Sentences with phrase «of tariffs»

That came on top of the tariffs on steel and aluminum imposed last month and those on $ 50 billion in Chinese goods that he proposed in recent days.
The ruling puts four years of tariffs in place, starting at 30 percent the first year and declining to 15 percent by the end.
More importantly, the gains come through perhaps unexpected channels, often as the result of indirect effects that can not be anticipated by simply considering the direct effects of tariff concessions.
The threat of tariffs on up to $ 150 billion of Chinese imports followed.
The report suggests a phased reduction of tariffs on all items from any country on earth.
As already mentioned, the company is offering a number of tariffs for the two devices, but they're emphasizing one plan in particular.
This has involved the reduction or elimination of tariffs as well as improvements to other, previously trade restrictive, measures.
The details of these tariffs are an important consideration.
Because of tariffs, national taxes, or other reasons, companies will want to vary the country in which they receive their greatest profit.
Nobody wants their local supermarket to stop selling their favourite products, but nor do we want to pay more for them just to cover the costs of tariffs.
He described the threat of tariffs as «just the first proposal» in a process that would involve negotiations and back - channel talks.
Such policy shall be filed by each utility as part of its tariffs.
As it stands, the current level of tariffs on the table should not have a material effect on the current trajectory of global economic growth.
Basically, removal of tariffs on goods manufactured outside of the country which is at it's lowest rate in the history of the nation and the true cause of our deficit.
Consider evaluating a property on the basis of tariffs as well as facilities provided.
The negative consequences of tariffs on solar panels and washing machines were immediately felt.
So this immediate benefit of the tariff isn't as great at it looks on the surface.
We can think of the tariffs as a sales tax, albeit it one hidden from consumers.
You can price products and services competitively because you don't have the burden of tariffs.
But opponents of tariffs say they can hurt international trade and ultimately lead to lower economic growth worldwide.
* Single beds can be joined if requested at time of booking or on payment of the tariff, otherwise the above arrangement will be set for your booking.
Just the prospect of tariffs — even before they begin to take a direct bite — could hurt the economy if it makes corporate executives reluctant to invest.
But they will raise the export tariff from 3.2 p to 4.5 p / kWh for new installations from the time of the tariff changes.
The idea of a tariff is to push up the price of foreign goods to make the domestic alternative more attractive.
The site aims to enable you to easily compare the vast majority of tariffs available in the marketplace.
Many of the tariffs would target the Chinese aerospace, tech and machinery industries.
The urgent deals will go through, maybe even regardless of tariffs, but borderline projects could be abandoned.
He said the size of the tariffs on Chinese goods was greater than expected and could be a negative for the market.
These would be mutually beneficial, for instance, in the arena of tariffs which could be brought down on both sides.
There is some good and bad of tariffs depending on the industry your small business is a part of.
The exact goal of the tariff is unclear, although many believe it is to hurt renewable energy development or boost the coal industry.
Understanding rules of origin can help your business take full advantage of tariff reductions within those free trade agreements to boost profits and grow your business internationally.
In view of the tariff paid compared to others we saw during our stay, it would want to be.
It's available across a variety of networks on a variety of tariffs.
Our choice of tariffs offers financial flexibility and with our all - in - one package you get everything you need at a discounted price.
This portion of the tariff is calculated based on the number of full time employees or an operating budget scale.
The reality is that very little of the tariffs placed on Chinese goods are paid for by Chinese companies.
The elimination of tariffs allows companies to dramatically lower their production costs by sourcing inputs from the most efficient factories, wherever they might be.
No reading of American history, or American economic history, would miss the importance of tariffs in establishing the growth of manufacturing.
This usually consists of tariffs that raise the prices of imports.
This could be used in place of a tariff schedule or in addition to a schedule to ensure that both parties are held accountable to the agreement.
For this, I had to go to audio... and record a pretty epic rant on the absurdity of tariffs.
You could also get cashback on top of the tariff saving via the cashback site links.
Matters of tariffs and trade were decided by individual countries in terms of their own interests more than by international agreements.
Local assembly of this eye candy would bring in ocean of orders overnight, but that also depends on how much of the tariff reduction is passed on to the customer.
A key / security deposit is required to be paid or credit card details provided when the balance of tariff is paid.

Phrases with «of tariffs»

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