Sentences with phrase «of successive governments»

It is the failure of successive governments to build enough affordable housing, and the failure of bosses to pay living wages to their employees.
He blamed such recurring challenges on lack of continuity on the part of successive governments.
More significantly, and despite the very hard efforts of successive governments, it also retains a broader range of political opinion, more reflective of the country at large.
This measure goes further, because it would seek to bind the hands of successive governments, without the necessary constitutional amendments.
Our European Union «border» now lies completely open to over 400 million EU citizens, with the immigration policies of successive governments already having perilously diluted our common values.
«While this has been the ambition of successive governments, they have consistently shied away from the hard choices such a reform entails.
The industry, which blossomed over a 10 - year period thanks to the predictable and integrated approach of successive governments, offers great potential to Quebec.
«These people have been broadly supportive of successive governments» education reforms and, as a result, are not so easily dismissed.
Having said this, AYD is of the view that the recent public outcry that has greeted the activities of small - scale mining in the country, and the subsequent knee - jerk and fire - fighting war on small scale mining has only reinforced the age - old problem of successive governments.
In its introduction to the report, the committee said the unwillingness of successive governments to raise MPs» basic pay, even when recommended by independent review bodies, had created a «sense of grievance».
It became law as a result of an unprecedented bottom up campaign and creates an unprecedented bottom up way of redressing the creeping centralisation of successive governments.
But drug reformers have become so used to the unshakeable ignorance of successive governments that even a ray of light starts to look like a golden dawn.
When the previous government announced it was appealing against the European Court's original ruling in 2005, the Parliamentary Under - Secretary of State at the Department for Constitutional Affairs, Lord Firkin, said: «It has been the view of successive governments, including this government, that persons who have committed crimes serious enough to warrant a custodial sentence should forfeit the right to have a say in how the country is governed while they are detained.»
Andrew Tyrie MP, the chairman of the Treasury committee, described the abandoned fiscal rule as «the latest in a long line of fiscal rules, targets and objectives of successive governments to have bitten the dust».
But the knighthood for Simon Jenkins, the ex-editor of the Times and a prominent member of the great and good, will confirm that newspaper's enduring establishment role as a friend of successive governments.
The NUT was the first teachers» union to campaign to have asbestos removed from schools and yet despite the problem being brought to the attention of successive governments, it is still the case that asbestos remains in most schools.
In order to protect the country's economy from the whims of every successive government, it was important that the central bank be free of direct government interference.
The Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples has become a safe haven for quite sensible studies of successive Governments» failures to fulfill their s. 35 (1) obligations.
Late last year, the PM Theresa May announced an additional # 2bn of government funding each year for biotech research and development and it has certainly been the aim of successive governments to make the UK a global centre for the industry.
«It is required as a doctrine only because of successive governments» stubborn adherence to the political compromise represented by the mandatory life penalty,» says Leigh.
AML legislation and regulation has been a focus of successive governments and European cooperation making it increasingly difficult for conspirators.
Despite the growing body of research highlighting the importance of early intervention with disadvantaged children and the stated commitment of successive Governments to developing this strategy (National Anti-Poverty Strategy, 1997), the evidence is that access to early years provision is not equally available to all.
The Center for Democratic Development (CDD) has bemoaned the failure of successive governments to pass the 17 - year - old Right to Information Bill, despite the country marking 25 years since its return to democratic governance.
Politically, it gives the lie to the mainstream pretense that Australia is not really a racist society whilst providing a masterful portrayal of individual Aboriginal subjects who gaze with defiance at the viewer, resilient in the face of a litany of structural oppression that has included, but is not limited to, the stolen generations, skyrocketing rates of incarceration and continuing paternalistic policies of successive governments.
While this has been the ambition of successive governments, they have consistently shied away from the hard choices such a reform entails,» he said.
Thursday, 16 March, marked Close the Gap Day with the Close the Gap campaign issuing its ninth annual Progress and Priorities report, which, according to the ABC, criticised the «stop - start» approaches of successive governments.
One recurring cause of tension has been the policy of successive Governments to fund programmes to address both fuel poverty and carbon abatement through levies on domestic energy bills.
The failure of successive governments to implement the Report's recommendations has resulted in a reliance on child protection systems that are ill equipped to understand the trauma, let alone respond effectively.
The failure of successive governments to act on improving food and nutrition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is a «shame and disgrace», according to University of Newcastle researcher Dr Mark Lock.
The failure of successive governments to act on improving food and nutrition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is a «shame and disgrace», according to University of Newcastle... Read more
It also raises questions for her about a tradition of bipartisanship on Indigenous issues in Australia, as she outlined in this article in The Monthly about the failure of successive governments to listen to the work, ideas and research of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
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