Sentences with phrase «of such knowledge»

Similarly, twenty - first century education must include opportunities for students to make connections between what they have learned and real - world applications of such knowledge.
I'm confused regarding what the basis of the claim of such knowledge is.
Thus, the full benefits of such knowledge have not been attained.
The right to exercise choice means very little in the absence of such knowledge.
These portals are simply greatly expanding the reach of such knowledge networks.
Online driver's education only provides an overview or the foundation of driving, but the working of the foundation depends on the practical application of such knowledge.
The government has not, however, offered direct evidence of any such knowledge by Liu nor has he been charged with any crime.
We can already see the beginnings of the application of such knowledge in using scanning technologies to diagnose schizophrenia and to detect subtle racist or sexist thought patterns as well as in implant surgery to treat parkinsonism and in the emergence of drugs such as Ritalin and Ambien.
Perhaps, though definitions based on intent are always weak, the best definition nonetheless involves intent: it is premodern to seek beyond rational knowledge for God; it is modern to desire to hold knowledge in the structures of human rationality (with or without God); it is postmodern to see the impossibility of such knowledge.
Furthermore, much of the commercialization of Native religions violates basic rules governing Native Respect for the sacred: the prohibition of cameras, sketch books and tape recorders and the marketing of such knowledge for monetary gain.
Then, especially in the last few decades, we have become aware of historic knowledge of Jesus, as of such knowledge of other figures.
We can work against illness and disease, by the use of such knowledge and techniques as are acquired through the study of those ills.
The end of such knowledge is neither creation nor conceptualization but gaudium (joy).
Man's good consists in the knowledge of truth; yet man's sovereign good consists, not in the knowledge of any truth, but in the perfect knowledge of the sovereign truth... Hence there may be sin in the knowledge of certain truths, in so far as the desire of such knowledge is not directed in due manner to the knowledge of the sovereign truth, wherein supreme happiness consists.
We humans are continually being challenged to decide as best we can, in the light of such knowledge as is available to us; to act upon those decisions; to be open to as many good possibilities as can be envisaged but not to hesitate to make necessary choices among them: and above all to trust confidently that God values both us and our contributions.
Thus, an intellectual or religious opposition to contraception, in principle, has ramifications for the use of scientifically obtained knowledge, but does not in any way oppose the gathering of such knowledge.
It may be learned readily enough from all the wretched ones, so that one might rather wish and pray, that there was an art that one could learn that would teach him to remain ignorant of such knowledge.
Again, in the life sciences and in the social sciences much knowledge has been accumulated, but the function of such knowledge is not to extinguish the demand for research but rather to provide the basis for vast new explorations into the questions suggested by such knowledge.
Geneticists have dreamed of such knowledge for decades and have talked about it as a real possibility for seven years or so.
As Simon Schaffer and Steven Shapin recount in their 1985 history of the controversy: «Robert Boyle maintained that proper natural philosophical knowledge should be generated through experiment and that the foundations of such knowledge were to be constituted by experimentally produced matters of fact.
Minimizing and addressing bias in the collection and reporting of data is key to maximizing the influence of such knowledge.
As the EIM Institute [1] notes, «The value to the organization of such a knowledge repository is almost incalculable».
«So it is worrying that delivery of such knowledge in teacher training is highly variable and often insufficient.»
Assignments are not easy to write due to necessity effective knowledge and proper implementation of such knowledge while writing an assignment.
Caught between summarizing scientific knowledge and offering political interpretations of such knowledge, the six key messages seem rather ambivalent in what they are saying.
At its second meeting — held in Antalya in Turkey, last month (9 - 14 December)-- the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES) decided to extend its focused assessments of such knowledge [continue reading...]
Because of the rapid rate of TK loss, the codification and disclosure of such knowledge is of urgent importance.
To proponents of such knowledge and research, the Gestalt focus on the co-creation of reality leans dangerously close to blaming the victim.
This study investigates parental knowledge about adolescents» online activities and experiences with online risks, as well as the correlates of such knowledge.
Danger comes when someone has some knowledge about a subject, but not a competent level of such knowledge, such as in your case.
The individual's acceptance of benefits derived from such conduct is evidence of such knowledge, acquiescence, or approval.
Practical driving education aims to coordinate the learning of the person and his own application of such knowledge to the current need on how to drive safely and defensively.
But the bottom line: Only 17 percent of all eighth - graders assessed were proficient in U.S. history — meaning they demonstrated competency of subject - matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real - world situations, and related analytical skills.
The national testing program defines proficiency as «solid academic performance... over challenging subject matter, including subject - matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real - world situations, and analytical skills appropriate to the subject matter.»
Attorneys for the defense denied any evidence of such knowledge and denied that the texter had insisted on and intended for the driver read her texts while he was driving.
... respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of Indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of the holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of the benefits arsing from the utilisation of such knowledge, innovations and practices.
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