Sentences with phrase «of such students»

It is likely that the number of such students in any school will be below 2 % of the total enrollment and often less than that.
How would I answer to the parents of such a student should they present themselves before me?
The bill requires states to track performance of such students closely and intervene when schools are failing.
The results for SD are based on students who were assessed and could not be generalized to the total population of such students.
The number of such students admitted has fallen since 2005.
If, like today, half of such students drop out, we can expect the dropout rate to double right along with the number of students «below grade level».
These literature should be consulted, so that all users of such student - level survey data are aware of the potential pitfalls when using and consuming such output.
This approach focuses on the positive behaviors of such students and communicates positive expectations about behavior in the academic setting.
The achievement level of such students falls dramatically when they are required to do routine work at a routine pace.
How well does it fit with your experience of such students?
For example, KIPP NYC reports that «among students classified as English - language learners, 82 percent who originally enrolled in their charters for kindergarten remained in their schools four years later, compared with 70 percent of such students in traditional public schools.»
Elia, speaking to early childhood educators, administrators and advocates, noted that only 7 percent of Long Island 4 - year - olds have access to state - funded, full - day pre-K, compared with 100 percent of such students in New York City.
And more than one - third of the studentsare minorities — the highest percentage of such students onany campus in the state.
Enrollment shall be open to any child who is deemed to reside within the relevant school division or, in the case of a regional public charter school, within any of the relevant school divisions, as set forth in § 22.1 - 3, through a lottery process on a space - available basis, except that in the case of the conversion of an existing public school, students who attend the school and the siblings of such students shall be given the opportunity to enroll in advance of the lottery process.
(i) a Lender provides or issues a Loan to students attending The Cooper Union or to the families of such students; and
For example, considering for the moment only non-CEP schools, a LEA might allocate $ 1,200 per student from a low - income family to schools where the share of such students is 60 percent to 80 percent of total enrollment, and $ 1,500 per student to schools where the low - income student percentage is 80 percent to 100 percent.
In this paragraph, the term «opportunity pool loan» means a private education loan made by a lender to a student attending The Cooper Union or the family member of such a student that involves a payment, directly or indirectly, by The Cooper Union of points, premiums, additional interest, or financial support to such lender for the purpose of such lender extending credit to the student or the family.
The proposal by Educators 4 Excellence, whose L.A. chapter of 900 teachers was launched last November, came one day after a Los Angeles Superior Court judge found that the Los Angeles Unified School District had violated a state law requiring the use of such student achievement measures in its instructor evaluations.
Well, we now know, as the result of the work of such students of medieval canon law as Brian Tierney and Charles Reid, that the canon lawyers of the 12th century were already employing, in a highly articulate way, the idea of natural rights.
Prohibits school districts or BOCES from including students» score on state administered ELA or math assessments in grades 3 through 8 from inclusion on a student's official transcript or permanent record and requires that a notice be sent to parents / guardians informing them of such
Figures 2a and 2b describe the percentage of such students who remain in their original elementary school after a given number of years according to their IEP status in kindergarten.
Funding has been obtained from NSF to support a stable cohort of such students whose duties involve the training of a new generation of graduate researchers to work in the museum; the presentation of information on ongoing research to museum educators and interested parents; the tracking of participation by children and families in such research initiatives.
(New York charters are required by law to serve a certain proportion of such students, yet Moskowitz was threatened with the loss of her federal funds because she wanted to use a weighted lottery to make it happen.)
State efforts at carrying out requirements to test English - language learners under the No Child Left Behind Act are receiving increased scrutiny, as hundreds of schools across the country fail to meet goals for adequate yearly progress at least in part because of such students» scores.
If a principal were, for example, to entice one - third of such students to gain a single point, the performance composite would increase by a full percentage point, but the average student - level gain would be tiny and could even be offset by losses made by students safely above or below the proficiency cutoff.
During the 1996 - 97 school year, for example, the number of such students ages 3 to 21 rose to 5.8 million, a 3 percent increase...
The settlement in the class action on behalf of such students will let them use oral presentations, spell - checkers, voice - recognition software, help from test proctors, and other state - approved accommodations on the Alaska High School Graduation Qualifying Exam.
The same states — Massachusetts, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Vermont — are top performers on this measure for students from families with high educational backgrounds; in all four plus Colorado, 18 percent or more of such students perform at the advanced level.
Advocates for those with disabilities push to ensure the interests of such students are well - represented in states» Every Student Succeeds Act plans.
Now a remarkable website started by a group of young Chicago activists — all women between the ages of 12 and 22 — is collecting the personal stories of such students in print, video, and audio and combining them with survey research, popular education, art, and more.
Once a student has been enrolled for a full school year at Polaris Charter School, he / she will automatically be guaranteed enrollment for all subsequent school years, unless parents of such a student fails to complete the Intent to Re-enroll, the student voluntarily withdraws or until the student ages out of the school population.
Joyce VanTassel - Baska alerts us to the fact that teachers who refuse even to consider the use of acceleration with academically gifted students are blinding themselves to one of the most predominant characteristics of such students.
The awards — expected to pay all but $ 10 of the cost of each AP exam taken by low - income students — are intended to boost the number of such students taking the exams and obtaining college credit for high school courses, which reduces the time and cost required to complete a postsecondary degree.
Although there apparently are some such students at Trinity Western, the Covenant is obviously a greater burden on most of them (except those who do not view celibacy as a burden) than on most heterosexual students (though it's worth noting that the Covenant does restrict the liberty of such students too, and in a way that would surely be unconstitutional if this restriction were imposed by the state).
Graduation coaches come to the rescue of such students and teach them the subject matter, draft study plans, ensure they practice hard and make certain they clear their exams.
reports that «among students classified as English - language learners, 82 percent who originally enrolled in their charters for kindergarten remained in their schools four years later, compared with 70 percent of such students in traditional public schools.»
Provides that in the case of the conversion of an existing public school, students who attend the school and the siblings of such students may be given the opportunity to enroll in advance of the lottery process.
In general, school districts are required to provide kids with physical, emotional or intellectual disabilities a free education in the «least restrictive» setting, and to accommodate the needs of such students.
LEAs may choose to provide higher grants per child from a low - income family to schools with higher percentages of such students.
In short, the larger the share of such students, the more the teacher and principal are disadvantaged by the model.
The results for ELL are based on students who were assessed and could not be generalized to the total population of such students.
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