Sentences with phrase «of space plasma»

Since the Hermean magnetosphere occupies a unique position in the space plasma physics scenarios, the study of Mercury's magnetospheric processes will not only provide a clear picture of the planetary magnetosphere itself but it will also broaden our field of view of space plasma physics, in general.
«We had no understanding of space plasma physics back then, no clue, such as when we were designing Telstar [and other early satellites].
Another major space weather event resulted in an increase in background radiation that made it difficult for the Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms 3 (ASPERA - 3) instrument on - board Mars Express (MEX) to evaluate ion escape fluxes at Mars (Futaana et al. 2008).
He is widely considered to be a founding father of hybrid simulations of space plasmas, and his codes are among the most widely used and emulated tools for the study of intermediate scale dynamics in these media.

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It's true that space is a vacuum, but it's an imperfect vacuum because it contains a low density of particles like clouds of interstellar dust, space plasma, and cosmic rays.
Direct asymmetry measurement of temperature and density spatial distributions in inertial confinement fusion plasmas from pinhole space - resolved spectra
ARTIS combines the advantages of its infrastructure such as the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, with novel proposals in the blockchain space such as Plasma, Raiden and Sharding to solve for the two biggest issues that blockchain faces right now: sustainability and scalability.
The modeling helps scientists deduce important pieces of information for space weather forecasting — in this case, for the first time, the density of the plasma around the shock, in addition to the speed and strength of the energized particles.
This is an image of the Neptune thruster (right) with plasma expanding into a space simulation chamber.
Plasma propulsion is an important and efficient technology used to control spacecraft for Earth observation, communications and fundamental exploration of outer space.
«This beauty of HAARP is that it's a way to turn the ionosphere into a plasma lab where we can control the knobs and timing,» says Mark Moldwin, a professor of space sciences at the University of Michigan who is not involved with the current research.
Large space - weather events, such as geomagnetic storms, can alter the incoming radio waves — a distortion that scientists can use to determine the concentration of plasma particles in the upper atmosphere.
Some new concepts of plasma thrusters involve an expanding magnetic field called magnetic nozzle (MN), where the plasma is spontaneously accelerated to propel a spacecraft, when exhausted into space.
Plasma membrane Ca2 + - ATPases (PMCAs) are present in virtually all types of cells and transport Ca2 + to the extracellular space.
These plasmas get pulled into space and slow down the reconnection process, so the impact of the sun on the Earth is less violent.»
By combining observations from the ground and in space, the team observed a plume of low - energy plasma particles that essentially hitches a ride along magnetic field lines — streaming from Earth's lower atmosphere up to the point, tens of thousands of kilometers above the surface, where the planet's magnetic field connects with that of the sun.
Presumably, most of an FRB's dispersion comes from interactions with the tenuous plasma of the intergalactic medium, a vast cosmic web that stretches through the mostly empty space between galaxies.
The motions of objects beyond the heliosphere showed that the charged gas, or plasma, that fills the space between stars should be much denser outside the border than within, and the Voyager team was at last convinced of an exit from the heliosphere thanks to a sudden increase in plasma density.
The analog recordings, taken for 72 years since the early 20th century, provide a window onto space weather in the mid-1900s and shed light onto future patterns of plasma movement in near - earth space.
These energetic particles have to enter into what we call the heliosphere, which is the large volume of space that is dominated by our sun, through the solar wind, which is a plasma of electrons, atomic nuclei, and associated magnetic fields that are streaming nonstop from the sun.
In their new study, the BARREL researchers» major objective was to obtain simultaneous measurements of the scattered particles and of ionoized gas called plasma out in space near Earth's equator.
Researchers led by space physicist Chuanfei Dong of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Princeton University have recently raised doubts about water on — and thus potential habitability of — frequently cited exoplanets that orbit red dwarfs, the most common stars in the Milky Way.
The energy that powers space storms comes from clouds of plasma hurled at Earth by the sun.
Since the experiment fires protons at boron plasma, it effectively mimics cosmic rays crashing into plasmas in space, which may aid studies of high - energy particle behaviour, says Mac Low.
Either way, the explosion produces a superheated shell of plasma that expands outward into space at tens of millions of miles an hour.
