Sentences with phrase «of students of color»

They are exploring how to support a higher percentage of students of color in pursuing musical education beyond the elementary years.
Plus, a relatively small number of students of color enroll in teacher education programs each year.
Other states have established programs in community colleges, which typically enroll a higher proportion of students of color than four - year universities.
Teachers of color boost the academic performance of students of color, including improved reading and math test scores, improved graduation rates, and increases in aspirations to attend college.
Her book is rich with suggestions for working in our schools today, where we find a primarily white teaching force and an expanding population of students of color.
In 12 states an increase in the concentration of students of color is actually associated with an increase in per - pupil spending.
Her research interests include the educational experiences of students of color; the education of undocumented students; and issues of access, equity, and diversity at all levels of education.
Thousands of students of color who would have been tracked to lower - level courses are in advanced classes.
Achievement gaps between students of color and white students are higher than the national average, as are the gaps between the college enrollment rates of students of color and white students.
These same law schools have a higher majority of students of color and underrepresented groups.
Even though the share of students of color in public schools has been steadily increasing, teachers across the nation are still overwhelmingly white.
The persistence of the racial achievement gap means that a disproportionate share of the population of underperforming students is comprised of students of color.
We can commit to having deep conversations on the effects that racism has on the learning and success of students of color.
Although the number of students of color increases year after year, the number of minority teachers fails to keep pace.
Growth in the number of teachers of color also exceeded growth in the number of students of color as well.
From birth, many of students of color are faced with the reality that they have fewer opportunities to excel and also with people believing they can't achieve, she said.
How do issues related to race, gender and implicit bias impact our perceptions of students of color?
In math, 56 % of students of color met or exceeded expectations, while 70 % of white students met or exceeded expectations.
This is especially true of students of color, and those attending schools in low - income communities.
We must also increase the number of students of color coming out of high schools with an interest in science careers.
We still have an educational system that fails thousands of students every year, most of them students of color.
Moreover, those 16 percent of schools comprised mainly of students of color represent 61 percent of all high - poverty schools.
To enable aspiring and practicing educational leaders to inquire effectively into the professional learning environment of a school as it bears on the learning of students of color and those situated in poverty.
Well, this attack on the future of students of color was a prime opportunity to do so.
Reading about the systemic issue of schools having low expectations of students of color, it is easy to agree this is tragic.
Many teachers fail to «spark the genius» of students of color because they are unaware of the cultural differences or how to bridge them.
In schools, restorative practices offer a positive alternative to punitive forms of discipline that can lead to suspension and the disproportionate punishment of students of color.
The schools with the highest percentage of students of color experienced the most significant declines in school climate.
Each educator I observed had previously led a high - performing or rapidly improving school serving substantial populations of students of color and students living in poverty.
Yet these laws are not the only barrier to the success of students of color and low - income students.
Numerous studies and reports have highlighted the many ways in which the disproportionate representation of students of color and low - income students impacts them academically.
He breaks down the achievement of schools based on the percentage of students of color in the school.
Our nation's education system is leaving millions of students — including an overwhelming number of students of color and low - income students — unprepared for college, career, and life.
Given our nation's failure to educate millions of students of color from low - income families, Francisco's story is a powerful reminder of why we do this work and a challenge to all of us to make his story of success the norm, not a powerful exception.
Seventy to 80 percent of students of color weren't proficient in math and English.
This Committee subdivided its work into seven domains: resegregation; discipline disparities; the opportunity gap; overrepresentation of students of color in special education; access to rigorous courses and programs; diversity in teaching; and culturally responsive pedagogy.
Morningside Center has received a federal Investing in Innovation (i3) grant to develop and evaluate our approach for increasing racial equity and improving outcomes of students of color through a novel combination of SEL, restorative practices, and courageous conversations about race.
PLE 3 requires that aspiring and practicing educational leaders use data — including the perspectives of participants — collected via interviews and the town hall meeting to argue the problem of practice that should focus a school's professional learning efforts in service of students of color and those situated in poverty.
Teachers of color may be expected to know how best to meet the needs of students of color which puts pressures on teachers of color who may not have such expertise but feel that they must respond as though they do.
Weaponizing our school buildings by putting guns in the hands of educators or school - based police officers may have negative consequences, according to federal research, such as increasing the likelihood of arrests of students of color for minor offenses.
Racial disparities in discipline stem from differential treatment of students of color for minor and subjective infractions.
Increasing the percentage of students of color who graduate with a four - year degree from 35 % to 100 % won't happen through pedagogy alone.
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