Sentences with phrase «of sociological factors»

This disparity does not appear to stem from any of the sociological factors that might distinguish women from men in current society; rather, the prevailing model is that women suffer from an accumulation of smaller disadvantages, which together result in longer time to tenure or to promotion to a full professorship, less pay compared with that for men who have similar credentials, and diminished representation at the top echelons of scientific society (Sonnert and Holton, 1996; Valian, 1998).
As a result, Rafter says, criminologists are now shifting their attention toward biological reasons for delinquent behavior after decades of trying to define crime mainly on the basis of sociological factors.

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In his lecture he failed to outline the important political, sociological and economic factors that account for this «unexpected» turn of events.
Typical factors of a psychological and sociological nature are of considerable consequence, for example, the typical make - up of the potential sectarian or of the sectarian leader, of the sectarian audience, of the urban parishioner, and of the ecclesiastical bureaucrat.
Looking at the varied interplay of these factors makes for a powerful and very successful sociological analysis that can be applied to many situations — businesses, churches, (including dioceses and parishes) as well as clubs, movements and whole nation states.
Something just isn't adding up when the sociological factors, not just the moral issues, become part of the picture.
With all available theological and sociological factor in our hands, we still are thrown back in wonder upon the «abysmal depths of personality» in the great prophets.
Presented When Breast Milk Feeding is Plan A: Sociological and Psychological Factors Influencing Women to Provide Their Milk Instead of Directly Breastfeeding Their Babies; and When Breast Milk Feeding is Plan B: Physical, Medical, and Physiological Factors that Interfere with Establishing Direct Breastfeeding.
The answer, evaluating the root cause of the problem, is well beyond the political measures and leaning towards sociological factors?
The first of section reviews the complex cultural, sociological and psychological factors that lead to evil (e.g., difficult life conditions, totalistic ideologies, devaluation of out - groups, the silence of bystanders).
Throughout the years, many scientists hypothesized many causes of anorexia, including biological, sociological and psychological factors.
Personality tests are the new answer for finding love Every researcher, whether psychological or sociological point of view, to explain how their personality test made a remarkable work of searching the compatibility factors to improve the results.
And just as crucially, he finds a similar connection between the subjective experiences of those committing violent acts and the sociological factors that deem those acts acceptable (and often assumed).
He also imparts the cultural implications and scientific nuances of food by combining the ever - popular gross - out factor with culinary, scientific, and sociological facts.
If you set aside conspiracy theories, and ignore the fact that sociological, sexual and racial factors often do stack the art - world deck against certain artists, this show allows you to understand why some moments are more doomed to the dustbin of history than others.
Keith Findley presented «Sociological / Psychological Factors and Wrongful Convictions: «Tunnel Vision,» Politics and Media» at the European Innocence Network Conference held at the University of Rome in October.
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