Sentences with phrase «of steel cut oats»

The texture of the steel cut oats is really great, isn't it?
I take 1/2 cup of steel cut oats and place it in the bottom of a bowl, then half of my yogurt.
I usually cook a pot of steel cut oats early in the week and then take a scoop to work each day.
After class, I ran home — literally — and made a speedy serving of steel cut oats in my new big blue birthday bowl mug.
So I cook a big batch of steel cut oats as part of a «have time to cook» night and freeze them in ready to go portions.
I've written before about how much I love their granola and I'm also a big fan of their steel cut oats.
Yet if you cooked up a bowl of steel cut oats, or barley or brown rice etc. this would be actual food and have a food value.
Use the 4 cups of water if you wish, but when you do, increase the amount of steel cut oats to 2 cups.
For these muffins I used a base of steel cut oats.
I've pinned so I can try these soon with the remainder of the steel cut oats we have!
You may notice that there is some liquid on top of your steel cut oats, simply stir to combine everything together.
I just bought a box of steel cut oats in hopes of finding a good overnight recipe.
Like most foods high in good fibers, regular consumption of steel cut oats may be beneficial for your cardiovascular health.
Top with the remaining 1/2 cup of steel cut oats and yogurt then add some berries.
Love doing up a batch of steel cut oats in the crockpot.
My husband is a huge fan of steel cut oats and yogurt, wait until I show him this!
Nothing says leisurely Sunday morning like a pot of steel cut oats slowly simmering on the stove.
The main differences are that I use a combination of steel cut oats and regular oats, I've added ground flax seed to boost the nutritional content, I've increased the amount of cinnamon because I wanted a little more flavor, and I eliminated one teaspoon of the vanilla... just because it saves money.
There are many brands and varieties of steel cut oats — Scottish, quick cooking, etc..
Well, last night I was feeling adventurous and instead of prepping a bowl of my normal overnight oats to have this morning for breakfast I whipped up a double batch of steel cut oats using:
100 grams of steel cut oats has 386 calories, 7 grams of fat, 66 grams carbs, 11 grams fiber, 16 grams protein, 45.5 mg calcium and 4.1 mg iron.
Our idea for this recipe was to combine they chewiness of steel cut oats with the velvety, spiced - up goodness of pumpkin pie.
Then to that I add 1c of steel cut oats (not oatmeal).
The base is creamy and the texture of the steel cut oats makes this porridge almost have a breakfast risotto vibe, which I love.
Non stick butter spray (I use Pam) 1 cup of steel cut oats 3 cups of cherry cider (I use Trader Joe's) but you can use apple juice, cider, cherry juice 1 cup of water 1 cinnamon stick 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pinch of salt One apple, cored and chopped into bite - sized pieces 1/4 cup of dried tart cherries (raisins or other dried fruit will work beautifully too)
Perhaps I am a bit biased because I grew up eating steel cut oats, (thank you Mom), but nothing says leisurely Sunday morning like a pot of steel cut oats slowly simmering on the stove.
Yesterday I had a warm breakfast bowl with a combination of steel cut oats and Bob's Red Mill gluten free hot cereal mix (it has corn meal, whole grain brown rice, white sorghum, and buckwheat).
With calorie awareness, my morning bowl of steel cut oats, ground flax, hemp seed, chia seed, natural peanut butter, and rice milk was cut by about 70 %.
1 serving of steel cut oats (made with water), 1 tblspoon almond butter unsalted and unsweetened, and some unsweetened frozen wild blueberries or peaches or half of a fresh banana.
While I've since read conflicting arguments on the fact (the difference may actually be negligible), the toothsome, hearty texture of steel cut oats has earned them a permanent home in my pantry as one of my favorite cold - weather breakfasts.
Now I know how to finally use up all of the steel cut oats that I purchased on sale so long ago.
But, I don't always have the time to make a pot of steel cut oats or fresh simmered breakfast quinoa.
Per 1/4 cup of steel cut oats — they are packed with 7g of protein, 4g of fiber and 10 % of your daily allowance for iron.
Start by bringing 3 cups filtered water to a boil in a large pot then add 1 cup of steel cut oats and a pinch of salt.
While I didn't have the dates, I used a small amount of maple syrup and then added 1/4 cup of old fashion oats and 1/4 of steel cut oats and 1 tbsp of flaxseed.
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