Sentences with phrase «of systematic thinking»

Investigators in heuristics and biases contend that people can't help but make many types of systematic thinking errors, such as being overconfident in their decisions.
His lack of systematic thinking makes him not only inconsistent, but also undermines his own claims to being «pastoral»!
This failure of systematic thinking is why they've responded to the devastating consequences of a yield - seeking mortgage bubble by encouraging yet another yield - seeking bubble, but this time in virtually every class of risky assets.
Modern Western culture is weakened by a great vacuum of systematic thought about the nature of man.
This inevitable procedure of systematic thought not only breaks down because of its own inadequacy and because of its failure in helping us to understand ourselves but in the long run results in idolatry.

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The textbook definition is that critical thinking is the systematic evaluation or formulation of beliefs or statements by rational standards.
Because I think China's nominal GDP growth has been overstated by a substantial amount because of its systematic failure to write down bad loans, I usually have subtracted 2 - 4 percentage points from the nominal GDP growth rate before I did my very rough calculation.
Calomiris proposes (1) internal governance reforms that would decentralize power within the Fed and promote diversity of thinking; (2) policy process reforms that would narrow the Fed's primary mandate to price stability and require the Fed to adopt and disclose a systematic approach to monetary policy; and (3) other reforms that would constrain the Fed's asset holdings and activities so as to avoid actions that conflict with its monetary policy mission and that risk undermining its independence.
They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.»
I can count on 1 hand the number of Christians I have met in the last 5 years who think there is a systematic conspiracy to undermine the Bible or whatever.
If postmodernity is or is going to be something really and materially new, then the Systematic Theology, in its preoccupation with the great problems of modernity and its paradigmatic exemplification of one sort of modernist thinking, will probably be an historical artifact from the day of its publication.
«Over the past year, the Egyptian transitional government continued to engage in and tolerate systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief,» reads the report.
The faithful Mormons are offended because they think Christians are calling them evil people, although many of us are not, while those of us who went to seminary and suffered through a course on systematic theology keep stressing that there is actually a precise definition of «Christian» and that Mormons differ from that definition in a very few important ways.
But in the constructive thought of a systematic thinker, admission of change seems to indicate an acknowledgment of inadequacy and error..
I think that the crisis goes deeper than any particular systematic expression of Catholic faith - Thomism, Holloway, or whoever else.
Rather than viewing Moltmann's thought on play as developing chiefly out of a dialogue with American theology, it would be better to conclude that (1) his systematic interest in exploring the various ramifications of a theology of hope led him to investigate ecclesiology, which he found playful, and (2) his desire to counteract the seriousness of student revolutionaries, both in Germany and in America, led him into a consideration of play as an antidote.
There is, therefore, a certain irony, and perhaps even infidelity, in the attempt to pen a systematic, comprehensive presentation of Soloveitchik's thought, as Reuven Ziegler, director of research for the Toras HoRav Foundation, which holds Soloveitchik's manuscripts, does in Majesty and Humility.
Distracted by other projects, and always gracious to the demands of others on his time, he did not complete what came to be recognized as the first systematic theology shaped by process thought until 1967.
In more recent years under the stimulus of Whitehead's thought and the constructive work of Charles Hartshorne, certain theologians have been developing «process theology» as a systematic theological outlook.
ter · ror · ist: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion I can think of many who are guilty of this.
I will end by stating quite dogmatically — dogmatically because a justification requires the full working out of such a theory — that for an «I» to be able to remember, to believe, to intend, to think, and to know seems to require a theory of a many - leveled self, each level being specified by the systematic equivocity of time.2 Such a theory seems to me to be impossible within the framework of process philosophy.
The value of Laszlo's book is the systematic thinking that goes beyond some of these highly questionable attributions to other philosophers.
Because both systematic and moral theology are defined by interests in the integral unity of the «Christian thing» and the unity of theological inquiry, neither of them should be thought of as the «middle discipline» (cf. 50 - 51) between historical theology's formulations of what is normatively or faithfully «Christian» and practical theology's application of those formulations to practice.
Such a problem would lead us to suggest that the only consistent alternatives would be either a radical, a historical translation as mentioned above, or — if the historical framework of biblical thought were to be retained — a systematic theology where the bridge between the centuries of biblical events and our own time was found in the actual history of the church as still ongoing history of God's people.
Accepting this requirement, I infer from it the way in which theology should seek to be systematic: not by trying to go behind or beyond what the texts affirm (the common caricature of systematic theology), but by making clear the links between items in the whole compendium of biblical thought.
