Sentences with phrase «of tangible worlds»

It is based on a fresh idea with minimal aesthetics, and offers dozens of tangible worlds to explore and hours of challenging fun.
This is Israel's way of saying that there are signs of hope set in the life of the tangible world itself, and they are there for all men to read, if they have eyes to see.
Only when certain doubts cleared in 1968 and I began feeling more positive about drawings of the tangible world did I begin to paint again.
These works begin as digital drawings where long periods of time working in front of a monitor induce a disembodied state; a total immersion where a sense of the tangible world is lost in a digital space that is weightless, without surface, consisting only of light.
The brushwork will no longer function as a mere record of perception, but as a shorthand equivalent for perceptions of the tangible world.16 Painting will be more tangible in its articulation of nature.

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Steve Case's new $ 150 million venture fund dedicated to the flyover states is great, tangible proof of the tech world's interest in bringing the rest of the country along for the economic growth that comes from the innovation economy.
Is it better to live in this way because at least we know more about what is going on around us, and we get a tangible sense of the violent state of the world?
«It's amazing how books are constantly being flagged as obsolete in the post iPad / Kindle world, but in reality people have real emotion and attachment to tangible physical books,» McLeod told me, describing those emotions as «both the memories of where [the owners] were when they experienced them, as well as the knowledge contained within.»
Facebook routinely denies that it is a media entity, or that it should be expected to behave like one, and yet the giant social network continues to behave in ways that have a significant and tangible impact on the news that its users see about the world, and the practice of journalism in general.
The most obvious is the fact that gold is a tangible commodity that exists in the real world; bitcoin is not — it is only a digital representation of value ownership.
The nation is not only the third largest by race in the world, but because of the miss of unchanging and tangible sovereign regulations, states are generally giveaway to take their possess position on the matter.
It seemed that, right or wrong, my original essay was all about science, about real, tangible, factual knowledge of the material world.
It is as if the fact of bringing together and connecting the two poles, tangible and intangible, external and internal, of the world which bears us onwards had caused everything to burst into flames and set everything free.
What I experience as I stand in face of — and in the very depths of — this world which your flesh has assimilated, this world which has become your flesh, my God, is not the absorption of the monist who yearns to be dissolved into the unity of things, nor the emotion felt by the pagan as he lies prostrate before a tangible divinity, nor yet the passive self - abandonment of the quietist tossed hither and thither at the mercy of mystical impulsions.
The absence of any direct empirical evidence of cosmic purpose is intricately linked with the lack of any immediately tangible evidence of morphogenetic fields that would exercise a causative influence on the formation of discrete systems in the natural world.
Vorhanden, which Heidegger uses of the peculiar mode of being characteristic of inanimate objects, as contrasted with responsible human Dasein, I have translated by «tangible», as in Bultmann the antithesis is not so much between Vorhandensein and Dasein as between the tangible realities of the visible world and eternal realities, very much like the Pauline contrast of kata sarka and kata pneuma.
The major task of the comic hero, therefore, as Nathan Scott insists, «is to remind us of how deeply rooted we are in all the tangible things of this world....
When we can stop arguing about which invisible giant in the sky is «real» and start concentrating on actual practical, tangible, rational problems we can see and feel (and do something about), maybe then the world will stand a chance of survival.
They want to give themselves to something beyond a sort of «white bread» world that they live in, but need to see that that «something» is tangible, that it will work.
(p. 111) So long as such an anti-war stance, with its own sort of heroic aspirations, does not, through the sorts of errors mentioned above, condemn or spit upon the more tangible heroic feelings stirred up by the real wars that inevitably will come (and thus demand, as C.S. Lewis put it, «long - faced» warriors even for just wars), and so long as it does not plug its ears against the geo - strategic and national considerations that must remain part of all politics, she would broadly endorse it, and would encourage all of us, whether theists or not, to yearningly quest for a world without war that we nonetheless know can never fully arrive.
And this limitation becomes even more acute when this world, in the sense of familiar and tangible reality, is handed over to man's control.
Grace can be present and operative to an immeasurable extent in the world and its history, without everywhere in the course of history finding tangible social expression in the Church.
It is the tangible, historical manifestation of the grace in which God communicates himself as absolutely present, close and forgiving, of the grace which is at work everywhere, omits no one, offers God to each and gives to every reality in the world a secret purposeful orientation towards the intrinsic glory of God.
Myth is an expression of man's conviction that the origin and purpose of the world in which he lives are to be sought not within it but beyond it — that is, beyond the realm of known and tangible reality - and that this realm is perpetually dominated and menaced by those mysterious powers which are its source and limit.
