Sentences with phrase «of subjective emotion»

Taking inspiration from the sublime abstractions of Mark Rothko and Ad Reinhardt, who each used art as a vehicle for certain concrete but ineffable feelings, Martin came to understand how geometric clarity and linearity could be used in the service of subjective emotion and spiritual resonance.
Indeed, rather than stating the purely material aspects of painting, she transformed the objective clarity of the grid into portals of subjective emotion and spiritual resonance.
Taking inspiration from Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, and Ad Reinhardt, Martin came to understand how geometric clarity and linearity could be used in the service of subjective emotion and spiritual resonance.
Proust's world was preponderantly made up of subjective emotions and objective observations, whereas Dostoievsky and Blake first participated fully in what they experienced and only later attained the distance which enabled them to enter into an artistic relationship with it and give it symbolic and artistic expression.

Not exact matches

Depending on the scope and purpose of the research, happiness is often measured using objective indicators (data on crime, income, civic engagement and health) and subjective methods, such as asking people how frequently they experience positive and negative emotions.
«Engaged scholarship» brings into the heart of the discussion considerations related to emotion, commitment, personal identity, subjective reception, and radical enactment in the public arena.
The doctrine of the philosophy of organism is that, however far the sphere of efficient causation be pushed in the determination of components of a concrescence — its data, its emotions, its appreciations, its purposes, its phases of subjective aim — beyond the determination of these components there always remains the final reaction of the self - creative unity of the universe.
The examples given above entail that the subject prehend the past experience in terms of its content or objective data as well as its emotion or subjective form.
Subjective information or writing is based on personal opinions, interpretations, points of view, emotions and judgment.
This is the meaning of Whitehead's statement that emotion is never bare entertainment but is always accompanied by subjective enhancement (PR 248).
Under Category of Explanation XIII, Whitehead notes that «there are many species of subjective forms, such as emotions, valuations, purposes, adversions, consciousness, etc.» (PR 35).
The presentness of the I - Thou relation is also fatal to the attempt of logical positivism to relegate ethics, religion, and poetry to subjective emotion without real knowledge value.
But this does not mean that he translates subjective emotions into objective speech and then pretends to have the word of God.
The primitive form of physical experience is emotional — blind emotion — received as felt elsewhere in another occasion and conformably appropriated as a subjective passion.
The findings, presented here yesterday at the 43rd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, suggest that amygdala neurons respond to the subjective judgement of emotions in facial expressions, rather than the visual characteristics of faces that convey emotions.
Positive emotions, such as happiness, love, gratitude and pride, are more similar both as subjective experiences and at the level of brain activity.
In an article that Ralph Adolphs and I recently wrote, we put forth the view that emotions are a type of internal brain state with certain general properties that can exist independently of subjective, conscious feelings, which can only be studied in humans,» Anderson says.
Our findings that amygdala neurons carry signals about the subjective percept of emotions indicates a more specific reason for why such electrical stimulation might be beneficial.»
This tells us that the neurons» responses were based on the subjective, perceived judgments that the patients made rather than on the «ground truth» of the emotion shown in the stimulus.»
It may be that subjective perceptions of facial emotion are formed through repeated cycles of processing between the amygdala, the temporal cortex and other brain structures that shape a person's values and social perspectives.»
The fMRI scans revealed significantly higher levels of activation in the amygdala, which controls emotion and motivation, in the brains of the male subjects compared to the females, despite the fact that both males and females expressed similar subjective assessments of their levels of arousal after viewing the images.
The do not follow corporate business plans; but missions that are developed as an ever - developing mix of individual experiences, subjective emotions, personal insights and collectively shared values.
On it, «subjective perception and experience become the sole arbiter of truth,» as my colleague Sara Mead wrote, and «we are left with the... forces of emotion, sentiment, and affinity to guide our judgments and decisions.»
Although the concept of risk capacity is objective, in actual practice, it is still linked to the investor's real world subjective judgments and emotions about investment losses.
This approach, editor Helen A. Harrison explains, «lies at the core of what was then being defined as the new American painting, although many artists would replace ideas with even more subjective stimuli such as experiences and emotions.
However, painting does seem partial and subjective, it describes events and ideas and abstract emotions, which are essential responses that are constantly connected to things and states of human nature.
They were inspired by a subjective emotion regarding both the person of Christ and the event but also the idea of the cross.»
It is beautifully filmed, ephemeral and melancholy — perhaps to demonstrate how time often governs our understandings not only of the objective world, but also our subjective emotions.
