Sentences with phrase «of subsidiarity»

That said, it is worth remembering that the principal architects of the European Union in the 1950s were devout Catholics who understood the principle of subsidiarity as set forth in the social encyclicals of Popes Leo XIII and Pius XI.
Liberal failures of theory and practice gave rise in the 1970s to an emphasis on community, mediating institutions, and the doctrine of subsidiarity in social policy.
Welfare states have shown a lack of respect for the principle of subsidiarity in Catholic social teaching and the population at large has shown a lack of respect for the teachings of Humanae vitae.
Understanding this helps raise and rephrase the question of the use and limits of authority in the moral sphere, and the meaning of subsidiarity and freedom in the application of moral principles and the formation of conscience.
(2) The principle of subsidiarity teaches that decisions should be made at the lowest possible level.
His political philosophy is built around the Catholic concept of subsidiarity — that everything should be done at the lowest possible level.
Quadragesimo Anno (1931) introduced the notion of subsidiarity, which implies that decisions should be made at the lowest possible level.
If you've read Tocqueville or Kirk — even Robert Putnam — or more recently Yuval Levin, you know that our answer is this magical combination of subsidiarity and civil society.
Moreover, in 1992 the Maastricht Treaty explicitly enshrined the principle of subsidiarity for the future union:
Moynihan's thinking on this was influenced by his own experiences of deprivation and the Catholic doctrine of subsidiarity which led him to put particular stress on the importance of families in alleviating poverty.
It will exhibit a sort of universal solidarity, married to the healthy practice of subsidiarity.
Everyone knows that the EU has turned the idea of subsidiarity into a cruel joke for Europeans.
Another issue is the need to develop and build a theory of subsidiarity; it is not just a question of Rome implementing it.
A Catholic social teaching perspective naturally gives rise to considerations of subsidiarity and solidarity.
Across the pond we hear similar arguments that Brussels has violated the spirit of subsidiarity, with the larger dream of unity taking on a life of its own at the expense of the hugely diverse interests of the member states.
The authors show how fundamental to all the arguments is the principle of subsidiarity clearly stated by Pope Pius XI in Quadragesimo Anno.
Catholic social teaching speaks of the virtues of subsidiarity and solidarity.
We believe in an economics of subsidiarity, which is similar to devolution.
Similarly, the proposal to give a more substantial role to national parliaments in policing the use of the subsidiarity principle (which determines where the EU is competent to legislate) echoes concerns expressed in other EU countries about a widening democratic deficit.
The heated principle of subsidiarity enshrines this in areas as diverse as economic legislation and the size of carrots.
What if — true to the principle of subsidiarity on which Catholic schools were built — dioceses reinvented the role they play in school oversight?
But when we ignore the value of subsidiarity and non-state action and ignore the many mistakes of high - level government actors, we find ourselves on the path to technocratic progressivism.
Even most adherents of subsidiarity will acknowledge that there are some benefits to scale and to externally - monitored, results - based accountability.
The leading edge of subsidiarity is found in California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), the most radical reformation of education finance in four decades.
Quite some eyebrows have probably been raised at the occasion of the yellow card a high number of national parliaments have issued because of their subsidiarity - based concerns over the Commission's proposal to establish a European Public Prosecutor's Office.
Strictly speaking, the German Bundesrat did not issue a reasoned opinion, but its report clearly shares some concerns of subsidiarity.
For the Court, this procedure is indispensable not only for reasons of subsidiarity as they result from the mechanism of supervision established by the ECHR, but also to ensure the proper functioning of the EU judicial system (para 236).
It's a version of subsidiarity, whereby the larger national government allows lawmakers closest to the ground their chance at solving whatever issue particular to regional concerns.
In general I support the traditional Catholic doctrine of subsidiarity.
This week, though, the British government has subtly extended the meaning of subsidiarity.
To this affirmation of solidarity, Ketteler added insights that were later expressed through the concept of subsidiarity.
«Compassionate conservatism» could have been the pivot that created a GOP movement broadly framed around a coherent ideological doctrine similar in inception (if not in execution) to some of Europe's Christian Democratic parties: Christian, conservative, generally pro-market, dedicated to the notion of subsidiarity, but also pragmatic and reconciled with the need for social insurance to soften the hard social and economic edges of market capitalism.
So the combination of subsidiarity and civil society is actually a community and individual empowerment strategy.
The method was deductive, emphasis being placed on the continuing importance of the principle of subsidiarity as enunciated in Quadragesimo Anno (1931).
On the other hand, I always tend to argue that the EU shouldn't only practice the principle of subsidiarity in the breach.
Article 5 (3) defines the principle of subsidiarity as requiring that, in areas which do not fall within the exclusive competence of the EU, it:
An absent or insufficient recognition of private initiative — in economic matters also — and the failure to recognize its public function, contribute to the undermining of the principle of subsidiarity, as monopolies do as well.»
The principle of subsidiarity is opposed to certain forms of centralization, bureaucratization, and welfare assistance and to the unjustified and excessive presence of the State in public mechanisms.
Supporting a system of providing healthcare, which is the most centralised, bureaucratic and government - dominated in the developed world (with the possible exception of Canada), is hardly in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity.
Forty years after Rerum novarum, Quadragesimo anno made explicit something which had always been implicit in Catholic social teaching — the principle of subsidiarity.
«authority would need to be regulated by law, to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, to seek to establish the common good, and to make a commitment to securing authentic integral human development inspired by the values of charity in truth» (n. 34).
Jacob Rees - Mogg's respect for local democracy and resistance to the centralizing tendencies of the European Union are consistent with the Catholic social teaching of subsidiarity.
The Catholic church has long taught the principle of subsidiarity.
We have emphasized the principle of subsidiarity, that is, that decisions should be made at the lowest possible level.
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