Sentences with phrase «of talking to voters»

«Supporters of the CCSS have a solid base of support, but this survey is also a reminder of the importance of talking to voters regularly.
Candidates will spend more time raising money instead of talking to voters, and big money will continue to corrupt our legislative process.

Not exact matches

«We were getting metro areas correct, but in the non-metro areas, and this will be true in Wisconsin and Michigan as well, that, a certain type of Trump voter seemed more [unwilling] to talk to pollsters.
The black voters in Philly, and I say this based on 30 years of picking juries and talking to them, are more likely to have a family member who is a police officer, a family member who is in jail, and a family member who has been killed or severely victimized.
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to issue the final rulings of its current term on Monday, amid talk that swing voter Justice Anthony Kennedy is considering retirement.
The platform makes it much easier for researchers to access and categorise its «firehose» of tweets, and also happens to be the platform of choice for MPs trying to talk directly to voters.
She was of course talking about «The Apprentice,» the NBC reality show hosted by Trump that was a giant hit when it premiered in 2004 and is still very much at the core of his appeal to his voters (though after 14 seasons, he's now off the show for good).
After a series of phone conversations with company officials that began in August 2015, Flaxman came to Starbucks headquarters in December to talk with chairman and ceo Howard Schultz and other leaders about what he and his team considered a wildly ambitious goal: TurboVote would help lift voter participation to 75 percent, at a date to be determined.
I've been talking to a lot of the new members asked to join the Academy during its two - year diversity push, and a lot of these ostensibly hipper, younger voters — many of whom are people of color and white women — are happy to tell you they like Three Billboards.
The effect of an unstable coalition or of inconclusive coalition talks on voters will have to be watched closely on two fronts.
The tough talk comes amid and, some have argued, because of a close presidential race in which Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney want to appeal to Jewish voters.
How would you like it if W h i t e voters only voted for a person's color?I saw a talk show interview the other night.One of the top B l a c k leaders said that he voted for Obama based on his color and asked others to do the same.How crazy is that?
Talking about upward mobility doesn't help with voters who aren't already inclined to vote Republican unless that upward mobility talk is combined with clear explanations of policies that will plausibly improve the lives of those voters.
All the talk of Republicans needing to do better among Hispanic voters should not obscure that Romney also failed to maximize his vote total among white voters.
If you casually threaten nuclear war on twitter, or lie about crowd sizes and voter fraud, destabilize relationships with important allies, if you talk shit about Obama playing golf then spend millions of tax payer dollars EVERY WEEKEND to fly to Florida to play golf, if you share classified info with Russian ambassadors then the media should be hard on you.
About a dozen people came to the Park District meeting room on Tuesday to talk about the idea of asking voters to fund the project through a referendum issue.
While New Trier and the park district have yet to make a final decision of whether or not to place the referendum requests on the November ballot, officials from both organizations said they are talking to each other and understand the potential challenges of asking voters to support two measures in one election.
For instance, Romney's campaign talked a lot about microtargeted communications, but they seem to have had in mind reaching out to the same pool of voters as usual but with better messaging.
Besides this fear of crossover voters «stealing» the primary away from people who actually are in the party, one bonus purported from here is that a closed primary tends to let candidates talk more openly about their views during the primary since they are largely just speaking to their base.
Straight - talking and streetwise, he gives the impression of relishing the challenge of tackling voters on the doorstep whatever they have to throw at him.
Demagogic policies, How many times we have seen politicians saying things like «the wealthy are guilty of the people poverty», or talking about the 2013 US fiscal Cliff agreement «the wealthy have to pay more taxes to finance the people health services», for me those are populist and demagogic tactics to gain more voters, because they know that the democracy is controlled by the mob.
If immigration is what the voters want to talk about, the economy is top of the candidates» list.
«It's clearly an example of when you talk to voters about issues they care about, you cross party lines on issues like education and funding,» Pellegrino said.
As Cuomo huddled with a group of advisors that included former state Comptroller H. Carl McCall (the man he challenged in the 2002 Democratic gubernatorial primary, hurting his relationship with the black community), Manhattan Democratic Chairman / Assemblyman Keith Wright and former NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson, Paladino's campaign manager talked to Gerson Borrero about the GOP / Conservative nominee's efforts to woo Latino voters.
«Most of the Muslim voters I've talked to will vote for Sadiq, but they haven't warmed to him as a person,» one inner London Labour councillor who has been pounding the streets for him tells me.
