Sentences with phrase «of storm runoff»

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The stabilization project started after officials found that storm water runoff was eroding the banks of the stream and depositing pollutants into existing wetlands, according to the Park District.
The project also included the development of an initiative that collects water to help alleviate storm water runoff.
Tagged with: Department of Natural Resources development phosphorous pollution St. Croix River storm - water runoff
Picente has asked the Oneida County Board of Legislators to commit $ 500,000 to address the public works projects within the municipalities that were severely impacted by the storm water runoff or flooding from their waterways or bodies of water.
-- John Eckerle, Jupiter, FL Motor oil leaked from individual vehicles — or outright dumped by homeowners and commercial garages — constitutes a significant chunk of storm water runoff, the fallen precipitation that runs off of roads and parking lots and inevitably finds its way into local water bodies.
Rain water is shunted into storm drains, pushing the contaminated sediment downstream and delivering a fresh load of toxic runoff and snowmelt from city streets to Little Black Creek.
This decreases natural storm runoff during high - flow winter months while contributing proportionately more water to streamflows during the drier months that make up about 80 percent of the region's calendar year.
New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg has committed city funds to converting some of the area's black tar and stone roofs into highly reflective white roofs, which reduce temperatures on roofs and cooling costs but fail to address the storm water runoff problem.
However, the researchers did find a threefold higher risk of exposure for otters living near the mouths of rivers and streams, suggesting that storm - water runoff from fields and lawns frequented by cats could be a source of oocysts.
Otherwise, storm runoff gets contaminated with benzene and other harmful chemicals and can infiltrate into adjacent soil patches or form stormwater that may end up in natural bodies of water.»
As a result, rainwater bounces off and collects as runoff, picking up impurities — including infectious bacteria from animal waste as well as harmful pesticides and fertilizers — on the way to municipal storm sewers, which in turn eventually empty out into local bodies of water.
The combination of new habitat from irrigation and runoff of pesticides may be a «perfect storm» for schistosomiasis where agriculture is intensifying in the developing world, Rohr says.
Causeways and other roads that bisect wetlands alter natural habitats by providing avenues by which invasive plants species can colonize wetlands and nesting areas, altering natural hydrology of wetland systems, altering storm water runoff and drainage, providing avenues for road salts and pollutants and the direct loss of habitat due to land - clearing and paving.
On the other hand, a shallow rain garden will need a lot of surface area to provide enough water storage to filtrate runoff from larger storms.
«It came as no surprise to us that people who experienced basement flooding were willing to pay for the city to manage the storm - water runoff,» said U of I environmental economist Amy Ando.
The most common wells, called Class 5, are a sort of catch - all for everything left over from the other categories, including storm - water runoff from gas stations.
For instance, during extreme weather events, sewage pipes overflow with added storm water runoff, resulting in wastewater dumping into local bodies of water or the ocean.
In addition, stronger storms may also lead to greater coral damage due to increased flooding events, associated terrestrial runoff of freshwater and dissolved nutrients from coastal watersheds, and changes in sediment transport (leading to smothering of corals).
Plastics can enter into the marine environment a number of ways: through ineffective or improper waste management, intentional or accidental dumping and littering on shorelines or at sea, or through storm water runoff.
Researchers found that toxic concentrations of zinc and copper in water runoff could be reduced by 10 percent to 20 percent by 2035 if all cities in the studied watersheds implemented a law similar to the Los Angeles City law that requires new and redevelopment to infiltrate rainwater from a 3 / 4 - inch storm.
In fact, within the last five years, all 50 states have experienced flooding from a variety of causes including, tropical storm surges, heavy rains, snowmelts and alterations in geography that change the path of runoffs.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), «When pet waste is improperly disposed of, it can be picked up by storm - water runoff and washed into storm drains or nearby water bodies --[it] carries bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can threaten the health of humans and wildlife.»
Land's End Lookout retains and treats storm water on site, reducing the impact of storm water runoff on municipal systems.
They provide essential breeding grounds and nurseries for commercially important fish; mangroves and the adjacent seagrass beds retain and filter sediment from river runoff, increasing the clarity of water on the reefs; they are the first line of storm defence, absorbing the power of the wind.
