Sentences with phrase «of such platforms»

Businesses that are able to make use of such platforms can leverage the technology for intense business growth.
This will go a long way in determining the experience that traders get from trading in binary options on this platform and the efficiency of such platforms.
The low security continues to be the main drawback of such platforms.
While use of such platforms is growing, the potential for misuse appears to still be firmly in hand.
However, she said it was likely these privacy upgrades were already underway in preparation for the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation, which goes into effect in May and forces companies to offer E.U. users of such platforms more control over their data.
In Stockholm, Index is perhaps the most convincing example of such a platform for new generations of artists, both Swedish and international.
«Law enforcement should increase customer skepticism about [darknet market] sites» integrity and reduce the perceived security of such platforms by exposing their vulnerabilities publicly,» says the study.
An ESPN report from July of last year notes that lobbyists are working in many of those states to clarify the legal status of such platforms.
Internet portal Offshore Wealth invites investors interested in possession of such a platform to start their work.
In the European ALMANAC project, Fraunhofer FIT is working with international partners to develop a prototype of such a platform.
While the DT40 platform does not appear to share the disadvantages of the Ramos cells, the product of any such platform technology is defined and limited by the selection scheme.
Being based on a movie property, it could be tough to license and offer it for free to subscribers of such platform, and it wouldn't make great sense to use it just out of nowhere without promoting any correlated cinematographic effort.
SCORM compliant authoring tools will enable you to fully embrace the features of such platforms, because of the SCORM format.
The revival of such a platform powered by a SkyActiv - engineered Wankel Rotary engine is a big deal to the Japanese automaker.
Yes, this type of model will require users to opt in and privacy advocates will completely freak out over the possible consequences of such a platform.
At the time, he was in favor of creation of such a platform, but yesterday he told Publishing Perspectives he has changed his opinion.
The number of platforms operating quickly proliferated with it being estimated that by early 2012, there were over 90 of these such platforms operating.
A: Nintendo Switch is seeing rapid uptake, and we welcome the arrival of such a platform.
We grill the devs over at AltSpace VR about the future of the cyber social space and the potential and responsibilities of such a platform.
Presently only a handful of such platforms are offering automated trading.
There are alternatives of such platforms like Netflix and also Amazon Video.
With adolescents and young adults, particularly young women, being the primary users of such platforms, it is an important question... / more
In fact, the recent debate concerning B2C online dispute resolution mostly centers on how far we should go to encourage consumers and online merchants to use ODR platforms — or rather, if the use of such platforms can and should it be imposed — and not if B2C ODR is feasible.
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