Sentences with phrase «of stair gate»

The top of stair gate by Evenflo is made of stylish wood that fits in with any decor and can expand from 30 to 48 inches.
This solved the top of stairs gate issue as well as eliminated damage to the brick and the banister.
Choose from an extensive range of stair gates, baby monitors, thermometers and useful products to baby proof your home.
The HomeSafe Top of Stairs Gate offers one of the most unique looks of the entire bunch.

Not exact matches

After walking up a set of stairs and through a rather beastly locked metal gate, I arrived onto an empty rooftop at Google's Mountain View, Calif. headquarters.
Compared to make budget pet gates, this gate offers a generous height of 32 inches, and it can be used in doorways, hallways, and at the top or bottom of stairs.
She's on the mend, but we're watching her and... we've installed baby gates at both sets of stairs.
Again, don't use a wood or plastic pressure - mounted gate at the top of stairs, but if you need a gate to keep your baby out of a certain room or area, you'll be just fine with one.
If you have no staircase doors, install hardware - mounted safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs; spring - mounted gates are not advised.
I'd recommend using a metal, hardware - mounted gate at the top of stairs.
Remember when your child was a toddler and you put baby gates across the stairs, locks on the cabinet doors and you put all your breakables out of his reach?
Its simple push - to - close feature allows the gate to lock easily, making it perfect for the top or bottom of stairs.
Stairs can be one of the most intriguing places for newly mobile babies, so make sure you put a gate at the top and the bottom, or put another plan in place to always monitor them near sStairs can be one of the most intriguing places for newly mobile babies, so make sure you put a gate at the top and the bottom, or put another plan in place to always monitor them near stairsstairs.
using safety gates at bedroom doors and at both the top and bottom of stairs (for babies or toddlers)
The top of the stairs is the most critical point, so you should start by putting a baby gate there.
Properly install a safety gate at the door of your child's room to prevent the baby from ever even reaching the top of the stairs.
When choosing between different hardware - mounted baby gate brands, you will need to note the difference between gates intended for the bottom of the stairs and for the top of the stairs.
Pressure - mounted baby gates are not recommended for use at the top of stairs, even to avoid paying the extra price of holes in your walls.
That's why the hardware - mounted baby gate for the top of the stairs is a must!
Hardware Mounted (meaning secured with screws) baby safety gates are useful in many applications such as for the top and bottom of stairs, to restrict access to rooms, around fireplaces or any just to keep your baby away from a danger in your home.
Pressure and tension mounted gates for example should never be used at the top of stairs regardless of what the manufacturer claims.
Good thing about this gate is that it is easy to install because you can use it with or without baseboards and is practical for the top of the stairs as that part of the house requires a tough protection.
I would just move the gate up to the 5th stair but the wall with the handrail is not flush (some kind of mop board trim happening there) and the actual handrail prevents our gate from being secure since it's in the way.
-LSB-...] done a fair job of babyproofing for boys, gating off the stairs, and watching for falls.
A pressure mounted gate should NEVER be used at the top of stairs regardless of what the manufacturer claims.
We also used two 9 inch extensions instead of the 24 inch pieces that came with the bottom of the stairs baby safety gate to create a smaller footprint leaving more room at the entry way into the home.
Use a baby gate that actually screws into the wall, especially at the top of the stairs, since these are more secure than other pressure - mounted baby safety gates.
We installed gates at the top and bottom of stairs with custom no holes banister clamps.
Top of Stairs Baby Gate — Irvine, CA The staircase picture below may look steep to you as an adult, so imagine what it may look like to a small child, and what the consequences of him or she falling from this height may be.
Safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs should be securely mounted to the wall and have a locking handle that can be operated with one hand.
My littler two were both stair climbers and I looked for gate options when the bigger one was trying to climb, and we have a lot of the same issues as you have with the architecture.
He's a little daredevil and although he's really good at climbing, he hasn't mastered the reverse which leaves me in need of a baby gate since sitting on the stairs all day is proving to be less effective for all the other areas of my life.
Keep the gates up until you are convinced that your child can walk up and down the stairs safely, usually at around three years of age (after which time he will likely learn how to bypass the gate anyway).
Pressure mounted gates should NEVER be used at the top of stairs.
Child safety gate for top of stair Statistically each year, more than 2,5 million children are treated in emergency rooms for fall - related injuries.
Custom Baby Safety Gate Install in San Juan Capistrano Baby Safe Homes installed an extra wide gate at the top of the staGate Install in San Juan Capistrano Baby Safe Homes installed an extra wide gate at the top of the stagate at the top of the stairs.
The first thing we do to instill a bit of control on our day is gate off the stairs, so that the boys have to stay on the same level.
Some gates are suitable for the top of the stairs, some for the bottom, some are suitable to limit a child's access to a certain room, or to keep him away from a dangerous hazard as could be a fireplace.
We use a different type of gate, the kind you showed wouldn't work on our stairs.
The gate comes with secured mounted hardware that is especially important if you are planning to secure the top of the stairs.
The clients wanted baby safety gates installed at the top and bottom of the stairs.
There is also a kit for the bottom of the stairs that fastens a pressure mounted gate to a baluster.
But until then, remove items from his reach, use gates to keep him away from the stairs, and install locks to keep him out of stuff he shouldn't get into.
As a rule of thumb, when choosing a baby gate for the stairs, only gates that physically mount to the wall should be used to secure the tops of staircases.
Once your baby starts crawling, you need to keep an eye on them as they can vanish from sight in a second; make sure you get stair gates to prevent them from falling down the stairs and put locks on the kitchen cupboards so that your baby can't get hold of any dangerous substances.
Whether you need to keep your crawler out of the kitchen or away from the stairs or your toddler in his room at 5 am, a gate is a hands down MUST.
Using pressure - mounted gates is not recommended at the top of stairs — they can give way under pressure (such as a child throwing his body against it).
It would be best if you put safety gates at the bottom as well as the top of your stairs so that the baby doesn't get hurt while moving up or down.
One of the most necessary measures is by choosing a safety gate for your stairs where your kids are probably in danger of falling.
If you're concerned about your child sleepwalking during night terrors, fasten a gate at the bedroom door or at the top of the stairs.
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