Sentences with phrase «of species population»

To estimate the size of the species population, these citizen scientists visit 200 coastal sites over the course of three weeks where butterflies spend their winters.
Abstract To assess the role of human disturbances in species» extinction requires an understanding of the species population history before human impact.

Not exact matches

FORT BLISS, Texas — During my first couple days at Fort Bliss, I had heard smatterings from soldiers about a non-indigenous species of African antelope population that somehow inhabited the training grounds.
Shark populations around the world started to plummet, with more than a quarter of shark and ray species now at risk of extinction.
«By failing to adequately limit population growth, reassess the role of an economy rooted in growth, reduce greenhouse gases, incentivize renewable energy, protect habitat, restore ecosystems, curb pollution, halt defaunation, and constrain invasive alien species, humanity is not taking the urgent steps needed to safeguard our imperiled biosphere.»
Among other things, the MSC seeks proof that wild fish populations can endure current levels of exploitation, and that the fishery is not laying waste to other species or ecosystems.
The panel concluded it was uncertain whether Enbridge could successfully mitigate impacts on caribou populations and that there was insufficient knowledge on the effects of vessel traffic and noise on marine species.
There are a wide range of reproductive strategies resulting from the competing interests at various levels of selection, that is, the level of individual genes / gene clusters, the level of the individual and the level of the population / species.
That is, Druckenmiller can clue you to the shocking truth about your self - interest, which to defend you will need to vote Republican at all state and national levels of government, at least until the population of the endangered species Fiscally Conservative Democrat rebounds sufficiently.
I believe that throughout most of our early human history, when our species population was still relatively small, you simply didn't see rampant homosexuality.
About 10 % of the human population — and about the same percent of numerous other species, as well — are naturally attracted to those of their same gender.
-- Many species can not have viable populations consisting of a single male and a single female.
We know from the science of population genetics how many breeding pairs of a species are necessary in order to supply enough genetic diversity for a population to survive.
Reducing a breeding population to 1 pair, or 4 pair, or 7 pair, of any known species would result in that species going extinct in just a few generations.
The science (human population genetics) is clear that our species arose as a population, and that is what I have focused on (since that is my area of expertise).
This view accepts that humans share ancestry with all other forms of life, and that our species arose as a population, not through a single primal pair.
Given that the Cit - trait is a defining feature of E. coli, the population that gained Cit + are considered a new species.
Perhaps another population of the original species finds itself somewhere where they need good hand - eye coordination to catch their food.
With all due respect, if you'd read the actual study, you would see that this was not a whole genome sequence comparison; rather it was a comparison of mitochondrial 12S rDNA and 16S rDNA sequences for the purposes of confirming the species relationship between the Pod Mrcaru lizards (P. sicula), the source population from Pod Kopiste (also P. sicula), and the original indigenous population on Pod Mrcaru (P. mellisellensis).
In other words, in light of the dramatic morphological adaptations between the Pod Mrcaru and Pod Kopiste populations, the authors wanted to make sure these were the same species.
One is changed environmental conditions for a discrete subpopulation of the original population, such as when ice ages cause dramatic changes in sea levels, cutting species into subgroups.
We know that, the insect population is about 80 — 90 % of the entire 7,770,000 species, so making a conservative estimate, we will say it is 90 %.
I believe that there was no recent flood that reduced the population of every species to a single pair.
In times of population stressors (lack of food, ecological challenges, etc.) the rate of males in a species born gay increases.
The fast - increasing population also upsets the ecological balance between various species and their source of sustenance, by putting added strain on the natural resources of the earth.
«Catholic theology affirms that the emergence of the first members of the human species (whether as individuals or in populations) represents an event that is not susceptible of a purely natural explanation and which can appropriately be attributed to divine intervention.»
The mechanism of the evolutionary process is natural selection, the successful, that is to say capable of survival and propagation of the species, adaptation of species and populations to their environment.
Populations of microorganisms are also evolving into new species in lab experiments, and there are also the cases of Peppered Moths evolving due to pollution and fish developing resistance to toxic waste.
Regarding observations of speciation within the fossil record, we now know we shouldn't expect to see Darwin's proposed gradualism given the relatively short time scales and the probability of capture within the fossil record (i.e. new species populations will be small and less likely to be reflected).
Jay McDaniel is not pleased that the vision of a world in which a much smaller population shares space and resources generously with other species has become unrealistic.
There are many animal species that have a percentage of their population that is EXCLUSIVELY attracted to the same gender and NEVER in their lifetime mate with the opposite gender.
Evolution speaks of mutations in nature that occur that make one «version» of a species survive better in their environment in a given «population».
Global warming, population explosion, extinction of many species, maintaining the human environment — all this involves South Africa.
But we have not learned to respond to slow changes with long - term effects such as the population explosion, the increasing extinction of species and the deterioration of the environment.
Rivet popping on spaceship Earth consists of doing things that cause the extermination of populations of nonhuman organisms and even whole species.
This analysis is paired with highly quantitative accounts of the various links between population growth; hunger and poverty; pollution and atmospheric change; the extinction of species; and the effects of militarism.
The most passionate argument in the book, in a chapter on declining Jewish population, pleads that, after the Holocaust, Jews are an endangered species, deserving protection and enhancement for the sake of diversity, like the bald eagle: «You have friends who work to rescue endangered animal and plant species, so you know why this matters.»
In February 2015, a sub-population of Murray hardyhead were translocated to this site from the South Australian Riverland, as part of ongoing efforts by several agencies to restore the population of this endangered fish species.
Translocation has started at Brickworks Billabong, in an attempt to establish self - sustaining populations and build further resilience of this species in the region.
Special emphasis is given to the protection of big trees as habitat for migratory and local bird populations and other wildlife species — a requirement not present in SAN's current 2010 standard.
If these species are represented by healthy, self - sustaining populations it indicates that there are some large, contiguous patches of classic cerrado habitat being preserved.
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder aims to create or support breeding events and recruitment so that over the long - term a species» population features a range of ages (young to old).
They used information on birds and trees in landscapes with different levels of production output to project how different species» population sizes would respond to different ways of using the land.
The weed species and biomass were similar in the two systems; however, with timely removal they did not form large populations or affect the growth of the strawberries.
Declines in populations of pollinators now threaten both the yields of major food crops and the survival of wild plant species.
The breeding populations of a number of bird species in Western European farmland have declined in the past decades.
Maui Nui Venison, a sustainable operation based in Hawaii, harvests wild Axis Deer on the islands of Maui and Moloka'i to keep the invasive species populations under control, and through partners like Nicky USA, provides this truly wild protein to consumers.
When the birds migrated last spring there were 26 whooping cranes left — in the entire population of the species.
On Thursday, the museum — which bills itself as the oldest in Chicago — will turn out some of its rarer animal specimens, including a small rodent called a southern rock vole and two specimens of prairie chicken, a species whose population has rapidly declined due to habitat destruction.
Since late February, researchers from the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum and Lincoln Park Zoo have been monitoring levels of cortisol (known as the stress hormone) in three species that have been reintroduced or restored by the forest preserve: wood frogs (designated as «in great need of conservation» in Illinois); spotted salamanders, a rare species for northeastern Illinois; and spring peepers, a frog species whose local populations are in decline.
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