Sentences with phrase «of studies documenting»

There are only a couple of studies documenting long - term trends in coastal erosion rates in this chunk of Arctic.
Since then, there have been thousands of studies documenting the positive effects laser light has on different types of cells, tissue, and disorders.
Below are links to just some of the studies documenting the problems in brachycephalic animals;
In a recent review of studies documenting Latino students» poor achievement in schools relative to other populations, however, Losey (1995) has been critical of investigations claiming a «cultural mismatch» between home and school since many do not, in her words, «collect or analyze data from real - life interactions in actual settings» (p. 288).
With the growing number of studies documenting yoga's health benefits, there is increasing interest in whether yoga might help counteract the effects of osteoporosis.
The list of studies documenting their dangers to your health just keeps getting longer.
It's not so much guessing about Media intentions, the Harvard release of a study documenting an obvious Anti- Trump bias sealed the deal.
Some of these studies document the conditions of animals (physical and emotional / mental states) due to lack of proper care in high volume facilities; other studies provide examples of positive treatment of animals.
Only one of these studies documented both a childhood - onset, persistent group and a childhood - onset, desisting group of females (Fontaine et al. 2008).

Not exact matches

A June study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America documented similar outcomes for communicating on social networks.
Just 35 percent of content marketers actually have a documented strategy (48 percent say they have one, but it's not documented), according to the study.
A new study from RAND may be the first to document the impact of rising healthcare costs on business performance,» explains Rick Newman at
Melissa Surette, who has studied prisons and emergency preparedness as a researcher at Northeastern University, has documented a history of correctional facilities being hit hard by disasters.
The same year the EPA released its study, a subsidiary of Northern Dynasty filed documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
It is a documented phenomenon with a number of potential benefits: Studies suggest that practicing it can improve recall and problem - solving skills and many have used dreams to confront their worst demons.
Bachelder's story, documented in her book, Dare to Serve: How to Drive Superior Results by Serving Others, is the most compelling case study to showcase the power of servant leadership to reinvent a company from the inside out.
The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law Tuesday released a report summarizing academic studies and other documented evidence of employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
As the debate has taken on a decidedly Asia focus, with some recent studies and popular media coverage pointing to investors from Asia as one of the drivers of Vancouver's soaring housing prices, the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) has written a background document aggregating the available facts, outlining similar challenges in other jurisdictions, and raising the question: Is public policy required?
Of course, there have been countless studies that have documented B2B marketers successes in driving results in social.
«I'm not a partisan actor, but I actually think this is the worst thing that the Harper government has done for Canada,» the former co-chief executive of RIM said in an interview after studying large sections of the 6,000 - page document, released to the public last week.
In material supplementing one of his studies, Brulle documented Exxon donations directly to climate denial groups such as the Heartland Institute, up until about 2008.
What the CMI / MarketingProfs Benchmark Study did indicate is that those organizations with a documented content strategy had a better rate of effectiveness.
The reports of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the International Center for Transitional Justice (the world's leading non-governmental organization studying political transitions), as well as the U.N. documents on the justice of nations moving from tyranny to democracy, give prominence to judicial punishment among all possible measures for addressing past human - rights violations.
Other studies document the impact of infrastructure in reducing poverty and distributional inequity in developing countries.30
«If the Torah can be studied scientifically like any other human document,» he asks, how then can «the movement insist on the binding character of its laws?»
The translated scripture we study is from source documents that are multi-generational copies (copies of copies of copies...).
Biblical criticism means nothing but applying to the biblical documents the rational or scientific methods of scholarship which are applied in other fields of study.
The task force subsequently made no serious effort to accommodate the heavy criticism that the 1991 study document had drawn, although in the 1993 draft the radical feminist obsession with issues of power is less overt.
The document is called «Effective Christian Education: A National Study of Protestant Congregations.»
One gets the impression from this part of the document of the need for a more integrationist model of the humanities in which interdisciplinary studies become the means of constructing a holistic vision.
