Sentences with phrase «of subhuman»

For those who have not played the game, it casts the player as a journalist inside a dark, atmospheric asylum full of subhuman psychopaths.
This ability also enables human beings to act on the basis of a much broader scope of concern for others than is possible in the case of subhuman creatures.
Sense perception, which we share with some of the subhuman species, is itself evidence of this increased capacity for abstraction.
Whitehead's discussion of subhuman actual entities follows from the principles discussed above, viz., that there is only one genus of actual entities, that one's present experience constitutes the standard for defining actuality, and that subhuman actualities can be conceived in terms of the primary elements in human experience.
Finally, the doctrine that the regions that constitute the standpoint of actual occasions of human experience include those of subhuman occasions in the brain has several specific advantages.
Since the human developed out of the subhuman, and since this process of development was a continuous one, it is essential to understand what man has in common with other animals, as well as to describe the threshold that marked his appearance as something genuinely and decisively new.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe what distinguishes the structure of human existence in general from the structure of subhuman animal existence in general.
The philosophy of organism of Process and Reality is an ambitious attempt to extend descriptions of human experiencing that we give with such terms as «sensation», «perception», «sensory image», and «judgment» to the experiencing of subhuman organisms.
Our bodily cells are only a tiny fraction of the subhuman individuals in existence; also each of us is but one of countless individuals on our own or perhaps higher levels (recall the billions of possibly inhabited planets that astronomers believe exist).
If he talks about the event character (1 / 10th of a second in length and all that) of the self, it is because he thinks that is what analysis of self - consciousness itself discloses and not because he means to construct the self out of subhuman individuals or organisms (Shalom's «event - cells»).
He said the pessimist in him mocked his receipt of a degree in law when «law is ever more a hollow word, resonant but empty, in a world increasingly dominated by force, by violence, by fraud, by injustice, by avarice — in a word, by egoism»; when civil law permits «the progressive and rapid increase of oppressed people who continue being swept toward ghettos, without work, without health, without instruction, without diversion and, not rarely, without God»; when under so - called international law «more than two - thirds of humanity (exist) in situations of misery, of hunger, of subhuman life»; and when agrarian law or spatial law permits «today's powerful landowners to continue to live at the cost of misery for unhappy pariahs»; and whereby «modern technology achieves marvels from the earth with an ever - reduced number of rural workers (while) those not needed in the fields live sublives in depressing slums on the outskirts of nearly all the large cities.»
The universe achieves its happiness by reason of coordination into societies of subhuman societies that contribute to human communication that contributes to happiness.
Included in these (at least on the whole) are the sustaining relations of human existence to the human body and, through it, to the rest of the subhuman world.
If, to the contrary, the difference between humans and some sub-humans were slight (if, for instance, humans were only slightly superior to nonhuman primates, so that human existence were a species belonging to what we now call the nonhuman animal world), it would not be clear that the appearance of humans represents the maximal importance of subhuman existence as such.
The existence of subhumans, pranksters and those unnamed literati who slice and dice with gleeful abandon is something we'll all just have to learn to acknowledge, position ourselves for and then, go forward with the sun glinting off the shine of our personal armor.

