Sentences with phrase «of such a response»

And sometimes they were quite rude about her preference for Asian men (see image of such a response).
Someone who shares his skills with others, for profit or otherwise, is not deserving of such a response.
The danger of such a response has to do with the fact that the answer is singular and specific.
After considering several forms of such response, Ignatieff concludes by returning once again to the promise offered by democracy, arguing that the ultimate answer to terrorism must be persuasion: «We must be able to defend ourselves» with force of arms, but even more with force of argument.
Vaccines block virus entry by making good use of such responses.
While re-expansion of CAR T - cells has been reported in response to other immunotherapy drugs, this is the first report of such a response to a biopsy.
Another collaborative effort, the Ecological Genomics Institute, explores how organisms react to environments with short - term ecological and long - term evolutionary responses along with the genetic underpinnings of such responses.
Additional follow - up will be needed to assess the durability of such responses,» according to the researchers.
The dubiousness of such a response can be appreciated by approaching the question from another angle, taking advantage of the fact that ability is measured on the same scale as item difficulty.
In spite of such responses, within a year the story was included in Prize Stories of 1949 and 55 Short Stories from The New Yorker, acknowledging the power of Jackson's storytelling craft and introducing very widely a writer whose first novel, The Road Through the Wall (1948), had disappointing sales but cannily and hauntingly depicted the humorous, horrific and sometimes macabre irony of suburban life.
The eventually constructive reaction of HarperCollins, which not only withdrew its mistaken claim but also produced a new map to be included in the Times Atlas as an insert, shows the value of such a response.
He built the piece around President Obama's heartfelt reaction and response to the Connecticut elementary school massacre and, followed by Joe Romm, noted the lack of any such response from the president or society on the greenhouse buildup despite the risk posed by human - driven climate change.
A mix of such responses can cause the blood to clot, and cut off the blood supply to the brain, lungs, or heart.
But in our most intimate relationships, the build up of such responses creates enormous and inevitable rifts.
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