Sentences with phrase «of symbolic links»

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Prosaic and matter - of - fact, they made the symbolic so tangible that a direct link was forged between their own day and the days described in Old Testament and New.
Both told of a Last Supper linked with the blood sacrifice whose symbolic recreation by eating bread and wine provided salvation for all worshippers.
Notwithstanding differences of race and nationality, men felt the existence of a higher unity, a kind of spiritual association, with the Pope at its head and the little kingdom of Palestine as the fatherland and symbolic link.
A human being (a child, for instance) is first shown a visible picture of a physical object and then the audible or written symbolic language component is linked to it to give comprehension.
By interpreting the symbolic process cosmologically we may envisage reality (the aesthetic whole) rather than our subjectivity as taking the initiative, first by linking us to itself in our primary perception and second by flowing through the channels of our perception until it comes closer to the pole of secondary perception (without ever quite arriving) where it can impress its importance upon us in a more vivid manner.
Merleau - Ponty helps us to see the links between feeling, meaning, and expression; by implication he alters our understanding of symbolic truth.
In these introductory chapters, I have examined the remarkable nature of the congregation, notable today less for its accomplishment than for its communal discourse that at once particularizes a corporate genius and links it to the symbolic structure of all societies everywhere.
Giroux caricatures the traditional classroom as one where «students sit in rows staring at the back of each others» heads and at the teacher who faces them in symbolic, authoritarian fashion»; «events are governed by a rigid time schedule imposed by a system of bells and reinforced by cues from teachers»; we «glorify the teacher as the expert [and] dispenser of knowledge»; «social relationships... are based upon power relations inextricably linked to the teacher's allotment of grades»; and tracking «alienates students from schooling.»
Whilst his work is stylistically aligned to the installations of Edward & Nancy Kienholz, its symbolic nature links it to the gendered and politicised installations of the 1980s and 1990s by artists such as Ann Hamilton and Ilya Kabakov.
Rural Scots accept such extremes with matter - of - factness, and, in Cocker's sculpture, these attitudes are reflected in the sense of a normality that springs from making objects and finding symbolic threads to link the physical and spiritual aspects of life.
Her admission to the symbolic order has been warped by her father's open affair with her governess, yet her link back to the imaginary (completeness of relation to the Mother) is damaged by her mother's presumed complicity.
Ofili came to prominence in the early 1990s with richly orchestrated paintings combining rippling dots of paint, drifts of glitter, collaged images and elephant dung — varnished, often studded with map pins and applied to the picture surface as well as supporting the canvas — a combination of physical elevation and symbolic link to the earth.
Artist innovative and pioneering, surprised us by creating an entirely personal artistic style, with richly paintings combining rippling dots of paint, drifts of glitter, collaged images and elephant dung — varnished, often studded with map pins and applied to the picture surface as well as supporting the canvas — a combination of physical elevation and symbolic link to the earth.
Dodge has a clear knowledge of the symbolic, imaginary or literary symbols attached to the materials, objects and actions he links together.
Joseph Beuys, Jean - Sylvain Bieth, Jannis Kounellis and Gloria Friedmann link presentation of materials and symbolic representation.
A reference to magic carpet narratives as well as the blankets that Illegal street vendors use to quickly pack and transport their wares to safety, Flying Carpets perfectly fulfills the show's curatorial desire to link the symbolic significance of pattern with its aesthetic tradition.
While not a substitute for practical action, I'm a big fan of the symbolic, so this next one is pretty cool: The UNEP has just announced that a one - time train link between Kyoto and Copenhagen will
While not a substitute for practical action, I'm a big fan of the symbolic, so this next one is pretty cool: The UNEP has just announced that a one - time train link between Kyoto and Copenhagen will be opened.
In Developer Mode, a user account with any level of privileges can create symbolic links.
The symbolic link change is a good example of what Microsoft will continue doing with Developer Mode in the future.
Symlink — also called as Symbolic link or Soft link — could be one of most hidden concepts for computer users.
Specifically, exposure to toys that enable symbolic play and support the development of fine motor skills has been shown to relate to children's early receptive language skills, intrinsic motivation and positive approaches to learning.45, 46 In addition, children's familiarity with storybooks has been linked to their receptive and expressive vocabularies and early reading abilities.26, 27
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