Sentences with phrase «of student writing»

Evidence of past student writing, such as piles of written work and examples of student writing posted on classroom walls.
The third - graders use a piece of student writing as a model from which to identify criteria for a quality story.
Or a teacher could highlight a few sentences in a paragraph of student writing for that student to reconsider, but not indicate any specific changes to be made.
For example: • Nearly 85 % of students write at least one medium length paper during the academic year, and 70 % write at least one paper of 20 or more pages.
Most of my students write their own stories, but some work together, which is wonderful for developing confidence in creativity.
Machine - marking systems are based on computer analyses of relationships between features of student writing and scores assigned by human markers.
The cycle of generation, submission, review and presentation of student writing becomes a hub of excitement and enthusiasm for learning in a HOT School.
The depth and volume of student writing is impressive.
For years, in preparation for our teacher research team meetings, I selected a piece of student writing that spoke to me.
If applicable, assess the quality of student writing using a grade - appropriate rubric.
Ten states linked to the CCSS Appendix B, which provides sample texts and tasks, and nine states linked to Appendix C, a document with examples of student writing in different genres across K — 12.
Narrative writing, as mentioned earlier, gets reduced by Common Core to 20 percent of student writing output (PDF) when they reach high school, while argument and informative / explanatory both increase to 40 percent.
ELA Rubrics: The rubrics below will be used to assess the various types of students writing for the RICAS assessment.
Speaking in an interview with Kwame Tutu on Frontline on Rainbow Radio 87.5 FM, she said,» the performance of students writing the West Africa Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) seems not encouraging but the results are slightly better than last year's.»
A group of students writing for the Uptown Chronicle at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism filed these three articles profiling controversial Bronx state senator Pedro Espada.
Conversely, the review of student writing showed the young authors adhering more to «conventional writing practices» and a trend toward less play with genre, more mundane narratives and simpler language over the two decades studied.
We also know what it feels like to be buried under a pile of student writing that needs to be read and commented on, and although there are many strategies that can help us deal with this paper load, it's still a daunting part of our work with students.
You might have even - numbered rows of students write a short paragraph comparing the two fruits and odd - numbered rows write a short paragraph contrasting them.
In the interim, schools might adapt their classroom observations and student surveys to look for evidence of student writing or add questions to the student survey asking students to describe the quality of feedback they receive on their writing.
With the help of School Success Press, Greenwood School families will soon have a bookstore - quality paperback of student writing to add to their home bookshelves.
The observers» findings — plus other signs of student writing they had not even considered — provided the basis for a report and follow - up dialogue about what teachers were doing to achieve the school - wide goal.
I had a student who focused on solving the problem of students writing graffiti on bathroom stalls.
And when markers evaluate the quality of student writing online, it is possible to monitor the consistency of marking standards and to identify in real time markers who are unusually lenient or harsh in their marking.
Some assessment programs also now use machine - marking of student writing.
2 As with reading, the percentages in the table reflect the sum of student writing, not just writing in ELA settings.
For example, procedural writing could be taught consistently and with the same expectations whether the ultimate piece of student writing dealt with how to build a birdhouse, make a batch of cookies, or do a lay - up in basketball.
With the advent of the Common Core, she has been instrumental in creating many resources for teachers, includin In Common, a widely used resource of student writing samples K - 12, and the Great Schools Milestones videos on proficient writing.
One aspect of student writing that is emphasized in Science IDEAS is the use of propositional concept maps as a guide for writing.
This article describes an attempt to address this problem with a searchable online digital archive of student writing, with and without teachers» written feedback, as well as other instructional materials from elementary, middle, and secondary classrooms in diverse linguistic / geographic regions of the country.
On the walls of most schools hang plaques that praise the official planners of the building (the superintendent, school board members, city commissioners, or the mayor), framed certificates of school honors bestowed by others (State and National Blue Ribbon Awards), trophy cases for sports and academic teams, or displays of student writing and painting.
After the revelation of the student writing in that situation, teachers around the country began scrutinizing journal entries and essays with greater care, so - much - so that fears began to rise about freedom of expression.
With the ability to choose what becomes part of the story, as opposed to fast - forwarding past videotape of students writing quietly at their desks or throwing spitwads at a neighbor, digital storytelling can offer teacher educators a new way to shape narratives about classrooms.
Try placing QR codes linked to a slideshow of a field trip on a bulletin board of student writing.
According to TEA, the writing assessment pilot study will incorporate the development of student writing process portfolios, which includes:
I have also seen firsthand how difficult being a child in America can be, and how abstract policies affect my kids in very real, sometimes painful, ways: how food insecurity can drive families to our school's monthly food shelf, how incarceration inequity has many of my students writing personal narratives about visiting fathers and uncles in prison, how immigration laws left one of my students trying to hide his tears over his mother's possible deportation.
However, as we talked, we realized that each of us had unknowingly stressed different components of student writing in our lessons and activities.
Descriptive Writing Prompts - If your students are having trouble describing things as anything more than «red» and «big» this page of student writing prompts can help.
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