Sentences with phrase «of subjects concerning»

Here I provide the audios about a variety of subjects concerning Brazil Portuguese that will help you in the process of acquiring and developing new vocabulary.
Discussion on a variety of subjects concerning the disabled.
Here I provide the audios about a variety of subjects concerning Brazil Portuguese that will help you in the process of acquiring and developing new vocabulary.
For Adkins, these «recitals» provide an ideal platform for recovering and reenacting the dynamic tenor of the subjects concerned.

Not exact matches

Until, that is, the subject of environmental concerns and the media coverage of the shale gas boom comes up.
The subject of salary is a top concern for potential hires and employers.
«We did what the law allows: We published newsworthy information about a subject of deep public concern,» McCraw wrote to close the letter to Kasowitz.
Frankly, I'm sick and tired of seeing messages addressed «To whom it may concern» with subject lines that read «Resume» or «Job Application.»
Since Business then is the subject of the Ideal Super-Class Magazine, from the start it will concern not only advertisers of all that the wealthy and their homes require, but also the sheet steel and copper pipe fabricators, the enterprising bank which offers its facilities to Industry, the advertising agency and management corporation, builders and engineers, machine and factory and office equipment makers — and whoever else must have prestige and acceptance with the directing heads of Business.
The SEC has clearly said many times that posting of information behind a password protected site (like SeedInvest) only available to accredited investors, subject to some other conditions, will not constitute general solicitation so that may be safe ground for angel groups and other that may be concerned.
«[T] his means that not the data subject but «friends» of the data subject are consenting to the use of personal data,» wrote Schrems in the 2011 complaint, fleshing out consent concerns with Facebook's friends» data API.
How this could affect you: The new rules concerning pass - through income may be good for freelancers and owners of profitable small businesses, but subject to some special rules based on your income and the type of business.
«Once you see that that topic is a matter of public concern,» Dietrick said, «the law does not allow a judge or the plaintiff or the subject of the story to come along with a red pen and say, «I didn't really like the way you said it here.
These Terms of Service (which include and incorporate the Help Scout Privacy Policy) contains the entire understanding, and supersedes all prior understandings, between you and Help Scout concerning its subject matter, and can not be changed or modified by you.
Conditions remain generally supportive of further strong growth in investment, notwithstanding some recent concerns over the relatively high level of the exchange rate among firms subject to external pressures.
One can take issue with our recession concerns, choosing one rule - of - thumb or another that has gone «quiet» out of the broad ensemble of measures that we've presented over time, but ignore everything else we've written on the subject.
However Marty, you do seem to be a little disgruntled about the recent events in B.C., concerning the subject of Regulation.
Eight years have passed since the FBI's insider trading investigation into Galleon Group, but the subject remains a concern in the minds of alternative investment industry participants, according to a new survey by the New York Hedge Fund Roundtable.
But upon reflection, the most remarkable feature of this ill - considered intervention concerns the accusation that Douthat makes Catholicism «unapologetically subject to a politically partisan narrative.»
As a gay Christian, however, I was concerned by the way Williamson freighted in the idea of homosexuality as a choice» hence subject to the same kind of moral decision - making as drug use or stealing.
However, I do understand the concern of the professor that the conversation extend beyond the person's family into the subject of salvation and eternal life.
Where debate on the subject of religion versus secularism is concerned, it's always easy to find voices shrieking over the banishment of religion and Christianity from American life, and claims the nation is morally bankrupt because of the success progressives have had with marginalizing or outlawing religious practices.
I wouldn't mind creating a post or elaborating on some of the subjects you write concerning here.
Happily, tax - exempt organizations under section 501 (c)(3) of the tax code» whether they be churches or humane societies» are free to be as public as they want to be about whatever concerns them, no matter how controversial or «political» the subject.
Actually, JD, your formula applies to almost every thread on any site; whatever the subject, the posts come in from all directions, with little to no concern for sticking to the point of the original article...
By thus counterposing an active, «dynamic» (which is what he means by «temporal») subject to the static, substantial» subject of recent metaphysical tradition, Mason may have taken care of real concerns, but not those that trouble Heidegger.
In all matters of belief concerning the Last Day and the Other World, the human mind is subject to the definite Quranic texts and the sayings of the Apostle.
The landscape's energetic passivity is not easily made the subject of explicit knowledge as long as we are focally concerned with the flow of water.
We concern ourselves here only with general treatments of the subject; monographs on specific topics will be found in other bibliographies.
