Sentences with phrase «of stormy weather»

Say the ship carrying your containers runs afoul of stormy weather.
A year on from their successful first harvest, Mooney is heading out for a tour of the underwater farm after several weeks of stormy weather kept her away.
Two years later, this coat has seen a lot of stormy weather, but also some nice Spring weater too.
I am a huge fan of stormy weather — I say bring on the thunder, lightning, and torrential downpours.
You must provide the dog with enough food and water to sustain their level of activity, and in case of stormy weather conditions, make arrangements for a sturdy outdoor kennel.
Eleven days of stormy weather passed and two aerial searches failed before a U.S. Coast Guard C - 130 relocated the Insiko 1907 on April 20, 2002.
Unfortunately, due to a disastrous combination of stormy weather and incompetent crew members, you arrive at Gemea via shipwreck (you had one job guys!).
From the «Weather Painting» series, the 11 - foot tall Weather Paintings IB and Weather Paintings IIB are photographic prints of Schnabel's abstract paintings, their swirling shades of purple evoking aerial shots of stormy weather.
Utilizing over a hundred speakers to emit hums and hushed whispers, the piece emanates sounds reminiscent of stormy weather, blowing leaves or a gentle wind.
At the other extreme from George Will is Conrad Black, who suggests that Trump was an honest businessman, and who describes his marriage to Melania as being free of stormy weather:
But with these little quirks to home entertainment you'll be happy to stay out of the stormy weather...
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