Sentences with phrase «of state standardized tests»

Under a court - ordered deadline, both sides agreed to include measures of student academic progress, including the use of state standardized test scores.
But one contested item that won't make too much of a difference for school districts is the rate at which students have chosen to opt out of state standardized tests.
We want a balance of state standardized tests and locally designed district - approved assessments.
Deasy and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who wrote a 1999 amendment to the Stull Act requiring the use of state standardized test scores in teacher reviews, also hailed the decision.
Opponents of Common Core testing plan an «Opt Out, Shop Out» at Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island tomorrow morning to encourage boycotts of state standardized tests being given in April to students in grades three through eight.
State Superintendent Tony Evers issued a statement Dec. 21 asking for change in state law to minimize the use of state standardized test results in the evaluation of educators.
As the House turns its attention back to ESEA reauthorization, an amendment introduced by Rep. Matt Salmon (R. — Ariz.) would allow parents to opt their children out of state standardized tests without hurting the school for accountability purposes, Alyson Klein notes.
As it is, Kline can now be accused of being both an apostate from conservatism and being a stooge for teachers» unions after the House voted last night to approve an amendment from Rep. Bob Goodlatte backed by Club for Growth and NEA to allow districts to use unreliable local assessments (including those drawn up by teachers) in place of state standardized testing regimes.
The California Charter Schools Association released a statement after the release of the state standardized test scores pointing out that charter school outperformed traditional LA Unified schools.
McAuliffe said that the state's schools generally have been too fixated on preparing students for standardized exams, and he has advocated reducing the number of state standardized tests.
Cizek's first consulting work on suspected teacher cheating came a few years later in New Jersey, in the pre-NCLB era before the dawn of state standardized tests.
Commissioner MaryEllen Elia says parents absolutely have the right to opt their kids out of state standardized tests, but she says she still wants to talk to them to try to bring them back into the fold.
Opponents of Common Core testing plan an «Opt Out, Shop Out» at Roosevelt Field Mall on Saturday morning to encourage boycotts of state standardized tests being given in April to students in grades three through eight.
The proposed plan instead doubles down on the use of state standardized test results by proposing use of student performance on STAAR Math and Reading as the measure of school quality or student success for elementary and middle schools.
In 2011, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge ruled that the Stull Act does require the use of the state standardized test scores as a factor in a teacher evaluation and ordered Los Angeles Unified to incorporate them.
School administrators are closely watching a letter campaign that's taking place in the days before school starts that could lead to even more children opting out of state standardized tests.
A new Siena College poll finds that half of New Yorkers support a growing movement for parents to opt their children out of state standardized tests.
In 2011, the second year of more rigorous scoring of state standardized tests, achievement dipped slightly across the state, according to figures just released by the state education department.
Commissioner Elia says parents «absolutely» have the right to opt their kids out of state standardized tests, but she says she still wants to talk to them to try to bring them back to the fold.
But the bill, supported by the powerful California Teachers Assn., attracted a firestorm of criticism over the costs to financially strapped districts and the requirement to negotiate with unions every element of evaluations, including the use of state standardized test scores.
The 240,000 opt outs across New York State triggered a move towards the current moratorium on the use of state standardized tests, not the negotiating of the UFT leadership as they often like to credit themselves with.
Unfortunately, in contract negotiations SEA allowed Seattle to became the only city in the entire state to allow two measures of student growth in educators» evaluations, including the use of state standardized tests scores.
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