The material object of (for instance) a science is the subject - matter, in general, with which it is concerned; its formal object is the specific aspect under which that subject - matter is studied.
But when the subject of civil religion became a minor academic industry, I became increasingly concerned, as conferences, panels and symposia on the subject proliferated, that the whole issue was bogging down into arguments over definition and that substance was being overlooked.
After drawing out how the encyclical applies this to various social, economic and ecological issues he highlighted, concerning «the problem of technology», that «this is the first time an encyclical deals with the subject in such an organic manner -LSB-...] The exclusively technical mentality [and ideology] in fact, reduces all to pure doing... [True human development] requires a new perspective upon man that only the God who is truth and love can provide.»
I would further add that, similar to the self - preservation concerns of the dutiful Nazi executioners, the apologetics defending such atrocities is subject to a similar coercive context in that the choice of obedience or empathy is flanked by promises of reward and threats of punishment.
Such a descent would immediately set its subject alongside those concerned to promote authoritatively the cause of religion and morals, and establish an immediate gulf between him and those of whom he spoke as «the lost sheep of Israel».
Now, one might respond that the law here is different because it concerns an offensive thing to God — and is therefore not subject to the relativity of human values.
This applies generally to the truth which concerns man as such and hence transcends simple statements of particular facts which are the subject of the empirical sciences.
As to obligations of a more personal nature I have many people to thank — colleagues who have advised me, students at Union Theological Seminary who have stimulated me with their responsive interest, members of the congregation of The Riverside Church, New York, who, by their attentive listening to mid-week lectures on the subjects handled in this book, have kept alive my confidence that even difficult and recondite problems concerning the Bible are of vital, contemporary importance.
We are concerned with the change which the Church itself actively undertakes in its law and doctrine, and in which the Church changes itself, and is not merely subjected to change, though of course both sets of changes mutually affect one another.
In our discussion we shall ask first what theological statements can be made on the subject of private prayer, examining afterwards if liturgical prayer (as distinct from the Eucharist and the administration of the sacraments with which we are not here concerned) can be preferred to it at all, and if so, what such a preference means for the practice of the Christian life.
For the subject concerned will always be part of my experience, from which I can not escape and for which I am intellectually responsible to myself as well as to others, which only I can turn into the law of my life.
Recognizing that the concerns of animal rightists pertain for the most part to animals subjected to human captivity, Birch and Cobb demonstrate that these concerns can be combined with those of the land ethicist into a single environmental ethic.
«Now one might respond that the law here is different because it concerns an offensive thing to God — and therefor no subject to the relativity of humna values.
Even though scientific theories may have folk - theories as their origin and folk - theories may have to serve as reliable guides to a given subject in the absence of a developed scientific theory, when truth is the primary concern and time is no object, folk - theories are usually superseded by their scientific counterparts.
The crucial epistemic question concerning the experience of CE from the subject's point of view is whether the experience is accurate or deceptive.
«As far as I'm concerned Solomon has said it all in a nut shell, «bravo» to him, or her, and I'm getting quite board of this whole subject»
The baffling subject of the various kinds of drug addiction and use has, finally, been lifted out of the dark corners and become an object of public and church concern.
In order to show how an understanding of each's thought might lead to a better appreciation of both, the present article will be broken down into four parts, each dealing with a subject of mutual concern to the two respective thinkers.
However... what it has become is a corrupt mishmash of mens» laws... not Jesus Christ's... on subjects that do not concern them with no room for discussion or equal time for anyone EXCEPT the views of those same men who are unyielding to their own self - made laws.
Also, once we have recognized that our way of dealing with other types of creatures is subject to ethical judgment through and through, should our concern be more with species, with ecosystems, or with individual animals.
Thus in saying 14, Jesus rejects fasting, prayer and almsgiving, and then says, «if you go into any land and wander in the regions, if they receive you, eat what is set before you, heal the sick among them; for what goes into your mouth will not defile you...» The «land» and the «regions» are Thomas's substitute for the «city» of Luke 10:8, a verse from which receiving and eating what is set before one are derived; «heal the sick among them» comes from Luke 10:9, though in Thomas it is quite irrelevant to the subject of dietary laws, with which the rest of the saying is concerned (cf. Matt.
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