Sentences with phrase «of such scale»

The development and validation of such a scale is described.
The owners developed the buildings in phases and found slowing down and living with space before making decisions was the best way to tackle a project of such scale.
Quite frankly, it's still unclear how limited resources expended for events of such scale would be returned to Queens and its families.
VHILS — has a double exhibition coming up in Paris at Danysz Gallery and Centquatre, the first of such a scale in France.
Because a U-turn of such a scale would be politically difficult I expect that instead there will be a series of minor policy adjustments over the next few months that will be sold as a change in emphasis rather than substance.
The governor said that the suspect had offered few clues that he would carry out a massacre of such scale, although Mr. Abbott did say that the suspect's Facebook page had included a photograph of a shirt that read «Born to Kill.»
These days, analyses of such scale can not even be conducted by a single researcher or a small working group.»
Ultimately, the success or failure of such scaled - down designs may relate to manpower.
But you would think that if Costner were brave enough to embark on something of such scale and ambition, the last thing he would be worried about was mildly offending people.
This will be only the second presentation of such scale, featuring the works of this grand master of figural painting, to be held in Europe (the first was held at London's Whitechapel Gallery in 2010).
A striking, large - scale collage by Paul McCarthy titled Mountaineer Hummel (Puck Penissss)(2009)-- «raw and radical, just like him» — is the first two - dimensional McCarthy work of such scale to be sold in a public auction (est. $ 250,000 - $ 350,000).
Yet «Piero Manzoni: A Retrospective,» recently on view at the Chelsea branch of the Gagosian Gallery franchise, was a monographic show of such scale that it replaced previous endgames with inaugurations.
The use of such scaled results in combination with global warmings from simple models is discussed in Section 11.10.1.
Kirk Baert, a partner at Koskie Minsky, who along with Ken Rosenberg of Paliare Roland acts for the plaintiff, said «Collusion of such a scale among such large companies is a serious issue.
And although groups like Everytown provided the infrastructure and expertise, Mr. Clavering, who had never before planned an event of such scale, said they always remained hands - off.
Also in the mix is ZOMBIELAND director Ruben Fleischer, but considering elements in his personal life, like... Oh, you know, having a baby, he might be not be the best equipped currently to handle a project of such scale.
The great success of MINI's involvement with the Ludlow 38 contemporary art space has been of such scale that we are proud to announce our continuous long - term support.
The highlight of Fellows» professional career has been the unique opportunity to advise and work on the Hudson Yards project in New York City: «Being involved on a project of such scale and magnitude has posed many complications and challenges», Fellows says.
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