Sentences with phrase «of species loss»

If the current rate of species loss continues, people will lose several biodiversity benefits within three generations.
I'm also aware that the process of species loss occurs in slow motion, as well.
The polar bear has been the poster child of species loss risk from climate change, but the emergence of the extremely rare «grolar bear,» the offspring of a grizzly and a polar bear, is new evidence of how climate affects species.
«Evidence of species loss in Amazon caused by deforestation.»
And the worse news is that the world's countries have not lived up to their pledge under the Convention on Biological Diversity to reduce the rate of species loss by 2010.
«It has been predicted that more complex food webs will be less vulnerable to extinction cascades because there is a greater chance that other species can step in and buffer against the effects of species loss.
Now, a new dataset hosted by the Museum is helping researchers around the world find and predict patterns of species loss, and reveal what we can do to stop it.
Condemning Felis catus ignores the real causes of species loss, reveals a disturbing ignorance of the long - standing symbiotic relationship between outdoor cats and human civilization, and betrays a startling lack of understanding of the feeding habits of outdoor cats.
They stress that this does not negate the reality of the wave of species loss under way in an increasingly human - dominated planet:
Thanks to the Anthropocene, the world is now in the middle of «its sixth great extinction event, with rates of species loss growing rapidly for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
They compared the modern rate of species loss to the natural rates of species extinction before human activities dominated Earth, and found that people are actively participating in «a global spasm of biodiversity loss.»
One area at high risk of species loss in a warming world is the Miombo Woodlands in south - central Africa, home to African wild dogs.
This can be proved empirically, compared to the historical record and even early 20th century rates of species loss.
I would think that the rate of species loss can be much greater than the maximum rate of new species development (or creation if you wish; — RRB -.
Scientists have identified a «background rate» of species extinctions from the fossil record, which allows for a comparison to the current extinction rate, thus allowing us to assess the human impact on the rate of species loss.
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