Sentences with phrase «of spiritual truth»

You will learn of the spiritual truth, in like manner, in time.
... to being a seeker of spiritual truth, but the more I read of his posts it seems obvious that he has arrived.
We are also living out a tangible representation of the spiritual truth: We are many members of one body -LRB-
However, if he remains true to his Divine Will as reflected in the Law, it will not be sufficient for him to raise up religious truth in a sporadic fashion without any line of direction or fulfilment: «if God is the Environer of the soul of man, then from the very beginning of man there must be, within his personality and within the complex of human society a God - evoked and God directed line of spiritual truth, and good, and spiritual authority».
= > There is no necessity for the flood story to be anything more than a massive collection of spiritual truths that explain relationship between God and man, good and evil, life and death all in accordance with the plan of creation for the salvation of souls.
It might be the knowledge of spiritual truth called in Mark «the secret of the kingdom of God» (Mk 4:11), but this is only one guess among many.
Statements affirming particular facts may be found to have value as pictorial expressions of spiritual truths, even though the supposed facts themselves did not actually happen.
«And now let those of true faith extendeth thine right leg to the center of our Circle of Spiritual Truth.
You value your beliefs over any honest critique; you prize your determination of spiritual truth over hard facts that discredit your position; you allow any excuse that will do in order to hold onto your world view.
The Bible is to me a priceless treasury of spiritual truth, and from it have come the basic ideas and ideals on which the best of our democratic culture is founded.
As the druids seek to remain in power and prevent the pair from changing their ancient, Celtic ways, will Taran find the price of spiritual truth and liberty more than his heart can bear?
Instead of spiritual truth or a revolution, the grid suggests a network too open and unbalanced to add up, far too complete to avoid entrapment.
We are also living out a tangible representation of the spiritual truth: We are many members of one body (1 Corinthians 12:12 - 14).
As God is the Environer of the soul of man, then from the beginning of man there must be, within his personality and within the complex of human society, a God - evoked and God - directed line of spiritual truth, goodness and spiritual authority, with the fullness of development within it.
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