluate your acceptance of double standards and your belief in stereotypes about how men vs. women «should» and are «allowed» to behave.
Those government acknowledgments of religion serve, in the only ways reasonably possible in our culture, the legitimate secular purposes of solemnizing public occasions, expressing confidence in the future, and encouraging the recognition of what is worthy of appreciation in society.
The so - called Greatest Generation created Lyndon Johnson's Great Society that metastasized welfarism and made permanent the culture of entitlement.
Yet shortly after the council, the high culture of the West took a sharp turn toward an aggressive and hegemonic secularism that now manifests itself as Christophobia: a deep hostility to gospel truth (especially moral truth) and a determination to drive Christians who affirm those truths out of public life and into a privatized existence on the margins of society.
«It is through the humanities principally,» says Coughlin, president of Gonzaga University from 1974 to 1996, «that the culture, values, and moral principles of the Judeo - Christian tradition are kept alive in Western society.
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