For this reason I conclude that the notion of regional inclusion is incompatible, in principle, with concepts at the very heart of Whitehead's systematic thought.
In Sherburne's words, the issue is whether «the notion of regional inclusion is incompatible, in principle, with concepts at the very heart of Whitehead's systematic thought
It is amazing, surely, when every textbook of Christian systematics one can think of develops three or more (usually three) historic types of atonement theory, that people in the pews (and many in the pulpits!)
The question of the status of the past is crucial in Whitehead's thought as a result of his systematic account of the nature of a full fact.
And there are many different kinds of theology: historical, systematic, practical, black, liberation — in fact, a «theology of» just about every movement and topic that requires serious thought and...
I am sorry, I think I shall stick with the perspective of B.B. Warfield, or one of my favorite models, D.A. McGregor (1847 — 1890), professor of systematic theology at and then principal of Toronto Baptist College.
But the third source of Tillich's thought, the tradition of German idealist philosophy, gives greater emphasis to impersonal conceptions and is more evident in his systematic discussion of the doctrine of God.33 He does not accept Hegel's vision of participation in the all - inclusive Absolute in which all differences are overcome in harmonious synthesis.
While not denying the systematic possibility of a «naturalized» Whiteheadian metaphysics, Hall argues that Whitehead grounds rational religion in distinctive aspects of experience which can not be reduced to ethical modalities, as Sherburne suggests, without greatly impoverishing «the sources of thought, action and feeling to which civilized men refer for self - understanding.»
Hence McHenry's systematic arguments are not persuasive with respect to the historical question of what Whitehead thought at earlier stages.
Again and again in writings, he has traced historically phases of development in Western (Greek and Christian) and Indian (Brahmanic, Hindu and Buddhist) religious thought, and has analyzed in systematic fashion basic notions in Hinduism and Christianity.
If systematic theology, however, has a different sense of its experience and public than philosophical theology, and if process thought is to be useful here, it may need to proceed differently than it has thus far.
I do think, however, that he provides a recent example of the lack of clear distinction between philosophical and systematic theology in process thought.
I will offer a somewhat systematic review of New Thought philosophy, considering textual sources and hermeneutics, beliefs about the nature of Divinity, humankind, christology, and universal creation, and how these beliefs inform the way New Thought addresses suffering.
Another theological development showing the point - counterpoint in Protestant thought is the appearance of a small but steady stream of systematic theologies.
And in some recent ethical thinking, this understanding of the highest good has been given a philosophically systematic and rigorous expression.
His many hooks include America's Theologian: A Recommendation of Jonathan Edwards (1988), the two - volume Systematic Theology (1997; 1999), On Thinking the Human (2003) and, most recently, a commentary on Song of Songs for the Interpretation Bible Commentary series.
The crucial significance of religious humanism for new turns in religious thought consists in its illumination of radical freedom / autonomy as the essence of human reality and its program to construct a systematic theology / philosophy on the exclusively anthropological foundation of the functional ultimacy of humankind as the theological singular.
Philosophy has of course always had a considerable role to play in theological reflection, in directing attention to the need for conceptual clarity and systematic completeness, demanding rigor of thought, seeking comprehensiveness.
By no means is Calvin accurately placed in a tradition of deductive, systematic thought commonly associated with such later figures as Descartes, Leibniz and Hegel.
The image of Calvin as a cold, logical and rigidly systematic thinker appears to have been created by Reformed scholasticism, vividly expressed in the Westminster Confession of 1649 — which is assumed to be an expression of Calvin's own mode of thought.
This becomes apparent when one scans the interrelated course of New Testament research and systematic thought in this century.
The general writings mention him, but for a fuller treatment the best sources are two books by Y. P. Mei: Motse, Rival of Confucius, a biography and systematic discussion of his thought, and The Works of Motse.
12 There is no systematic rendering of this notion because he rebelled against the very idea of systems of thought that betray the incarnational scandal of particularity.
The difficulty of discerning a systematic consistency in John is less a function of some fundamental confusion in his thought than of his remarkable mirroring of the way in which we all must hold our faith.
It is, on the other hand, the cornerstone of the systematic approach; for this last approach holds that any in - depth interpretation of Process and Reality must be conducted under the illumination provided, at the very least, by correlative in - depth interpretations of Science and the Modern World, Adventures of Ideas, and Modes of Thought.
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