Sentences with phrase «of stools»

Large volume * of stools indicate improper absorption of nutrients.
INDOOR LONG HAIR contains highly digestible protein (L.I.P. *) and helps reduce the quantity and odor of stools.
It showed in the lackluster appearance of his coat, odd smell of his breath, intestinal gas and size / consistency of his stools.
Gastrointestinal signs of illness include: Vomiting, diarrhea, straining to defecate, abnormal color of stools, and vomiting excessively with bile or coffee ground like consistency.
The only way to know for sure if your puppy has worms, and of what type, is to have your veterinarian test a sample of his stools.
Also stool softening medications may be needed until swelling resolves, to help with the passage of stools.
To reduce both the frequency and volume of stools, feed a highly digestible food.
I focused sanding more on the edges of the legs and around the rim of the top of the stools.
The height of these stools is adjustable, making them the perfect addition to any size bar, desk, or even as a bedside table.
This will allow for more styling space, but will limit the use of stools and ottomans.
So when I came across this small table, I immediately thought of the stools that I had seen and that had upset my heart... As this side table has exactly the same shape as the base of the Kate Spade stools!
The unique striped base of the stools compliments the warm red glow of the hardwood.
What type of stools are best?
Insoluble fiber, increases the bulk of our stools and helps us avoid constipation.
Dietary fiber does absorb fluid, the consequence of which is an increase in waste matter from your body, in the form of stools, which become much softer and easier to dispel or excrete.
Chewing on green or purple crayons can also change the color of stools.
Women are also more vulnerable to social conditioning that it's not ladylike to poop, again leading to conscious withholding of stools, and contributing further to constipation.
In terms of stools, obviously, you can look at your stool, if it's floating, you know you're not digesting your fats.
Fiber can provide food to the good bacteria in your GI tract and also create bulk for easier passing of stools.
You'll notice a huge difference in the amount of gas they have and even in the frequency and consistency of their stools.
Since citric acid is a mild laxative, this type of magnesium supplement can cause a loosening of stools (8).
As a result of this rise in fecal bulk material, the weight of stools increase, and therefore the fecal frequency also increases.
I know that Magnesium Citrate works brilliantly on my gut — it's «osmotic» which means it pulls water into the intestines to increase the volume of stools, make then softer and easier to pass — but perhaps it's effects don't go much further than my digestive system?
Mango contains large amounts of fiber: the fruit offers nearly two grams of fiber for every 100 grams, so regular consumption of mango promotes the healthy passing of stools and prevents constipation.
She points to new research from a team at Northwestern University that found that women who considered anal part of their regular bedroom behavior were more likely to say it changed the consistency of their stools, and report both urinary and fecal incontinence.
Intestinal muscles that contract during exercise also contribute to more efficient movement of stools.
When your little one starts solid foods for the first time, the texture and composition of his stools changes.
Nor do straining and grunting necessarily indicate constipation — these are actually quite common reactions, as your baby's body adjusts to the new texture and firmness of his stools.
A normal frequency of stools can vary from several times a day to once every few days.
At this stage, you will also need to start using baby safety locks or latches so that your baby can not reach the cabinets and drawers that are relatively high with the use of stools or chairs and other such props.
(Mean number of stools per day was four, but some babies had as many as eight.)
Starting your breastfed baby on formula can cause some change in the frequency, color, and consistency of the stools (poop).
Even if particular foods are digested they could change the color of stools.
Mother's milk contains much more Lactobacillus bifidus than cow's milk or formula, which affects the odour and consistency of stools, as babies who are not breast - fed have quite a foul odour to their stools.
Diarrhoea can be prevented through exclusive breastfeeding, improved weaning practices, measles immunization, use of latrines, washing hands (the baby's as well), keeping water and food clean, washing with soap before touching food and by sanitary disposal of stools.
Anytime you change formula you may notice a change to the number, color and / or consistency of stools.
Babies have different types of stools based on how old they are and what they are fed, but what are normal stools and voids for breastfeeding babies?
The number of stools can vary greatly from one baby to another.
While your newborn will have different sized stools, large and small, you should only count a stool as one of these stools if it is larger than a quarter.
The color of stools from formula - fed babies may also appear more yellowish and smell more like older children's poop, while breastfed babies usually excrete a finer consistency of darker shades with some green and brown that smells quite different from the normal poo you're used to.
His second day into his bloody stools had a break with one of the stools presenting a darker bloody mucus, and the following stool was absolutely normal and presented no blood and no mucus at all.
Some of the experienced caregivers I've talked to believe it's because of an increase in the acidity of stools and urine (possibly due to so much saliva making its way to the gut).
The color of the stools is greatly influenced by what your child eats, as well as the amount of bile (the yellow - green fluid that digests fats) in the stool.
Encopresis is defined as the voluntary or involuntary passage of stools (feces) in inappropriate places causing soiling of clothes by a child aged four or over.
As the breast feed turns more milky, the consistency of stools becomes more firm and changes its color to greenish - yellow.
Next door to a tire shop, this fluorescent - lit room could feasibly fit a few tables, but there are none (something about the building code), so the only furniture is a couple of stools and a small table on top of which sits a mini fridge of Cokes.
Insoluble fiber increases the bulk of stools.
Insoluble fiber, increases the bulk of our stools and helps us avoid constipation.
And as an online bank, bringing in the technology piece and really making that kind of the third leg of the stool brings it full circle for us — and brings it back to our brand in a really authentic way.
Three Legs of the Stool If you imagine that you're sitting on a three - legged stool, where the legs are made up of your coach, your mentor, and your resolve to remain accountable, then long - term personal and professional growth is well within your reach.
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