And on the other hand Christian faith (I stress the word Christian, as opposed to those «oriental» faiths for which spiritual ascension often expressly signifies the negation or condemnation of the phenomenal world), by the very fact that it is rooted in the idea of Incarnation, has always based a large part of its tenets on the tangible values of the World and of Maworld), by the very fact that it is rooted in the idea of Incarnation, has always based a large part of its tenets on the tangible values of the World and of MaWorld and of Matter.
Thirdly, the mythological world was divided into two parts, the unseen world of the gods, often associated with the sky above, and the visible tangible world to which men were confined.
* By being the hands and arms and feet and sweat and exertion of Jesus, the body of Christ — by being the tangible and effective presence of God in the world;
We can and should debate theology and doctrine, but we must never think that we are the infallible interpreters of Scripture and determiners of people's destiny, and should also remember that doctrine, as important as it is, becomes evil when debates and discussions about theology keep us from living out the loving gospel in tangible ways to a hurting and dying world.
Still waiting for some tangible bit of argument with the majors, many of which were postulated by Sagan and Hawkings, such as Mankind's short time here on this planet in the historic context of the worlds evolution.
To me, Brian is representative of how we grow up here: the land is never far from our consciousness, and we layer our experiences with our tangible, physical world.
Fundamentalism is the modern phenomenon by which people, perhaps afraid of the uncertainties of the future, and certainly distrustful of the modern world, have raised their Holy Scripture into a tangible idol.
In this age when the culture of modernity has been fast eroding the traditional belief in God, along with the transcendent spiritual world supposedly surrounding him, the conservative devotees of the religious past hold ever more firmly to the most tangible form of the past: Holy Scripture.
Faulkner's world is threatened by Nada, too, but his more tangible enemies are gold and greed and the intellect which thinks in terms of them alone.
My faith has power and authority, it is tangible and very evident to me, I have seen healings, not imagined, I have experienced the literal power of God knock me down as a sign and wonder, I have experienced joy unspeakable to the point that I could not stand it and could not stand up anymore, My God is very real and all powerful and shame on you brothers and sisters presenting a powerless gospel to a lost and dying world, REPENT CHURCH and return to the true church of the book of acts.
This is just a new kind of gnosticism with its own esoteric knowledge reserved for the initiated who desire to escape the tangible realities of this fleshy world and ascend to the unsullied heights of theological thought.
So this year as you start the process of getting gifts for your family, please also begin a tradition of giving shoe boxes to children around the world that are longing to feel that powerful, tangible touch from the God that loves them.
For if it were susceptible to proof it would mean that we could know and establish God apart from faith, and that would be placing him on a level with the world of tangible, objective reality.
They approached the holy life in the way they did not only for the purposes of escaping the entrapments of this world, but even more so because «such denials... afforded very tangible real «life benefits.
I would have thought that non-believers would have something more practical to do to better the tangible world, other than inflate their own egos by insulting people of faith.
Though there are parts of Hong Kong that rank among the most densely packed areas in the world, it remains a peaceable and safe city — a fact not unrelated to the tangible sense of opportunity granted by its (presently) open economic system.
«And I'm here on behalf of the president as a tangible sign of his commitment to defending Christians and frankly all who suffer for their beliefs across the wider world
In a world of bluster and nonsense, solitary training is a tangible, overt, and quite hilarious f*ck - you.
Rohr has recently tinkered with the Eagles» formation with an eye on the World Cup, and having a player in his ranks who could feature in multiple positions could make a tangible difference for Nigeria in the event of injuries, suspensions, loss of form and a tactical reshuffle.
One of the unexpected things that happened as a result of starting Brave New World Designs is that it has offered two unexpected things: 1) a tangible business that my kids can see in operation and understand (vs. my life on the Internet, which is sort of nebulous to them), and 2) a way for me to connect with the girls.
The code will translate into physical events, so she will enjoy both abstract thinking and observing the tangible results of her hard work in the real world.
Yearly Anniversaries «Getting a raise year - to - year or after a set period of time happens in the real world and it just seems like a fair, tangible way to acknowledge your sitter's dedication and loyalty,» Younger shares.
It was from observing Clinton that Andrew Cuomo learned the worth of the tangible if prosaic list of goals, the split - the - difference compromise, and the seductive one - on - one, making the guy you're talking to think he's the most important in the world.
Immersive environments — 3 - D virtual reality worlds — can help us make sense of this in a tangible way.
As the Foundation marks its 60th anniversary, it continues to collaborate with a broad range of Canadian charities to further world - class research, explore new ideas, and create tangible benefits for the communities in which it works.
Competitions spur creativity and promise tangible results to address some of the world's biggest problems
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