And as the talks continue to struggle onwards, regardless of any short term gains we might see soon, their reputation for relative competence - and relative competence is all that matters in voters» minds - is going to be eroded.
«For most offices, New York State's contribution «limits» are substantially higher than those of any other state that imposes limits, and they are so high as to ensure that large donors dominate major political campaigns and candidates spend as much time as possible raising money from donors rather than talking with voters about issues,» Cuomo said in the written version of the SoS.
This process takes time: you'll need to take the photos, prepare the «memes» and other images, write the status updates, edit the videos, etc., all of which takes staff or volunteers away from other tasks like raising money or talking with voters.
Shaven - headed Scouser Nuttall recites the standard Ukip talk of going after Labour voters in Northern England but the social conservative, a supporter of judicial executions and opponent of abortions, will struggle to walk the talk..
There was plenty of fine talk of trusting Scots to choose the nation's destiny, of giving voters a choice.
«Since February 2017, CLF staff and volunteers have been talking to voters across the country on issues that matter most to them, and informing them on how their member of Congress is delivering results for the community.
Flint compared herself to the hugely outnumbered band of Spartans in the film 300 when talking about the onslaught from Ukip - turned - Tory voters that she and others like Gloria de Piero and even Dennis Skinner faced.
Similarly, Dan Manatt talked about the potential of video allow campaigns to reach past traditional media filters and speak directly to voters.
Unlike him, I am showing up in every corner of this region and talking to voters about affordable health care and creating jobs.
Stewart - Cousins, a Democrat from Yonkers, confirmed that issues such as voter reform measures and changes to the state's ethics laws had fallen out of the budget talks.
What Stein is proving here is that in all this talk of hacking — and international governmental interference and voter fraud — there is a way to find out whether the vote totals are accurate: If there is a paper trail, official vote totals can be easily verified in a manual recount.
Critics say key figures talked up party's chances and failed to address concerns of white working - class voters
While the right of the party have lectured Corbyn and the left for the past year about talking - down to voters, being «out of touch» and not understanding ordinary people's views, here Smith is saying he believes Labour should go into the 2020 election telling the 52 % of Leave voters they are simply wrong.
But green groups haven't hesitated to take aim at Trump online, with the Natural Resources Defense Council criticizing his recent move to rescind climate standards for federal infrastructure and the League of Conservation Voters praising Miami's Republican mayor, Tomás Regalado, for saying it is time to talk about climate change.
We've talked repeatedly in these pages about the Democratic advantages when it comes to the actual mechanics of running political campaigns this cycle: they're running more ads, building a strong voter contact program and raising more money (for better or worse) than their Republican counterparts.
«While we first expected to reuse much of the ground breaking voter contact software we built for Democrats, we soon realized that Republicans are more interested in scaring voters than talking to them.»
Also on the show this week: Glenn Kessler, the President of HCD Research, talked about measuring physiological reactions to ads and messaging and how political strategist might incorporate biometric data in their analysis of what engages voters.
Instead, Canvass Captains, Phone Bank Captains and scores of local volunteers will be knocking on the doors of the very voters they registered, have been talking to for months and know personally.
She added: «Instead of desperately trying to find ways to thwart the will of voters and talking down Britain's prospects, Labour should be concentrating on helping to make a success of Brexit.
In Union Square, where he was slated to start collecting signatures, Spitzer talked with few voters, spending the majority of his hour - long appearance answering questions from a group of about 50 reporters.
«He's happy to inform voters about Andrew Heaney's history of donating to President Obama, and we suspect that Mr. Bishop may want to talk about Mr. Heaney's ongoing attempts to disenfranchise him.»
We've talked repeatedly in these pages about the Democratic advantages when it comes to the actual mechanics of running political campaigns this cycle: they're running more ads, building a strong voter contact program and raising more money (for better or worse) than their Republican...
«The governor talked a very good tale but doesn't seem to be putting his political capital or his bully pulpit to it,» said Barbara Bartoletti of the League of Women Voters.
In May 2010, many voters and MPs believed that the talks between the Conservative and Lib Dem leaderships and the coalition agreement was a triumph of real - time diplomacy and spontaneous statesmanship, but as D'Ancona shows clearly, it owed everything to the strategic preparations undertaken by Cameron and Clegg before the election.
15:30 - Things take a further trip downhill as Miliband says we need to talk about immigration and then offers a set of proposals which would not satisfy ukip voters - clamping down on gangmasters etc..
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