Sentences with phrase «of state authority»

All are legal extensions of state authority, and, at a high level, I support all four.
Because it raises questions of state authority versus local control, the proposal immediately sparked controversy.
She described taking on the role of state authority, how that authority was recognized, and how strange it was for her.
«Arresting him is a callous exercise of state authority», he noted.
The two - kingdoms theory allowed too much disengagement on one side and too much acceptance of state authority on the other.
Using a cross-national, within - country design, Lee examined the levels of state authority between provinces that border another state.
Kaplan tellingly notes, «Almost all of his great civil libertarian decisions reversed the actions of state authorities in Quebec.»
Much of this state authority has been delegated to local communities, which enact ordinances, but there are many state laws that strongly influence sheltering.
United States Attorney Preet Bharara's attention has been drawn away from his normal stomping grounds to Buffalo, intrigued by what critics say is a shadowy network of state authorities and state - controlled non-profits handing out large business subsidies and contracts with little to no oversight.
In particular, the group is concerned that «the statutory independence of state authorities is being undermined, if not destroyed.»
His creation and creative use of state authorities to bypass the legislature and the cap on state borrowing did not involve consultation, discussion or Gov. Cuomo would say the «paralysis of transparent analysis.»
In addition, he pointed out that Cuomo's Executive Order 95, which established the state open data policy, is being ignored when it comes to publishing an inventory of datasets to be released and highlighted the lack of transparency of state authorities» transactions related to procurement and real estate, and an «unlimited need» to scrape data available on PDFs and other non-machine readable formats and turn it into «digitized tabular data.»
Dan Doctoroff made an economic engine of the public - private partnerships Paterson said could supplant colonies of state authorities.
We're talking about near - obsequious touting of state authority.
The mandate was especially shady because it required that parents either show valid California ID or admit to not having any — a frightening prospect for an undocumented immigrant in the presence of state authorities.
In reality, they are about to matter a lot more now that the United States Congress is poised to reauthorize its central education policy for the first time in thirteen years — and usher in an era of state authority on everything from school accountability to teacher education policies.
coerced confessions, [Footnote 16] by the use of perjured testimony known by the prosecution to be such, [Footnote 17] or without the effective assistance of counsel, [Footnote 18] have also been held to be exertions of state authority in conflict with the fundamental rights protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.
In my 2009 comment on this case, when it was still pending before the Quebec Superior Court, I was hopeful that the law was rapidly moving towards holding states, and individuals acting under colour of state authority, accountable for breaches of jus cogens norms.
Section 1178 also carves out, in sections 1178 (b) and 1178 (c), certain areas of state authority that are not limited or invalidated by the provisions of part C of title XI: these areas relate to public health and state regulation of health plans.
There is no presumption that the power will be arbitrarily exercised, and, when it is shown to be thus exercised against the individual, under sanction of state authority this court has not hesitated to interfere for his protection, when the case has come before it in such manner as to authorize the interference of a Federal court.»
When Benjamin Meier Lawsky, the Superintendent of the Department of Financial Services (DFS) announced the BitLicense proposal, the entire Bitcoin community at the time was quite appreciative of the willingness of the State authority to make collaboration happen.
Lastly, the Court agreed with the General Court that «having regard to its nature and its purpose, the construction of that runway did not, as such, fall within the exercise of State authority».
Today there is no legal status in Ukraine... We have a working group at the level of state authorities.
There is one point on which the Court disagreed with the General Court however, finding its considerations «admittedly unsuitable, by reason of their general nature and because they might also apply to certain activities which fall within the exercise of State authority, for establishing the economic nature of a given activity of airport infrastructure construction» (paragraph 47).
Moreover, the General account duly took account of the fact that the construction of the new southern runway could not be linked, as such, by its nature or purpose, to the exercise of State authority.
A distinction between the construction and the operation is not relevant in that respect, but it needs to be examined whether the new infrastructure (or an extension of it) serves, by its nature or purpose, the exercise of an economic activity, rather than the exercise of State authority.
that both provisions were fashioned to protect an identical class of persons, and to reach every exercise of state authority.
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