Since most people have not studied the New Testament with their adult minds, and probably have not read it as a whole for many years, they are only too ready to accept someone else's disparagement of the Christian position without going to the trouble of examining the relevant documents for themselves.
While it might be true that those who lived in the time of the Prophet could understand religion better than the people of today who must study Islam by means of documents only, we can not ignore the considerable change in the social situation and world conditions during the past fourteen centuries.
For those who do not read ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, we must study the research and opinions of biblical scholars who do and who have access to the biblical source documents.
The past two years have seen the appearance of an informative Encyclopedia of the American Constitution (4 vols., edited by Leonard W. Levy [Macmillan]-RRB-, several outstanding studies on its intellectual background (including Forrest McDonald's Novus Ordo Seculorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution [University Press of Kansas] and Morton White's Philosophy, The Federalist, and the Constitution [Oxford University Press], at least one pathbreaking effort to trace the document's role through the years (Michael Kammen's A Machine That Would Go of Itself The Constitution in American Culture [Knopf]-RRB- and a gaggle of good books on its religious themes (see Martin Marty's review in The Century [«James Madison Revisited,» April 9.
The last 200 years has seen great scholarly study regarding the life and nature of the Church, culminating in particular in the documents Mystici Corporis and the Vatican II constitution Lumen Gentium.
It was, it will be remembered, received with great acclaim in Rome, among others by Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, Secretary for the Congregation for Clergy, who said that his outfit had «studied the document with great interest and hopes it will become an example for other Dioceses in the country in their implementation of the General Directory for Catechesis and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.»
... Priests should devote greater attention to the study of the documents of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church... offer cycles of homilies on the faith... 4.
The critics have never taken the trouble to study what the Faith really stands for, and in most cases have certainly never studied the relevant documents, namely, the books of the New Testament, with their adult intelligence.
Negative attitudes toward the idea of women as senior pastors are well documented in Edward C. Lehman, Jr.'s, sociological study Women Clergy: Breaking Through Gender Barriers (Transaction, 1985) The author analyzed detailed responses from 1,720 Presbyterian lay - people and 1,143 Presbyterian clergy concerning a wide range of attitudes toward women in ministry.
The fine hand of Karl Barth, the Swiss theologian who was still teaching in Bonn at the time, is evident throughout, and the document is a good case study of Barth's contention that theology and politics go hand in hand.
It's topics like this that a lot of thorough study of original context of the original documents are required, because there are lots of verses that suggest faith alone is required for salvation and others that suggest that faith plus consistent good behavior are required and the bible can't contradict itself if it's inspired by God.
It noted that it was «work paper number four,» prepared as a study document for the peace section of the Mennonite Central Committee.
If you go to the book of revelations, read a couple documents and study a little in some documentary's you will find out that the translation is corrupt, infact they destroyed for other reasons, BUT in Tobias you will still learn that the old testomant does not approve of homosexuality, also in Leviticus, as well as Romans, and 2nd Corinthians, and a bit more passages, use google, it might help.
At the press conference, Archbishop Luis Ladaria Ferrer, the current prefect of the Congregation, noted that Placuit Deo had arisen from studies of the Congregation's 2000 document, Dominus Iesus.
It may therefore be tested and controlled by a careful and critical study of the documents which caught and fixed it at the earliest accessible stage in its development.
In fact, the several biblical documents are a treasury of materials for scholars in various fields of study.
It is significant that interpreters, both of the Old and the New Testaments, have been able to determine much more clearly and precisely the «Eigenart» of these documents and their views of God, world, and men on the basis of studies in the religions of the ancient Near East than could be done before the discoveries of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Lawrence Uzzell, the director of Oxford's Keston Institute, which specializes in the study of religion in Russia, recently called on the Orthodox Church to undertake a study of the document.
In one of those interesting accidents of timing only a few months before Magic Johnson put human sexuality on the national agenda, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) tried to correct this institutional paralysis over sexuality when it considered a study document designed to confront the inadequacy of both an empty moralism and an arrogant secularity.
He directed us, as a consequence, to study the four main documents of the Second Vatican Council as well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which flowed from the same source.
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