Not exact matches

You have a brain of your own to realize that condemning someone as a subhuman based on something so trivial as their sexual preference is wrong and immoral.
«We must never forget that the evil comes not from the actions of «subhuman vermin» but from the heart of a fallen, sacred yet degraded, human being,» I wrote.
However, it took a lot people thinking of Jews as subhuman or, in your term «roaches» for the evil ones to get away with it.
One could argue that that distinction was based on a Germanic assessment of Celtic people, and in fact, uncomfortably close to the Nazi view that Slavic people were subhuman, despite their blond hair and blue eyes.
Thus, even though Nazi anti-Semitism was essential to the party's whole project from the very start, the desensitization to the lives of the Jews made manifest in the Final Solution was preceded by desensitization to the lives of those far easier to categorize as subhuman (Untermenschen)-- the mentally retarded and the psychotic.
Just because you are white or inbred with each other doesn't make the rest of the world subhuman.
Consequently, a Whiteheadian political theory will require the measure of attention to subhuman existence that is consistent with these contributions.
I should stress that the aesthetic character of reality justifies the sacrifice of nature (i.e., subhuman existence) for happiness only when this maximizes happiness.
Given the distinctiveness of human existence and the aesthetic character of reality, it follows that greater beauty is served insofar as subhuman existence is so ordered as to maximize the possibilities of happiness.
Human action is discussed in terms of the relations of human individuals to other human individuals and to subhuman aggregates or societies of occasions.
I'm writing a fictional book that revolves around a subhuman species of both Angels and Demons.
«Whatever insults human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery... the selling of women and children; as well as disgraceful working conditions, where men are treated as mere tools for profit, rather than as free and responsible persons; all these things and others of their like are infamies indeed... they are a supreme dishonour to the Creator.»
They are reduced to subhuman levels of life.
but regardless, in your example blacks have been misrepresented as subhuman monkeys and oppressed and enslaved because of this misrepresentation for hundreds of year so they have a legit grievance (Saudi Arabia banned slavery only in the 1970s)-- no one is misrepresenting Mohammad as someone he was not and the Mulsims were not enslaved for their beliefs (they actually claim they are Alla's slaves and proud anyways)
None of us want to admit that African Americans in this country are seen as either superhuman or subhuman.
Revulsion at acts of rape and homicide is channeled against this small group of despised, dispossessed individuals, branded subhuman and antisocial, therefore unworthy to live.
Some Chevy are some of the most cold - blooded subhumans you will ever meet.
Some Indians are some of the most cold - blooded subhumans you will ever meet.
Some New Orleans Saints NFL players are some of the most cold - blooded subhumans you will ever meet.
Some Whites are some of the most cold - blooded subhumans you will ever meet.
Some Atheist are some of the most cold - blooded subhumans you will ever meet.
Some Pittsburgh Steelers fans are some of the most cold - blooded subhumans you will ever meet.
Genetic science proves that wrong and that while the first humans may have evolved from one subhuman species, all subsequent humans, from every race, were descendant from those first humans — thus confirming the very biblical concept of all humans having a common ancestor.
Some Christians are some of the most cold - blooded subhumans you will ever meet.
Genetic science proves that wrong and that while the first humans may have evolved from one subhuman species, all subsequent humans, from every race, were descendant from those first humans - thus confirming the very biblical concept of all humans having a common ancestor.
The sheep are in the image not for their subhuman qualities but on the basis of their need.
10:31)-- a graphic way of affirming the worth to God of man above the total subhuman world.
Hence, the evidence that human beings evolved from subhuman forms of animal life was strongly resisted.
Of course, one can extend the free - will defense to the subhuman realm, without positing any inherent power of self determination to its entities, by pointing to the irrefutable possibility that all evils in this realm are due to Satan and his cohortOf course, one can extend the free - will defense to the subhuman realm, without positing any inherent power of self determination to its entities, by pointing to the irrefutable possibility that all evils in this realm are due to Satan and his cohortof self determination to its entities, by pointing to the irrefutable possibility that all evils in this realm are due to Satan and his cohorts.
We must resist the claim of any government that it represents some mystical «general will of the people,» thus relegating its opponents to the categories of subversive, subhuman or counterrevolutionary.
Whitehead's philosophy of organism is an attempt to restate the Creek conception by extending features of human experiencing to subhuman forms.
These similarities are sufficient to allow the analogical extension of features of language to signs interpreted by subhuman forms of life, certainly those «higher grade of organisms, as Whitehead terms them, capable of learning.
But beyond these and other elementary structures shared with at least some subhuman occasions, there is no one structure of existence to be designated as human.
As all torturers know, it is easier to kill people when you think of them as subhuman.
He states, «The line between the human and the subhuman is crossed in the life of each one of us, if by human one means, actually rational» (WM 119).
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