Choi takes these theories into consideration to speculate about the possibility for one to exist in multiple realities where invisible and untouchable subjective concepts such as emotions may manifest physically, supported by different laws of physics.
From the Renaissance, colour was associated with emotion, intuition and the world of the subjective, while form — exemplified by drawing — stood for the cerebral, rational objective world.
It is this combination of formal visual elements with subjective emotions and responses that Walden explores.
Thus, in Bourgeois's work, forms appear as powerful signs of a highly subjective reality, as primal elements of emotion.
Using samples of music and images from television, Claymation and her own voice, multimedia artist Ariel Jackson takes viewers through a subjective history of the blues, and attempts to define the various emotions or states the term and genre evoke.
Contrary to the Supreme Court's assertion that hate speech prohibitions can be enforced «objectively» against «those extreme manifestations of the emotion described by the words «detestation» and «vilification,»» the facts of the Whatcott case demonstrate how inherently subjective and fickle such prohibitions are.
In other words, our subjective experience of emotion seems to consist of a set of relatively distinct categories.
Sooan Kim,, Personality, Emotional Characteristics, and Subjective Well - being of Individuals Who are Overwhelmed with their Emotions
Personality, Emotional Characteristics, and Subjective Well - being of Individuals Who are Overwhelmed with their Emotions
Finally, our results are consistent with findings of other studies that observed that suppression was used to regulate many negative emotions, such as anger, and to decrease the subjective experience of positive emotions (Gross & Levenson, 1997; Gross, 1998).
In particular, we aim to provide data regarding inter-item correlations, means, standard deviations, variances, Cronbach's a and factorial structure as well as relationship with specific criteria as life satisfaction, psychological resilience, inspiration, hope, subjective happiness, depression, anxiety, stress, positive and negative emotions in terms of criterion validity.
An explanation that can be given to this finding without affecting the validity of the scale is that optimism may be a positive emotion variable but it is mostly consider a trait while subjective happiness is a state.
In accordance with the importance that the phenomenological approach attaches to subjectivity and sense of self as the starting points for knowledge, emphasis is placed on the need for the clinician to focus on the subjective experiences of the at - risk individual, to set aside prior assumptions, judgments, or interpretations, and to identify ways of bridging gaps in communication associated with negative emotions.
Though traditional models of therapy described some aspects of a subjective system of «mind,» recent advancements in studies of consciousness, mindfulness, and emotion have greatly expanded views of the complex and interactive nature of the mind.
Secondary appraisal involves the subjective evaluation of one's ability to cope with the situation, which influences the intensity of emotions.
The basics of positive psychology are examined first, such as positive emotions, emotional intelligence, happiness, subjective well - being, flow, optimism, resilience, self - determination theory, meaning, mindsets, and strengths, followed by less common (and in my view equally important) topics, for example national and global well - being, the positive body, positive change, time perspectives, and a review of positive psychology applications in professional contexts, such as education, coaching, and psychotherapy.
An index of emotion - related physiological arousal — cortisol reactivity — and subjective emotion regulation have both been independently linked to substance use and psychological difficulties among youth.
Cross-sectional study with measures of perceived burden (Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire: IEQ), subjective stress (General Health Questionnaire: GHQ) and perceptions of expressed emotion (Level of Expressed Emotion: LEE) in informal caregivers for patients with SUD, SUD+ADHD or Semotion (Level of Expressed Emotion: LEE) in informal caregivers for patients with SUD, SUD+ADHD or SEmotion: LEE) in informal caregivers for patients with SUD, SUD+ADHD or SUD+ASD.
According to Lang (1968, 1984) and more recently Dodge (1989; Dodge & Garber, Chapter 1, this volume), the regulation of emotions involves three systems: neurophysiological - biochemical, motor - or behavior - expressive, and cognitive - or subjective - experiential.
The subjective experience of emotions and psychological well being is important; nevertheless, it would be interesting to see if the associations found in the present study hold, if reports by other informants, diagnoses, or observational methods are used.
Specifically, we illustrate the potential value of this new approach by identifying a taxonomy of dyad - level subtypes that differ in how their emotions (i.e., multiple within - day ratings of happiness — chosen here as an exemplar variable with variance properties useful for methods development) vary through normal daily life, and examine how that taxonomy is related to a set of theoretically meaningful variables — subjective health, dyadic adjustment (agreement on amount of time spent with partner), and relationship satisfaction, all of which constitute important characteristics of older couples» well - being (Hoppmann & Gerstorf, 2016).
Every tenant - occupied property should be treated strictly as a business, relying on fundamentals of analysis and due diligence, rather than subjective emotions.
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