Sentences with phrase «of specific dates of»

Both archives display a list of specific dates of when a blog was archived.

Not exact matches

But I think over time because Hinge is getting better and better, you'll be able to use it for a broad array of purposes and one of them will be if you're serious about finding a specific kind of person, it will actually be a great platform for that and still in a much lighter - weight way then having to fill out a whole profile and just using people's ambient information because there's so much information that already exists about people through their interactions that they already have through Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and all these different kinds of platforms that allow us to match you up probably better than stuff you would say about yourself on an online dating site because frankly its more validated and it's more real.
With no current plans to accept Apple Pay (though down the line it, and other mobile wallets, could well be a payment option within Walmart Pay), and no set launch date for MCX (never mind that as the product of consortium, that mobile app will not be set up to meet Walmart's specific needs), Walmart could wait no longer without risking missing out on a major shift in customer behavior.
According to the most thorough study on goal setting to date, by psychologists Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, very specific and challenging goals such as «Create three logo variations by the end of the day» push people to work harder than nonspecific goals like «Work on logo variations.»
At the beginning of the year, come up with a marketing plan with specific dates and ideas.
Using astrology to decode your wedding date is a specific form of «electional astrology,» which focuses on the planets» positions at the time of important events and decisions in people's lives.
Record the date of the conversation; whom you spoke to; the specific commitment the person made to you; and finally, what you ever - so - calmly threatened to do if the commitment was not met.
Several of the financial filings note that the state and federal prosecutors want information regarding specific insulins for specific dates in relation to «trade practices.»
«All you need is a signed and witnessed document that specifies that the buy - sell agreement will be terminated as of a specific date,» says Landau.
Dates of historical events, mathematical formulas, the name of specific biological structures or whatever.
Merely setting a specific retirement date, even if it's decades in the future, increases your likelihood of saving.
Perhaps this will include research and development of drugs for other diseases, albeit with fewer researchers, but to date, neither the amount the company will save nor its specific use of these freed - up resources has been detailed.
Before finalizing and implementing the specific calendar of fixed dates, including the day of the week and time of day for announcements, the Bank invited interested Canadians to provide their views on the new fixed - date system.
The coins are worth more in material from a specific date, you hoard pennies of that time range and can sell them to collectors or melt them down for the copper which has a much higher cost than the actual penny.
an interest - bearing promise to pay a specified sum of money (the principal amount) on a specific date; bonds are a form of debt obligation; categories of bonds are corporate, municipal, treasury, agency / GSE
If you are a shareholder of record and you indicate that you wish to vote as recommended by our Board or if you sign, date and return a proxy card but do not give specific voting instructions, then the proxy holders will vote your shares in the manner recommended by our Board on all matters presented in this Proxy Statement, and the proxy holders may determine in their discretion regarding any other matters properly presented for a vote at our Annual Meeting.
But reporting on Cambridge Analytica's use of Facebook data to influence elections for specific campaigns dates back for years — including details about how the data was being collected.
These funds feature a mix of investments that is professionally managed with a specific target date in mind.
In my opinion, the Intel complaint does not do a very good job in linking the asserted underperformance of the plan's target date portfolios (TDPs) to specific hedge fund and private equity positions taken by the plan.
Choose specific dates and times to post, or simply add to a queue that's hooked up to one of your pre-set schedules.
While he took great pains to point out that it's still months away from his July start date and by that time «the UK economy might be in an entirely different place,» he did attempt to clarify his position on specific points such as inflation (he supports a continued course of «flexible regulation») and further stimulus (he's for it, should the British economy need it).
The information regarding specific portfolio companies is presented to illustrate examples of the types of investments that Sapphire Ventures may have made or recommended as of a particular date.
If you wish to have data copies as of specific dates that you can restore, you will also need to create manual backups using Sage 50 Accounting.
Convertible bonds, which are bonds that may be exchanged for a specific amount of a company's stock at a future date, may be priced inefficiently compared with the value of a company's stock or its straight bonds.
