Sentences with phrase «of such interventions»

The study is the first to separately track the effects of such interventions on cardiac arrests in public places and private homes.
The group recommends increased research on the technical potential and possible environmental impacts, but also expanded work on the ethical, legal and social implications of such interventions.
It is imperative that the efficacy of such interventions be assessed so successful interventions can be adopted more broadly.
We are aware of only a few evaluations of the effectiveness and cost - effectiveness of such interventions.
Studies show that the use of such interventions is a significant concern to American women.
There are a number of factors that go into the success of such interventions, including the specific animal products that are eaten or avoided and how long dietary changes last.
In light of the significance of early childhood experiences on adult health in later life, the social and economic benefits of such an intervention are substantial and of major public health significance.
The behavioral effects of such interventions are currently estimated as the most cost - effective way to prevent a metric ton of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
«For instance, efforts to block the infection - enhancing activity of these semen amyloids for STD prevention must now consider the potential effects of such interventions on sperm quality and immune recognition of male antigens.»
Future studies to better define the relationship between MSSA colonization and subsequent infection will help to clarify the importance of such interventions for preventing MSSA disease,» the study concludes.
«We further recommend that, in principle, the government should not rule out invoking the «responsibility to protect» in situations such as Burma, but that this should be guided by a practical assessment of the situation on the ground, and the likely wider consequences of such intervention
Both types of mythology speak of such an intervention: Jewish apocalyptic of an imminent world crisis in which this present aeon will be brought to an end and the new aeon ushered in by the coming of the Messiah, and Gnosticism of a Son of God sent down from the realm of light, entering into this world in the guise of a man, and by his fate and teaching delivering the elect and opening up the way for their return to their heavenly home.
In Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention Brian Lepard argues that ethical teachings in support of such intervention exist in all major world religions.
The political and military realities of such intervention, and the moral dilemmas that emerge from it, are the topic of David Rieff's book.
Lepard supports humanitarian intervention, and he attempts to show how the principles of such intervention are congruent with the teachings of the seven largest world religions.
Evidence that Syrians who do support an intervention have a real understanding of the likely nature of such an intervention or its possible costs was certainly not demonstrated.
«This was supporting evidence that strategies to enhance muscle NAD synthesis might help to combat age - associated frailty,» says Frederick, emphasizing the need for more studies to confirm the long - term safety of such interventions.
«Furthermore there are other options such as specially designed spectacle lenses and contact lenses or drug interventions but increased investment in research is needed to improve the efficacy and access of such interventions
Skeptics may be concerned that in spite of these benefits for freshmen entering high schools, the costs of such interventions for students already enrolled in schools that are being phased out is too great.
In all cases, the nature and scope of such intervention is appropriately masterminded to ensure not just maximum driving stability, but also optimum dynamics.
Conversely, it is essential that we identify places where they won't provide much benefit, either because a threatened species is likely to go extinct regardless of such interventions, or because the invasive species actually poses little threat.
I argued that that the restoration of the parent - child relationship should not be the primary goal of such interventions, although the repair of that relationship would obviously be a welcome incident of the repair of the child's distorted views and feelings.
Implementation of such a strategy, however, rests not just on having an effective, palatable, and affordable intervention ready to be deployed (a major feat all in itself), but also on having a reliable and valid means of identifying children truly in need of such interventions.
There are dozens of such interventions, with names like Second Step and Seeds of Empathy.
The effects of such intervention programs on teachers» emotional responses and wellbeing could be studied in order to provide evidence for causal effects.
Generate and use evidence for impact — Produce robust, applicable research evidence about what works, promote the implementation of high - impact and cost - effective programs, and enable the capacity to influence the adoption and scale of such interventions.
The Report highlights the significant shift since 2010 in DFID's international development strategy to increasingly promote private sector involvement in the design and delivery of education services, despite the fact that DFID's own research evidence questions the impact of such interventions in relation to education quality and equity for learners.
As a result, very little attention has been paid to the implications of such intervention on the virtually - defeated Islamic State and its client organisations in the region.
«The consequences of such interventions can be, if any, difficult to undo.»
Yes, Section 1111 gives districts wide latitude to design comprehensive support and improvement activities, but the potential efficacy of such interventions can be influenced — or dictated — by state - set parameters.
This will provide not only Smiling Mind but the entire mental health community, with much needed information about the effectiveness of such an intervention on participant wellbeing and stress, as well as the engagement in protective lifestyle factors such as sleep and physical activity.
It would be worth knowing more about the effects of such interventions on broader factors such as relationship
We are investigating the impact of such interventions and how they might translate to improvements in gait and balance control.»
The team say that while more research is needed to investigate the positive effects of such interventions, their results show that short interventions such as the SPARK Resilience Programme can have positive effects for the well - being and mental health of children.
Intensive therapy, now the standard of care, should result in more than 50 % reduction in the rates of complications over time, with implementation early in the course of diabetes providing the most powerful salutary effect.4 Moreover, the durable effect of such intervention, termed metabolic memory, expands the benefits of intensive therapy.5, 6
The impacts of such interventions are typically quantified in terms of effect sizes.
If the removal of an introduced species such as cats is considered, the ASPCA recommends a comprehensive assessment to determine the potential impact of such an intervention.
The ephemeral potential of such interventions is a constant feature in Soto Climent's practice and it is precisely this aspect that reveals the artist's refusal to understand and conceive art as a static, completed product.
[110] But he also pointed out that this should not lead to «indiscriminate genetic manipulation» [111] which ignores the negative effects of such interventions.
Even if, for argument's sake, there were to emerge a broad consensus that the impacts of SRM could be accurately predicted (which seems highly unlikely and endlessly contestable), the social and political impacts of such an intervention are essentially un-knowable, meaning that whatever level of physical scientific certainty or engineering know - how we might gain in this area, the whole enterprise will remain radically unpredictable and risky.
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