Sentences with phrase «of talking to them on the phone»

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You also have to educate yourself on the process so you understand what the person on the other end of the phone is talking about.
The digitization of cars and the whole Internet of Things story — phones talking to thermostats and so on — is a positive for semiconductor makers.
Intellifusion, a Shenzhen - based AI firm that provides technology to the city's police to display the faces of jaywalkers on large LED screens at intersections, is now talking with local mobile phone carriers and social media platforms such as WeChat and Sina Weibo to develop a system where offenders will receive personal text messages as soon as they violate the rules, according to Wang Jun, the company's director of marketing solutions.
The company says that senior management and its product team spent all of Monday talking to various brands and its peers in the outdoor industry on the phone.
While socializing with co-workers led to higher levels of fatigue, talking on the phone with a friend, on the other hand, resulted in lower levels of fatigue.
Morgan is a close friend of Trump's — Trump spent more time talking to Morgan on the phone after the election than he did with British Prime Minister Theresa May.
It's easy for Matthew to get me on the phone in advance of a meeting, and we can talk.
Sometimes scientific findings of such head - slapping obviousness — talking on the phone makes you a worse driver and men generally favor large breasts, for example — that they make the average lay person wonder how anyone ever got funding to investigate the question in the first place.
As reported by the [24] 7 Customer Engagement Index, 20 percent of consumers who end a business relationship due to poor customer service report waiting too long to talk to someone on the phone.
Clients spend an hour and a half on the phone with an editor talking about their goals for the book, another 90 minutes creating a table of contents and an outline, another 30 to 60 minutes approving it and six to eight hours being interviewed by the editor.
«Something that I've been hearing a lot from folks who have been coming up to me and talking about a kind of experience they've had where they're having a conversation with friends — not on the phone, just talking.
how good of a driver a person is... do they change lanes erratically, talk or text on the phone while driving, tailgate, or any other bad habits that would cause a person to not own the vehicle for a long period of time?
From the perspective of the customer, bots make the shopping process much smoother, eliminating the need to scroll through pages and pages of product choices or talk on the phone with a customer service rep.. In fact, a HubSpot Research report found that 47 % of people are interested in buying items from a bot.
And also that assurances from Pershing Square to the effect of «no no, we talked to them on the phone, it's fine» would not quite cut it.
My hobbies: Fishing, hockey and music Sources of news I use: News apps on my phone My favourite airport: Vancouver My favourite commodities: Copper, gold, zinc, cobalt My favourite tradeshow: PDAC With this person I would like to have dinner: Warren Buffet (talking about philanthropy, investing and life) If I could have a superpower, it would be: Seeing into the future
So many would prefer to do things in the comfort of their own home rather than venture outside and into a brick and mortar store, or even talk on the phone for that matter.
When speaking with customer support, the person on the other end of the line didn't quite seem to know what I was talking about, and since there isn't a media phone number listed on the website, I can't seem to verify this refund.
Finally, word sweeping the Times newsroom is that another of the new management hires has been spied, «in our cafeteria, talking on the phone, in what sounded like a job interview, saying that he had been authorized «to hire five people» and that «a non-union national newsroom» was being created «to service all Tronc papers.»
It's so tempting to get right down to business when talking with employees over the phone or on a video conference, but the beginnings of those interactions are a great time to connect with one another on a human level.
I remember talking to him on the phone some, but don't remember hanging up on him as he accuses me of doing.
And I find this is true... at age 70 stuff still comes up and I wonder what on earth raised it, but I do confront the issue and if necessary, seek counsel (which entails only lifting up the phone and talking to one of a half dozen close qualified friends.
PRO: The «Bite and Smile» is so familiar to audiences that its lift - bite - chew motion operates subliminally — rather than intellectualizing the process, a viewer simply regards the footage as a natural activity associated with your product, like scenes of a car being driven or a mobile phone being talked - on.
I tell people about this all of the time — vegetarians, even, who nod politely; my husband, who thinks it's cool, but perhaps a little less than I do; this old lady on the crosstown bus who heard me talking about them on the phone... But wait, there's more: not only do you only need three ingredients to make carnitas, the cooking technique is kind of brilliant.
The guy I've been talking on the phone about the event has been kind of wishy washy, so that was one of the reasons I picked where we went to dinner with my Mom so I could a: check out the venue; b: check out the food and c: check out the manager I'd been talking to.
