Sentences with phrase «of syntocinon»

For example, induction doubles the risk of Caesarean birth, and increases the use of syntocinon.

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Once labor is underway, experiment with tapering off the Pitocin / Syntocinon as labor may continue without it and research indicates that a lower, slower rate reduces the risk of your having an emergency Cesarean.
Syntocinon - This is a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin, which is naturally released during labour.
Many of the studies above indicate that babies who are born following the use of epidural and syntocinon may well have altered neurobehaviour as a result of exposure to these medications during the birthing process.
The majority of women birthing in hospital will receive syntocinon intramuscularly during the third stage of labour to help expel the placenta.
Seven out of ten women in Ireland will take an epidural, and six out of ten women will receive syntocinon either in the first or second stage of labour.
Until recently, a Cochrane review on «Active versus expectant management in the third stage of labour» suggested that administration of synthetic oxytocin (Syntocinon ® or Syntometrine ®) is preferred to expectant management — or simply allowing the placenta time to peel away from the uterine lining and to be expelled.
Syntocinon (aka pitocin) produces strong contractions often without the gentle build up and endorphin release of natural contractions.
For stubborn babies who are 40 weeks plus a Syntocinon drip might be suggested if all other efforts have failed — this is a synthetic version of Oxytocin, the hormone which starts labour off.
For example, if a care provider suspects a «big baby» the woman is more likely to experience interventions (syntocinon, c - section, instrumental birth, etc) and complications regardless of whether her baby is actually big (Sadeh - Mestechkin et al. 2008; Blackwell et al. 2009).
However, with interventions like use of synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin / Syntocinon), antibiotics, C - section and formula feeding, this microbial transfer from the mother to baby is interfered with or bypassed completely.
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