Sentences with phrase «of such emissions»

It calls for a particular focus on the greenhouse gases from agriculture, a sector that is one the biggest sources of such emissions.
The result is maps that are 100 times more detailed that previous federal surveys of such emissions, which also are compiled on a monthly, not hourly, basis.
The problem, as is noted in Howarth's paper, is the huge amount of guesswork behind estimates of gas emissions from this (or any other) form of natural gas drilling and the subjectivity of interpretations of the greenhouse influence of such emissions (which are nearly all methane, a potent but short - lived heat - trapping gas).
He would have to push for far more engagement and investment by the United States in developing countries — the main source of such emissions in coming decades — even though many lawmakers and citizens perceive these countries more as economic foes than potential allies on energy innovation.
Although black carbon from motor vehicles is already regulated under vehicle PM emission rules due to known PM health effects, such regulations still permit substantial BC emissions, and the climate effects of such emissions are significant.
The «social cost of carbon» was developed in large part to compare long - term costs from coastal flooding and other impacts of emissions of climate - warming carbon dioxide with upfront costs to the economy from curbing the burning of fossil fuels, the main source of such emissions.
After China and the US, India is the world's third largest producer of the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change — although it is responsible for only about 6 % of such emissions globally.
Finding a plug for «leakage» Harstad's theory builds upon the concept of «carbon leakage,» which holds that countries opting out of climate agreements will produce more greenhouse gases as their neighbors take steps to ratchet down greenhouse gas emissions and regulate the sources of such emissions, like coal - burning industrial plants or motor vehicle fleets.
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