Sentences with phrase «of swollen tissue»

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Kwashiorkhor leads to fatty changes in the liver and swelling of the body due to excess fluid in the tissues.
His eyes are swollen with scar tissue, the skin around them grooved by needles that couldn't completely mend the ravages of the ring.
Veterinarian Joe Burch, who, with his son George, treats 700 horses during the racing season at Miami's Gulfstream Park, says, «Swelling is the cause of soft - tissue pain.
D21 & D22 — Contributing factors that can enlarge tonsils & adenoids and cause the swelling of tissue lining the airway are infections and inflammation.
There is an enhanced blood flow to your breasts and some of the surrounding tissue at this time which causes the breasts to swell.
Mastitis: Mastitis is inflammation (swelling) of the breast tissue.
Applying cold compresses or ice for 15 to 20 minutes after feeding or pumping reduces swelling in the breast tissue and inflammation of milk ducts.
What it is: Mastitis is an inflammation and infection of breast tissue that can lead to redness, swelling and warmth in the infected part of the breast.
As a pregnancy progresses, the growing abdomen, swollen vaginal tissue, as well as anxiety and even the couple's fear of hurting the baby could contribute to an uncomfortable experience.»
Swollen blood vessels and extra swelling in the breast tissue itself, combined with an abundance of milk, may make your breasts temporarily painful and engorged, but nursing frequently in the first few days will help relieve any discomfort.
I know that an oversupply of milk seems like a great thing and maybe you're even thinking that the painful engorgement and swollen tissue is worth an abundance of milk for your little one, but it can also make breastfeeding very difficult.
When you're breastfeeding, your nipple will swell and extend outward as your baby draws the nipple into his mouth, along with some of your areola and breast tissue.
Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness.
Sometimes this excess fluid travels to your tissues making some women develop a condition known as edema - the swelling of the aforementioned body parts.
They involve the formation of cysts that becomes swollen in the breast tissue.
And, once you've delivered your beautiful bundle of joy, use BabyIt to soothe sore, swollen, bruised, and healing tissues.
Even the quickest and smoothest of deliveries is bound to result in sore and swollen tissues, and the discomfort after delivery can be more severe if there was any tearing or an episiotomy was required.
This increased milk volume can exceed the storage capacity of the breast and cause fluid leakage into the surrounding tissue, which results in swelling and pain.
A hot compress or poultice of comfrey leaves soothes sore nipples, softens engorged tissues, reduces the pain of swollen breasts, and helps unblock tubes and ducts.
One other tip I read was, in a case like that, to leave it alone for half an hour or hour or so in case trying to retrieve it has caused any slight swelling of those tissues.
Swelling of the breast tissue may be subtle.
Mastitis is swelling or inflammation of the breast tissue, and it's often called a breast infection.
«In boys, swelling of the scrotum can be quite impressive and the tissue very red.
Being that I am a nurse, I was familiar with the term mastitis (an infection of the breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness), however it wasn't on the forefront of my mind and certainly not that it was indeed a very common occurrence!
According to the Mayo Clinic, mastitis is an infection of breast tissue that causes warmth, swelling, redness, and breast pain as well as fever and chills.
You can also try an over-the-counter medication such as Anusol Plus * ointment or suppositories to soothe and ease the burning sensation, and help reduce the swelling of hemorrhoid tissue.
«Part of the initial engorgement is actually tissue swelling,» Lester says.
Because the breast is so full and swollen, the nipple and areola may flatten out (sort of like a water balloon) making the tissue difficult for the baby to grasp.
to have slightly swollen breasts / breast tissue after birth — again a kooky effect of mum's hormones in the womb.
These fluctuations may result in your breasts having areas of lumpy or thickening tissue that are tender, sore and even swollen.
This headward fluid shift may be responsible for vision changes, flattening of the eyeball and swelling of some tissues in the back of the eye and engorgement of the optic nerve sheath seen in approximately one out of three International Space Station astronauts.
This surely contributes to the rarity or nonexistence of human - to - human transmission of rabies (acquired by the bite of an infected dog or bat); cat - scratch disease (which causes skin lesions and swollen lymph nodes); tularemia (a disease, often acquired when hunting and cutting up an infected rabbit, that can cause skin ulcers, swollen lymph nodes, and fever); and BSE (probably acquired by eating the nervous system tissue of infected cows).
Active leishmaniasis (left) spurred red patches on the skin and swelling of the nose and surrounding soft tissue.
The parasite Dirofilaria repens is a roundworm that primarily attacks the subcutaneous tissue of dogs and causes lumps in the skin, swelling, and itching.
By switching Apc on, researchers turned swelling mobs of mouse cancer cells (above) back into normal intestinal tissue (below).
But it became increasingly difficult to maintain the balance of minerals and fluids in her body, and the generalized swelling of her tissues progressed as her kidneys began to fail.
Grace's tissues had retained so much fluid that her presickness weight of 125 had risen to 185 — her entire body was bloated and swollen.
Almost paradoxically, the swelling of the lids made the open, frightened eyes seem to bulge — very likely, the tissues behind them were also swollen.
New research reveals that swollen tissue on the back of the eel - like creatures (Petromyzon marinus, pictured), known as rope tissue, heats up when a male encounters a female.
Sentinel node biopsy reduces the possibility of patients having to undergo extensive lymph node surgery and its associated side effects such as tissue swelling, lymph accumulation at the surgery site, pain, discomfort, and overall decreased quality of life.
Fetuses develop smooth volar pads — raised pads on the fingers, palms and feet — because of swelling mesenchymal tissue, which is a precursor of blood vessels and connective tissues.
Water in the soft tissues of your body vaporizes, causing gross swelling, though the tight seal of your skin would prevent you from actually bursting apart.
Slam an ordinary creature with a high dose of radiation and the results are most unpleasant: tissue swells, strands of DNA rupture, and chromosomes shatter.
Though swollen, the recipient is taking immune - suppressing drugs and has shown no sign of rejection (attacking the new tissue as though it were an invading germ), Siemionow said.
These complications include Graves» orbitopathy, where swelling of tissue behind the eyes causes them to bulge outward.
Another paper from his lab looked at Lyme disease patients who produce elevated levels of certain microRNAs — molecules that fine - tune immune responses — which are known to have a role in chronic inflammation, tissue growth and swelling, and impaired wound repair.
When a graft covered in the microneedles is inserted into the skin and makes contact with the water in natural tissues, the polyacrylic acid in the tips swells up, providing that mechanical lock with minimal pain and risk of infection.
As with all other professional bodybuilders, because of the use of exogenous testosterone, while preparing for bodybuilding competitions, he has suffered from gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of the breast tissue beneath the nipples, causing them to swell up.
When you become aroused, the entire clitoris swells because it is made of erectile tissue, much like a penis.
Instead of defending against enemy invaders, like viruses and bacteria, it produces antibodies that target healthy tissue, leading to inflammation, swelling, and damage.
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