Please note that this content was created as of the specific date indicated and reflects the authors» views as of that date.
This allows us to provide up - to - date rental data without the time lag of the Census and HUD and with metro - specific growth trends.
The central bank made a concerted effort starting late last year to divorce its «forward guidance» on interest rates, what it tells markets about the expected future path of policy, from specific calendar dates.
Official recession calls are the responsibility of the NBER Business Cycle Dating Committee, which is understandably vague about the specific indicators on which they base their decisions.
A solid economic calendar will provide not only the dates and times of the release of economic data releases, but will also contain information about company - specific financial releases, expert predictions, important scheduled meetings and speeches, and more.
To date, four of 11 baseline reports that have been filed with the DOGAMI have been approved without change by the specific state agency responsible for the subject matter of the report.
Net asset value (NAV) is value per share of a mutual fund or an exchange - traded fund (ETF) on a specific date or time.
In terms of the impact of specific blockchain companies, few have done more for the global banking industry to date than Ripple.
Suppose you knew ahead of time that a specific market or commodity like oil, gold, or technology was expected to jump an average of $ 1.75 per share on a specific date, and that move was going to take place over a precisely detailed period of time?
Unlike most types of bond mutual funds which maintain a constant duration, Defined Maturity Funds allow the duration of the fund to shorten naturally, by buying bonds which all mature around a specific maturity date, and holding those bonds to maturity.
(e) Not later than 60 days from the date of this order, agencies shall report to the President, through the Director of the National Economic Council, recommendations on agency - specific actions that eliminate barriers to competition, promote greater competition, and improve consumer access to information needed to make informed purchasing decisions.
Suppose you knew ahead of time that just one of the top 325 stocks or ETFs was expected to jump an average of $ 1.75 per share on a specific date, and that move was going to take place over a precisely detailed period of time?
In the days since UK Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed the date of the referendum, markets have experienced some volatility focused on UK - specific assets; spreads for some UK issuers of euro - denominated bonds have widened considerably for no apparent reason, which suggests to us that a lot of Europeans are selling their UK exposure.
The borrowing company or the government makes a promise to pay back the borrowed amount on a specific date and also pays a periodic interest to the lender in return for the use of funds.
Investors are encouraged to consult with their financial advisers regarding the specific implications of buying or selling Marriott International common stock on or before the distribution date.
Contributions of restricted stock to a public charity or donor - advised fund account are generally deductible at fair market value on the date of contribution, but may be subject to discount based on the specific restrictions.
The simple definition of Qualified dividends means income from corporations that meet a specific criterion like incorporated in the US or in a country that has a tax treaty with the US, stocks owned more than 60 days prior to the ex-dividend date, etc etc..
Among other factors, the Talent and Compensation Committee considers the level of representation of women in executive officer and managerial positions when making appointments and considering succession planning; however, the Company does not have a specific target number or date by which to achieve a specific number of women, as it considers a multitude of factors in determining the best person for any position.
We get a young earth / universe and a general date of around 6,000 years because the Bible is very specific on time.
In addition, the table of specific rock samples dated used isochron dating.
While each relationship will be unique, it's worthwhile to have a specific set of conversations before starting to date.
The only difference between this group of loonies and general Christians is that general Christians haven't pegged a specific date to their «rapture».
Possibly you have just voiced your complaints to a supportive ear (gossip) about specific musicians in your church community who are out - of - date.
Under modern conditions, with changes occurring so rapidly that most specific occupational preparation becomes quickly out of date, it even appears that a fundamental liberal education is the best vocational education, for it develops the powers of imagination needed to meet new situations and the understanding of interrelationships required by life in an increasingly interdependent civilization.
If his published writings to date have not lifted up these concerns, this no doubt reflects the attention of the general culture and the churches rather than the specific consequences of his own theology.
Austin, The only way you can establish that you do have the gift of prophesy would be to publish each one with specific detail (date / time, who, what, where) so that the event could be compared to the prophesy.
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