Sentences with phrase «of such offers»

This should not be a major deterrent, however, as occurrences where one must take advantage of such an offer should be pretty rare.
An experienced life insurance broker will be aware of such offerings.
Among those offers, 71 percent were for credit cards with introductory low rates, the highest proportion of such offers since the credit card tracking service began following the data 22 years ago.
Today, no contemporary art venue can ignore video, and the technical quality of such offerings has vastly improved as the distinction between «video» and «film» has dissolved.
The fact that a Part 36 offer has been made and the terms of such an offer must not be communicated to the trial judge until the case has been decided.
It comes on the heels of similar statements from other central banks regarding the legal ramifications of such offerings.
Homeowners should never accept this approach at face value; thorough vetting of such offers and the contractor presenting the offer is a must.
The analysis can be found here as a guideline as to how to determine if it's in your best interest to take advantage of such an offer.
But the diverse U.S. trade delegation is likely to have differing views among its members on the merits of such an offer.
It held that acceptance of such offers after the formal mediation has concluded is, if all formalities are satisfied, to be considered a settlement made in the mediation itself.
An article on Tuesday about a recent surge of initial coin offerings referred incorrectly to Patrick Murck, a lawyer who commented on the regulatory oversight of such offerings.
While Gannett has been publicly quiet about a third acquisition offer, after having been unceremoniously rebuffed twice in the spring, the company could well offer $ 18 - 20 per share for the company, though the timing of such an offer isn't clear.
In presence of such offer, what did the people want of Jesus?
We will make very reasonable effort to maintain that all information provided by the businesses and merchants is correct, but do not guarantee any of the content, offers, promotions, accuracy, truth or legality of such offers.
Sophie says she has had a handful of such offers by men over the last 18 months, since she started working as a sugar baby.
I didn't bother trying to do things like paying multiple months in advance or scheduling large purchases to maximize the windfall; I really didn't want to let them change my spending habits (which is part of the goal of such offers).
As a destination, Mexico and the hotel groups there have really been at the forefront of such offerings
Now ask yourself — why might China's rejection of such an offer be reasonable?
Whole Life Policies are more expensive compared to term plans as the period of coverage is throughout the life of the person insured and also due to the savings or investment element which may be part of such offering.
One of the main factors expected to start driving up the cost of such offerings will be the very hardware that powers them, with more companies being likely to -LSB-...]
But the divergent U.S. trade delegation is likely to have differing views on the merits of such an offer.
While this option gives only a small chunk of savings, with an average reduction of.25 %, it's still worth taking advantage of such an offer.
The report stated that despite his importance to the Cherries first - team this term, he is yet to be offered the chance to join the club this summer, before quoting the player himself in stating that he had not been made aware of any such offer to extend his Arsenal contract either.
After having done that, if the buyer wishes to pay more or the seller wishes to accept an offer for a lesser amount, a written confimation to that effect should be obtained from the partiesso that there is no mistake that they were fully informed as to value prior to acceptance of any such an offer.
But members of the diverse U.S. trade delegation, which includes U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, both of whom have been critical of China, are likely to have differing views on the merits of such an offer.
However, you have to be mindful in selecting any of such offers for credit cards and loans for bad credit simply because an incorrect selection of Credit cards for poor credit could land you in a larger financial mess.
While you may be tempted to take advantage of such an offer, here are some things to consider before signing up so you don't end up with even more credit card debt than you already have.
HOWEVER, before you take advantage of such offers, you should be certain that you'll be able to pay off the entire debt by the end of that promotional period, otherwise you'll usually have to pay interest on the entire amount that you transferred, and you're no better off than you were before.
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