Gurnett then used the frequency of the electron vibrations to calculate that plasma surrounding Voyager 1 was about 50 times as dense as scientists would expect inside the heliosphere, a sign that the spacecraft had entered interstellar space.
This had been predicted as a relic from when hot ionized plasma of the early universe first cooled sufficiently to form neutral hydrogen and allow space to become transparent to light, and its discovery led to general acceptance among physicists that the Big Bang is the best model for the origin and evolution of the universe.
Magnetic reconnection, in addition to pushing around clouds of plasma, converts some magnetic energy into heat, which has an effect on just how much energy is left over to move the particles through space.
The satellite — NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), a new ultraviolet space telescope — will examine the chromosphere, a long - ignored layer of plasma beneath the corona, in unprecedented detail.
For the first time, researchers have watched relatively cool parcels of plasma speed away from the surface of the sun and off into space, all the while cocooned in a million - degree flare.
Storms on the sun catapult charged particles into space at tremendous speeds, says plasma physicist Ruth Bamford of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, England.
While this allows scientists to understand some space plasma phenomena in detail, it is difficult to get a comprehensive picture of where the particles came from and where they're going.
The next generation of space probes is being powered by highly efficient electric plasma rockets.
Around the same time, scientists will begin testing a prototype of the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, or VASIMR, which expels searing hot plasma to produce thrust, at the International Space Station.
In blowout jets, the eruption of relatively cool plasma leads to magnetic reconnection too and this in turn drives the eruption of hot plasma, so that both hot and cold material are carried into space.
We go out into the interstellar medium, this is the gas between the stars like the sun, that too is mostly plasma — not all of it, some of it is in the form of neutral gas, but a large fraction of it is in the form of plasma — and then if we go outside the galaxy itself, into the space between the galaxies, the so - called intergalactic space, then again, that is mostly plasma.
Turbulence behavior in high - temperature plasma confined in the magnetic field is described mathematically through a dynamical equation in five - dimensional space (the three coordinates of space to which two components of particle velocity are added).
Data from SUVI will provide an estimation of coronal plasma temperatures and emission measurements which are important to space weather forecasting.
All that energy packed into such a tiny space creates a plasma of matter's fundamental building blocks, quarks and gluons, and thousands of new particles - matter and antimatter in equal amounts.
The study has implications for the understanding of magnetic nozzle plasma thrusters used to propel spacecraft in space, since the energy conversion is the essential process to determine the thruster performance.
Rather, it expands isothermally, implying that heating of the plasma occurs as it propagates through inter-planetary space.
In astronomy, a corona is the luminous plasma «atmosphere» of the Sun or other celestial body, extending millions of kilometres into space, most easily seen during a total solar eclipse, but also observable in a coronagraph.
In the space outside of Earth's magnetic shielding, astronauts will be vulnerable to the Sun's periodic belches of plasma and high - energy radiation.
The only issue related to the flip of the sun's magnetic field is that it corresponds with the peak of the sunspot cycle, when the sun is prone to launch flares and bursts of plasma into space that can effect satellites and power grids.
Cluster pioneered measurements of electric currents in space, revealed the nature of black aurorae, and discovered that plasma — a gas of charged particles surrounding Earth — makes «waves».
Understanding the behavior of plasma in outer space, and the interactions between plasma waves and particles is a fundamental question in geophysics.
A type of wave that can exist in a plasma (such as the region of space above Earth's aurora), which vibrates at an ion cyclotron frequency that corresponds to the ion type present (oxygen, helium, hydrogen, etc.).
Dan Winske is recognized for his seminal and definitive work in the field of basic plasma physics and its application to both laboratory and space plasmas.
The study of planetary atmospheres other than the Earth's, and in particular the study of the role of plasma - neutral interactions in their evolution, could contribute to our understanding of the long - term space weather (referred to also as space climate) effects and finally the origins of life itself (Yamauchi & Wahlund 2007).
Therefore, the strongest motivation for the current scientific review is the need for a synoptic organization of the available knowledge on the field of interactions at different planetary systems, in parallel with a comparative analysis encompassing the inter-connection among planetary space weather aspects belonging to different disciplines (e.g. plasma variability and its effects on atmospheric heating).
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