Sentences with phrase «of such patterns»

He said a careful look at programs, adjusting for inflation, shows no evidence of such a pattern.
It may be that when one develops a system of thought and life around some set of such patterns it turns out to be quite different from the system developed elsewhere around other patterns.
The development of such patterns can lead to problems down the road, as a young athlete's skeleton matures and his body can handle more muscle, strength, and power.
Against this backdrop, the exhibition Urban Abstract focuses on the artistic recognition and experimental transformation of such patterns in the urban realm.
«Thus the infusion of pattern into natural occurrences, and the stability of such patterns is the necessary condition for the realization of the Good» (ESP 109).
But this is the first time researchers have found a coincident surge in accidental gun deaths: Levine and McKnight studied trends in firearms sales and accidental gun deaths from 2008 through 2015 and found no other instances of such a pattern.
Then they used that information to assemble hundreds of such patterns into a coherent 3D image that reveals both the external shape and internal structure of the particle, they reported yesterday in Physical Review Letters.
Teng's research discovered that the presence of such a pattern tends to precede heat waves by about 15 days.
But the actual CMB (top) shows only random noise and no signs of such patterns.
Using a supercomputer, Saadeh, Pontzen, and colleagues look for evidence of any such patterns lurking faintly behind random variations in the CMB's temperature — a process not unlike trying to pick out a weak picture through extreme static on an old - fashioned TV screen.
Our next step is to start exploring our dataset in the search of such patterns of selection, for new signatures of gene flow among chimpanzee subspecies.»
Life tends to churn out fats in even numbers, with chains 12, 14, 16, and 18 carbons long; finding hints of such a pattern is the biosignature that Mahaffy dreams of discovering.
There was strong - evidence of such patterns on chromosomes 1q, 7p, 8, 11q, 14q, 16, 17q, and 20q, all of which are the targets of frequent large - scale copy number alteration in breast cancer.
Guiding a small ship through a harrowing gauntlet of energy blasts and bullets can lead to an overabundance of stress and yet I find it difficult to not admire the sheer creativity and complexity of such patterns.
This is not to suggest that some one governance pattern, or some small set of such patterns, is manifestly dictated by adopting the goal to understand God.
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