Sentences with phrase «of swing producer»

With global oil markets currently heavily oversupplied and US shale looking likely to take the position of swing producer in the short term, does the US or world really need more oil?
The Saudis retaliated, not by playing its historic role of swing producer and putting the brakes on oil output, instead deciding to pump as fast as possible.

Not exact matches

OPEC took over as the supply regulator in the early 1970s but succeeded only when Saudi Arabia was willing to play swing producer, bearing the brunt of supply cuts or increases to balance the market.
Those familiar with the geographics of the US electoral college will immediately recognize that there is a high correlation between the steel producers and the «swing states» which most often determine the outcome of the American elections.
While we believe that current energy market fundamentals justify an oil price of $ 50 or above, we also note that productivity gains in US shale fields have increased the elasticity of supply from these critical swing producers, a factor that could cap any significant price appreciation.
He has great stability, and when he goes to swing his bat, he produces a great amount of force into the ground from these powerful force producers.
California; Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, who shook up American morality with an ideal of swinging singlehood, dies at 91 In 1994, producer Howard W. Koch, Jr., optioned his book to be made into a movie for Paramount Pictures.
Taking a swing at the prevalent commercialization of Broadway Theater Playwright Tracy Letts gave a big thumbs up to the producers of the play simply for their gall to «Äúdo something amazing: (by) staging an American play on roadway with theater artists.»
Awards season is in full swing, and today we have the Producers Guild of America announcing their nominations for the annual PGA Awards.
At a panel Friday afternoon at Comic - Con featuring Abrams, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, producer and screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan and unnamed «special guests» (including possibly Harrison Ford, if the Force is with the fans), they will get another swing of the lightsaber.
That exacerbates the swings in the market, but given the needs of hedgers, whether they are producers or users, momentum tends to occur anyway for reasons of fear.
Which is, most likely, as Nintendo intended; as Irwin points out, «Tanabe's absence suggests a corporate culture of anonymity,» a neutral backdrop against which their «wunderkind - turned - producer - turned - mascot,» Miyamoto, can shine «as some kind of game character made flesh, grinning and swinging a plastic sword.»
In fact, the huge fall in oil prices in the last few years has made it clear that US oil production using fracking and associated modern technologies is the swing world producer of oil, not OPEC.
It may have effectively turned LTO into the new swing producer, but it will not drive it out of the market.
With a pilot directed by Martin Scorsese and a producer of The Sopranos at his side, the series came out of the gates swinging.
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