Sentences with phrase «of successful agents»

I meet lots of successful agents making millions of dollars per year, but most of them are not running their careers like a business.
-- You get to create a relationship with one of the successful agents in the office.
If the agent chooses to make it a career and not a chance to make a mortgage payment or buy a car, we will see the percentage of successful agents go up.
Brokers are constantly looking for ways to get in front of successful agents for recruiting purposes.
On the way up the insurance industry corporate ladder, most of the successful agents have spent their time in the clerk position.
I'm fortunate to know a lot of successful agents, and it's fascinating to talk to them about their business.
We asked a number of successful agents across the country what their MO is when it comes -LSB-...]
* There are a lot of successful agents outside New York and California.
Almost twice as many of these successful agents use a real estate CRM than the poor ones.
2) Shadow a Co-Worker: Your brokerage is probably full of successful agents; find a mentor and spend some time listening to how they interact with clients and emulate some of their moves.
For Peter Galbraith, president of Coldwell Banker Select in Tulsa and Oklahoma City, his company's real estate school has been at the heart of their successful agent recruitment — which took off after they started offering daytime classes.
You'll need that inquisitiveness to show empathy — another core sales trait of a successful agent, Lill says.
While this appears to leave a gap in the amount of successful agent social endeavors, The Real Estate Agent's Guide to Social Media whitepaper, available for download at the link below, will lay out reasons, examples, and guidelines needed to reach that potential.
Coldwell Banker Elite has been investing into the lives of successful agents for decades.
Fill out the simple form below (shouldn't take more than 5 minutes), and based on the business objectives and financial goals you enter, our automated system will provide you a customized report using analytics based on the current performance data of Successful Agents.
Each CPS has been through an intense 90 day training to analyze and study habits of thousands of successful agents in all different markets.
We have helped hundreds of successful agents (many who started with us as newer agents that had the drive to create a successful business) create that dream business and lifestyle we all dreamed about when starting Real Estate.
While Burnhill never achieved the market share REMAX and Lepage brands did in Burlington, Lee's percentage of successful agents against those who failed was probably higher than any other national brand.
To view our last webinar, «What to Say and When to Say It: Scripts and Dialogues of Successful Agents,» visit RISMedia's Housecall.
Since 2003, companies have been using Real Estate Simulator to increase their number of successful agents and achieve greater accuracy in hiring the best agents.
The one trait that glues together all of the successful agents across Canada is the ability to work through the myriad of roadblocks that confront what seems like a simple task — that of bringing buyers and sellers together on a transaction within a given time frame.
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