Sentences with phrase «of state attorneys general»

The department reached out to a group of state attorneys general — the top law enforcement officials at the state level — that earlier joined the review, the source said.
We monitor and anticipate trends and developments that may affect our clients and offer comprehensive representation with respect to all aspects of state attorneys general activities.
You'll also find helpful guides to tenant rights and landlord - tenant law on the website of your state attorney general's office or consumer protection agency.
In 2012, a group of state attorney general's launched an investigation on the credit reporting bureaus.
Others have asked for the matter to be addressed — either through an investigation or an advisory opinion — by the office of state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
The action claims that the nonprofits initially «assured Dr. Kaloyeros that they would bear the expense associated with his individual representation» after the offices of state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara began investigating FRMC and FSMC in 2015.
A new coalition of state attorneys general gave vocal notice to fossil fuel companies on Tuesday that obfuscating the realities of climate change has put ExxonMobil and its peers under the searchlight of a broadening multistate investigation.
Last summer, in the midst of Amazon's dispute with Hachette, when Amazon began deliberately suppressing Hachette authors» sales in order to drive a wedge between the publisher and its authors, we worked behind the scenes, writing a series of white papers that led to meetings with the DOJ and a number of state attorneys general.
Cuomo has issued an executive order that puts the office of the state attorney general in charge of investigating killings by police.
Two sources say the situation has also sparked the attention of state Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman.
he was a onetime professional associate of state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, although Schneiderman refuted the association.?
To find out whether there have been any complaints about the school, contact your local Better Business Bureau, state higher education agency, or the consumer protection division of your state attorney general's office.
ALBANY — The sudden resignation of state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will set off a scramble in New York politics that will culminate, soon, in an appointment of his successor by the New York state Legislature.
Pruitt is part of a group of state attorneys general who are suing the EPA over its Clean Power Plan, which seeks to trim greenhouse gas emissions related to electricity generation.
She also assisted in the research and legal analysis for privacy and cybersecurity issues for discussions as well as articles such as The Privacy Policymaking of State Attorney General by Danielle Keats Citron published in the Notre Dame Law Review.
Malik is one of the highest - ranking biopharma officials to date named in the probe by dozens of state attorneys general for alleged price fixing; Mylan is strongly denying the claims.
Shareholders may also raise questions over the very high interest rates the bank charges to financially strapped customers who resort to so - called payday loans, which are in the sights of state attorneys general.
Shortly afterward, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a conference of state attorneys general that he is «dubious» about the benefits of pot.
A major aim is to prevent any repeat of state attorneys general or other regulators emulating Eliot Spitzer's $ 1.4 billion in fines against Wall Street companies for their improper behavior and close - down of Arthur Andersen.
The mayor said the city's lawyers are staying on top of the issue, and plan to follow the lead of the state Attorney General's office.
Steve Kerwin of the state attorney general's office, however, argued that was taking «too narrow» a view of the Census law, adding that the Senate GOP «faces a nearly impossible standard.»
That's why a committee of state Attorneys General have been taking enforcement action against these mortgage servicers.
As days passed it emerged that Eliot Spitzer had requested the offices of state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo (son of Mario) and Albany County D.A. David Soares to open files on Joe Bruno.
In a memorandum supporting the bill, the ASPCA noted several instances of not - for - profit shelters in New York being accused of wrongdoing, including Friends of Freddie Pet Rescue on Long Island, the target of a state Attorney General probe and a class - action lawsuit accusing it of selling sick puppies.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo laid out a plan to tighten anti-bribery laws last week and the Independent Democratic Conference later would release a kitchen sink - style package of bills ranging from campaign finance changes to strengthening the role of the state attorney general.
Two Manhattan companies that promise to give job applicants training and top - paying jobs for a cash fee of $ 400 were shut down by a judge at the request of the state attorney general.
A group of state attorneys general representing 17 states, (including AG Eric Schneiderman), said it will pursue investigations into fossil fuel companies accused of misleading the public — including the ongoing investigation into potential fraud by ExxonMobil.
In the letter to Rep. Lamar Smith, Frosh writes the House inquiry into the investigation is interfering with the work of the state attorneys general.
Members of the state attorney general's office have inquired about municipal energy projects in Rensselaer County in the wake of an investigation of a Warren County cogeneration plant project that could have resulted in criminal charges had prosecutors decided to go that route.
* New York's 25th district: For months, we've wondered whether the expected strong showing of state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer (D) and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) at the top of the ticket would have a trickle down effect in Upstate New York.
He maintained the city is compliance with federal code — which the letter references — and pointed out the executive order was drafted with the guidance of the state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's Office and the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
The same can not be said of state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman — a longtime de Blasio ally — or of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara or of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, three Democrats who have worked with the administration in the past and who are now probing the mayor's relationships with contributors.
Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano's administration plans to hire a «correctional health care monitor» in the wake of a state attorney general's office lawsuit that accuses inmate medical care vendor Armor Correctional Health Care Services of providing woefully deficient care at the county jail.
However, county Democratic party leaders said Tuesday that the seriousness of the state attorney general's allegations demands swift action be taken to protect the county against further liability.
Notably left off Cuomo's law enforcement proposal today was any mention of the state attorney general, who has repeatedly asked for more power when it comes to investigating public integrity cases.
The interference from Cuomo's office, as outlined in the Times report, could fall under state obstruction laws, which would make any criminal violations the purview of state attorney general Eric Schneiderman.
New York Solicitor General Barbara Underwood has assumed the responsibilities of the state attorney general until a successor to Eric Schneiderman is in place, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday.
Attorney General Opinion: Formal or informal responses of the state attorney general to legal questions.
In the letter, Smith says the UCS is conspiring with a score of state attorneys general to work ``... against those who have questioned the causes, magnitudes, or best ways to address climate change.»
Healey called the Exxon lawsuits an «unprecedented step» to «squash the prerogative of state attorneys general to do their jobs.»
This campaign was started last year and has taken its newest steps recently with a meeting of state attorneys general who vowed to launch «investigations into whether fossil fuel companies misled investors and the public on the impact of climate change.»
But remember that during his tenure as attorney general of Oklahoma, Pruitt led the coalition of state attorneys general suing the EPA over the Clean Power Plan.
On Tuesday, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in favor of the Environmental Protection Agency — and against a legion of state Attorneys General and industry groups — on the EPA's greenhouse gas Endangerment Finding.
Yesterday, an attorney named John Eastman formally filed his candidacy for the elected position of State Attorney General in California.
«Stop the Texts, Stop the Wrecks» is a new anti-distracted driving campaign that was launched today by the Organization of State Attorneys General with the goal of putting an end to teen's texting behind the wheel.
She has also worked on behalf of state attorneys general in Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Utah, among others.
The preceding year saw the saw the launch of a State Attorneys General Practice in DC, the relocation of six of the firm's 24 offices and the acquisition of Chicago firm Meckler Bulger Tilson, making Cozen one of the fastest growing Am Law firms of 2015.
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