Sentences with phrase «of streetlights»

But light at night — whether the orange glow of streetlights, the yellow glow of home lighting or the blue glare of television sets or smartphones — is more than a problem of aesthetics and stargazing.
I slit the envelope, dandered along the road, reading it by the light of the streetlights winking on.
The top four competing teams received sorting items sporting items including jerseys and footballs while a donation of streetlight bulbs were given to the Asikasu township.
He said in the year under review, the Government through its «Light up Lagos» Initiative, achieved 500 km of streetlight installations in its bid to light up the nooks and crannies of the State, while over 100 km length of street lighting installations are on - going at various locations.
Sadly, the state of streetlights in Wa is nothing to write home about — they are either broken down or have developed faults on their own.
But distant memories of virginal skies must yield to the reality of our modern firmament, pink or steel gray because of streetlight reflections.
At night, they exposed some panels to light from cool, white LEDs that emitted either 19 lux or 30 lux — about the same brightness of streetlights.
The design of streetlighting is being improved to reduce light «spillage», though not yet in my street.
Longcore predicts that plants outside of the direct beam of streetlights could also be affected by the «sky glow» that occurs in urban areas.
Within a few years, some cities may feature glowing trees in place of streetlights.
The V of streetlights and its reflection form a perfect X of vanishing - point perspective.
The slow, slanting snowfall was visible only in the flickering halo of streetlights and the amber lamps of touring cars.
Deborah Coonts submitted Lucky Bang designed by Glendon of Streetlight Graphics.
Davies was asked, why he thought the things going on around Newcastle — the dimming of streetlights and the switching off of escalators in the city's underground train network — represents a «quiet revolution»?
For starters, the prototype in the video doesn't appear to be able to adapt to poles of varying circumference, meaning it might just work on those types of streetlights.
The city centre and the main square in the distance were deserted, bleak and wintry in the thin glow of the streetlights.
I felt very primal and instinctively knew that there were not meant to be all of these streetlights around in the world and that there was no real need for me to be going to hospital other than the fact that my birthing pool awaited me there.
«I'd quite like to contemplate the impact on male glowworms of all of the streetlights,» he adds quietly, looking at the reflected streetlights bouncing back off the clouds above.
And the main effect of streetlights is, like seat belts, to encourage drivers to drive faster.
Under the orange glow of the streetlights, my logic grew blurry.
Painting her subjects in cool blues, backlit by the warm glow of streetlights, Casteel conveys individuals» personal stories, while subtly tackling broader sociopolitical concerns.
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