She has worked with sanitation authorities on research pertaining to impacts of disposal on coastal waters, and with the research community and municipalities on impacts of storm water runoff on nearshore coastal environments.
The trail makes six crossings of Sycamore Creek, which are easy except during spring runoff or after storms.
In terms of winter precipitation, Pacific storms, bringing heavy precipitation to large parts of the West, produced high snowpack that will provide welcome runoff this spring.
A November ice storm then created a sheet of ice that prevented runoff from being absorbed into the soil.
Native New Yorkers know not to swim on Coney Island after a rain because of the sewage polluted storm water runoff, but if more people put out plants and grow green roofs, that might change.
As I read reports about the release of more than 11,000 tons of radiation - laced water into the sea from the damaged nuclear plant in Japan, I recalled reporting I did more than a decade ago on the many uses of silt barriers — essentially curtains suspended in water — to hold back everything from oil slicks to the bursts of polluted runoff flowing into coastal waters from city storm drains after heavy storms (the water can be pumped and treated once the system is not overloaded).
Storm water runoff is redirected to the wetlands area of the site; solar panels power those pumps as well as lighting.
As his office announced plans Tuesday of the beach tour, Assemblyman John McKeon (D - Essex) criticized Christie for his veto of legislation to control pollution flowing into Barnegat Bay via storm water runoff and for his pulling the state out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
They're talking a lot about planning to do a new barrier when it becomes necessary... New York City is a little bit further behind, but they're thinking about exactly the same sorts of things with respect to storm runoff and storm surges.
Urbanization creates large areas of impervious surfaces (such as roads, pavement, parking lots, and buildings) that increased immediate runoff, and heavy downpours can exceed the capacity of storm drains and cause urban flooding.
This hardy succulent plant is one of the best choices when it comes to choosing roof covering for green roofs, since it offers natural insulation, helps manage storm water runoff and sequester carbon.
Thanks to our Green City, Clean Waters program, thousands of green tools like rain gardens and stormwater tree planters across the city soak up tens of millions of gallons of stormwater runoff each time we have a substantial storm.
about Guideline 1: Methodological guidelines for monitoring of runoff and infiltration of storm water (2014)
Our recommendations would reduce the volume of runoff by 3.4 million gallons per storm in this flood - prone neighborhood.
Green roofs reduce the first flush of storm water runoff that often carries pollutants from impervious surfaces.
Hotter city roads and pavements also raise the temperature of storm - water runoff in sewers.
In particular, over NH land, an increase in the likelihood of very wet winters is projected over much of central and northern Europe due to the increase in intense precipitation during storm events, suggesting an increased chance of flooding over Europe and other mid-latitude regions due to more intense rainfall and snowfall events producing more runoff.
What's more, our buildings can literally begin to come alive: green walls and rooftop gardens not only suck carbon out of the air, but they also can provide healthy local produce, can reduce storm water runoff, and can decrease the urban heat island effect.
To do so, she explains, «We would basically use runoff data from stream gauges after a storm event and compare them to our modeling output based on the size of the storm.
This typically includes the installation of silt fencing, haybale protection around groundwater extraction wells, and catch basin inlet filters to catch and contain storm runoff when it rains.
Nearshore benthic communities also could undergo significant change induced by reduced ice cover, longer open - water season, changing flows through the Bering Strait, increased frequency and intensity of storms, increased river and freshwater runoff, and increased ice scouring and coastal erosion.
About half of the island's 400 acres will be set aside for open spaces, including an urban farm to supply organic local food to the residents, constructed wetlands to purify storm water runoff, and a restored natural forest ecosystem.
As part of the city's efforts to reduce the amount of untreated wastewater that flows into NYC's waterways during storms, the metropolis has been busy planting trees, supporting green roofs, and installing huge tanks to deal with the runoff of precipitation.
But NYC's Department of Environmental Protection, in partnership with the not - for - profit Trust for Public Land, is in the process of developing a plan to build some green playgrounds, which will be designed to slow down the runoff and capture up to one inch of rain from each storm.
Hurricanes or tropical storms, an overflow of inland or tidal waters, a rapid accumulation of rain or runoff of surface waters from any source, mudflow or collapse of land or erosion can cause flooding as well as a broken water main.
Analyzed impervious surfaces for impervious cover to understand the level of storm water runoff occurring in Madison County, AL..
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