But you got me all hungry for hummus and then I just happened to be talking to my sister on the phone and had an open can of chickpeas and... well, the rest is history.
Like, we're in the middle of a long distance relationship right now, but we Skype and talk on the phone every night, and I try to make plans to visit it, but things just never work out, so we're on a break right now, but I know Bonuts are the one.
Many days I feel so removed from that side of myself - days when I leave the house in a hurry, sit at my desk and make decisions and answer emails and talk on the phone and go to meetings, and then drive home to throw something totally uninspired together for dinner before falling asleep scrolling through Instagram.
Who carries five VCRs on road trips and watches tape of her opponents while she works out on the treadmill while she scribbles points of emphasis on a notepad while she talks on the phone with an assistant — all after she has read a book to her son, Tyler, and put him to bed?
Give up the hot seat for Klopp, get on the phone to him as soon as possible and you never know, he may just be able to talk a few of his players to join to help complete us.
«Ah yes I'm a millenial who hates apps and ease of use and loves talking to strangers on the phone
«I had just begun to talk to other clubs when out of the blue Sir Alex phoned me on Wednesday afternoon, invited me to have breakfast with him next morning during which he told me that he wanted to sign me,» he said.
I listened to the Arseblog phone - in podcast yesterday — which was mostly painful, especially when, in response to inane questions regarding Wenger, Wilshere, Europa, etc., Andrew was forced to reheat his stance on issues he's already talked about plenty enough on the regular podcasts — and there was one guy who called in to say, in all seriousness, that Wilshere has been Arsenal's best player this season, and that he would go all out to offer Wilshere, even if it's at the expense of Ramsey.
And working from home may require you to spend a lot of time talking on the phone.
Or give them an extra 15 minutes of screen time because I want to talk on the phone.
so when she was on the phone talking to her m - i - l on the phone in the car he was yelling in the back ground «YOUR BABY SQUEEZED OUT OF YOUR VAGINA!!»
, but I am anxiously awaiting the day that I can put a pair of headphones on him and he will keep them on and stop trying to speak into them (he's part of the iphone generation where mommy talks into her headphones when she is on the phone.)
As members of society, the way that we act has the ability to impact others in big ways (global warming, racism) and in small ways (person talking on cell phone during a movie, smoker blowing smoke in your face as they pass you on the sidewalk).
Inner harmony grows not by finding ways to get away from your child, but by giving yourself the gift of a hot bath at the end of a long day, reading a book of poetry, talking to a friend on the phone, taking a nap, crying, getting a massage, having a day off from cleaning and cooking, staying in your pajamas all day, swimming, going out to eat, or attending a conference.
Automatic Doors, Before I was a mom I thought nothing of opening doors to malls and buildings, ok maybe there were times I was slightly irritated at opening the door to see someone else brush past me to rush in, as if I was holding the door for them, and then there is that busy - talking - on - the - cell - phone - person that does that too, even when you ARE pregnant... ok, a moment to compose myself, now where was I?
Remember, in most parts of the country it is now illegal to drive while talking on the phone by holding it up to your ear.
This is the team of professionals who talk to parents one - on - one by phone about how to apply specific parenting tools to their family.
I can't even begin to count the number of times I talked to DoulaK on the phone during that time, and she always had a recommendation for something I could try to ease my nipple pain, or to encourage Peeper to latch, or just to help us to bond, in the absence of an actual breastfeeding relationship.
When your partner gets home from work or you hop on the phone with your sister, instead of talking about the length of naps and feeding sessions, you might be able to tell an interesting story about your day.
But if I read a book, talked on the phone, watched a movie with my toddler or tried to recall the dream I was having before I woke up to nurse, I could disengage my mind enough to disarm my fear of not being able to nurse and the milk would let down just fine.
But, the new practice of talking or texting on their cell phones is adding to the youth death rate.
Busy moms often rely on their smartphone to keep on top of appointments and social engagements as well as work commitments, but far too many of drivers, including moms, talk on the phone or check emails, while they have their kids on board.
It was not unusual for me to talk on the phone with several mothers each day of the week.
Here are some questions we recommend having on hand when you talk to your insurance company (the phone number should be on the back of your insurance card):
While talking to one of my first clients on the phone, she sweetly said «So you can Doula me at home and in the hospital?»
So if you've been listening to some of our other shows, it's just a little bit more convenient to just have one app on your phone where you can access all of the podcasts, not just for Twin Talks but the other shows that we produce as well.
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