Sentences with phrase «of specific animals»

Actually, in the board game itself, you'll see houses of specific animals.
Avoid foods that list vague descriptions, such as «meat» or «meat meals,» instead of a specific animal protein.
Your gift of at least $ 50 will go toward the care of a specific animal waiting to be adopted.
Under certain circumstances (e.g. addressing overpopulation of specific animal species), we do consider ecological management strategies that include lethal control methods such as hunting.
The absence of mention of a specific animal source leaves us without information about the origin of this ingredient.
The pack sizes are for the size of the specific animal, so always buy the brand for the right animal and for the weight they have.
Freedom to discuss the behavior of the dog and the background of that specific animal would hopefully decrease the stigma that the public places on pit bull dogs.
I often share and send out pics of specific animals to people who I think the animal would be a good fit.
Ensure your pet is neutered or spayed at the right time for the health of the specific animal.
Check the profile of a specific animal to determine their adoption fee.
This list is not indicative of any specific animal and should only be viewed as a scientific study.
Do you see these paintings as portraits of specific animals, or are they broader reflections of your surroundings?
Actually, in the board game itself, you'll see houses of specific animals.
Existing methods of carbon footprinting are primarily designed to quantify total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a particular farm, and are therefore unable to provide information on environmental performances of specific animals.
«Researchers have known for decades about carnivorous behaviours by tool - making hominins dating back 2.5 million years, but now, for the first time, we have direct evidence of exploitation by our Stone Age ancestors of specific animals for subsistence,» says Nowell.
Seeds and nuts are also packed with other important minerals like selenium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus, often in levels quite a bit higher than animal sources, and seeds and nuts are something that would have been easier for someone in a large group of hunter / gatherers to come across at a high frequency (daily) compared to organ meats of specific animals.
Despite Tulsa's absence of a specific animal abuse Ordinance, the Tulsa Animal Welfare website is extremely helpful in understanding how to identify abuse and neglect and how to properly report it.
Or a housemate's allergy may act up in the presence of specific animals.
Instead of a specific animal shelter or rescue, this week PetravelR ™ is devoting our Adopt a Friend page to the Gwinnett Bunny Confiscation & Rescue.
Understanding the husbandry of specific animals is essential.
The defendant also sought to argue that for the purposes of fulfilling subs 2 (2)(c) what was required was specific knowledge on the part of the keeper of the allegedly dangerous propensity of the specific animal.
The natural inclinations of a specific animal or breed need to be taken into account.
If you would like to donate funds for the care of a specific animal, contact the Humane Society (contact Candy Power - 523-3284).
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