Sentences with phrase «of teaching about»

Other models involve the inclusion of teaching about sensitive discipline techniques: Video Feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting - Sensitive Discipline (VIPP - SD).
She seems to think that the new study suggests that instead of teaching about grit and self - control, hallmarks of SEL, we should teach «conscientiousness» and curiosity.
The psychological value of the films as a tool to teach youth about climate change has been discussed at meetings of a number of prominent institutions including the National Education Association, EPA, National Science Foundation, National Academy of Sciences, Ecological Society of America, the National Science Teachers Association and the North American Association for Environmental Education — groups that are embracing the use of the films to change the pedagogy of teaching about climate change.
Downloading an image is very simple — you can tap the download icon and actually choose a size you want (a good way of teaching about pixels and file size).
The overall aim of teaching about educational technology is to help teachers understand what the technologies are and how the technologies can serve students» learning of subject matter.
A revised and expanded teacher's guide from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press will help teachers fulfill the requirement of teaching about Wisconsin's American Indian nations and tribal communities.
The Department for Education says it wants to improve the quality of teaching about these issues within Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons.
Media reports of courthouse controversies involving school prayer, the posting of the Ten Commandments, and ACLU challenges to Nativity scenes on public squares — coupled with challenges about the types of music the school choir is permitted to present during the holiday season — often skew rational thought about the importance of teaching about religion.
(Of course, it should be noted that many rank - and - file teachers usually soften or ignore the ideology as they cope with the practical tasks of teaching about the world beyond our shores.)
We're wasting too much time in those reading blocks on ineffective practices, like teaching kids to look for the «main idea» of a story instead of teaching them about the world.
Brief Description Having students make an ABC book is a great way of teaching about any topic.
It has some cool gameplay hooks that you don't see in many fighters, but the game does a very poor job of teaching you about any of this.
To some extent all the contributors are concerned about the mediating role of language, most notably in Peter Bowen's description of teaching about AIDS at Rutgers University.
A pregnancy course may begin early on in your pregnancy, with the aim of teaching you about good pregnancy diet and lifestyle, whereas some birthing classes are recommended for the third trimester only, as childbirth actually approaches.
Celebrate Penny's 80th birthday and 50th year of teaching about childbirth!
I wish that more of us had spoken out earlier,» says Sears, who has in the past referred to «Babywise» as «probably the most dangerous program of teaching about babies and children that I have seen in my 25 years of being a pediatrician.
The potential benefits of teaching about breast - feeding are enormous, according to a California physician who has researched teenage mothers» attitudes on the topic.
Then we can see how van Buren makes use of stories as stories and speaks of teaching about love.
School officials who earlier were willing to speak out for at least some form of teaching about religion now retreat into silence despite the Supreme Court's explicit encouragement.
The Pope does not provide an extensive argument in behalf of his teaching about the permissibility of sometimes supporting imperfectly just laws.
We can change laws, and we can agree to disagree, but marriage was designed by God for the express purpose of teaching us about his Kingdom.
I shutter to think that these people in the world just like this miserable man, is preaching all this Crap, instead of teaching about peace, and what God's longevity of love, acceptance and Tolerance.
End of teaching about prayer.
Recognize the effectiveness of teaching about alcoholism and its solution by having drunks tell other drunks about their former problem, their victory, and the way out.
If we miss this point, we fail to see the significance of our teaching about Jesus Christ.
Because many who are in the position of teaching about GOD, do not themselves, have revealed knowledged of GOD.
I say «well maybe» because so much of the teaching about sola fide comes out of a certain reformation reading of Galatians Romans and Phillipians.
It would be quite in keeping with the Lukan practice to prefer a version of a saying he found in another source to that of Mark, as, for example, he prefers the Q version of the teaching about divorce (Luke 16.18 / / Matt.
159:4.9 «But the greatest error of the teaching about the Scriptures is the doctrine of their being sealed books of mystery and wisdom which only the wise minds of the nation dare to interpret.
His reply goes to the very heart of his teaching about moral and ritual requirements.
After World War II we Christians gradually became aware of how destructive had been the consequences of our teaching about the Jews.
Catholic Church renews its and society's understanding of the teachings about love which it has received and handed on from Christ.
In all of his teachings about multiple things — he never said that gay people should be condemned.
Appreciate the importance of these teachings about Jesus» humanity and his teachings.

Not exact matches

Whether you teach a class at your office, at a local university or learning annex, or through another source, you'll be able to get the word out about the business you own as a part of the experience.
An ever accumulating amount of research is finding that what every religion and moral teaching has said about forgiveness is true.
The professor, who teaches at Sweden's Lund University, went straight to the authorities when he became suspicious about the provenance of a 16th - century prayer book he had purchased online.
So what did all this reading and thinking teach him about the skater lingo of his youth, expressions like, «That's awesome!»
The HBO series about a bunch of dudes trying to make it in Hollywood can teach something to aspiring business owners.
«When choosing what type of accelerating / incubator program we wanted to move forward in, we thought about the network that could be provided, the skills that would be taught and equity.
«Peter is one of the two people... who has taught me the most about how to invest in startups,» Altman wrote, when Thiel came on board in 2015.
Within the course we have oral exams in which the teaching assistants will come around and ask us questions about all of the different structures that we should have dissected or learned the names of.
That way, iSpot can teach its system to search for combinations of words like «Solo» and «trailer,» «commercial,» or «movie» to measure the online chatter about the ad.
Joshua Cohen of Apple University says the enigmatic Canadian pianist has a lot to teach us about how to foster innovation and creativity today
Most of what he learned about running a business he taught himself.
But where the fun really starts is with the free app that not only teaches kids about the whys and hows of good oral hygiene, it also turns brushing into a game.
It's a life that has a lot to teach us about the prevailing wisdom of productivity, and why we just may have it all wrong.
Related: What Craft Beer Can Teach You About Business Growth: Best Advice from Jim Koch of Sam Adams
Here's what Marie Forleo, creator of MarieTV and founder of B - School, taught us about marketing while we were in Fiji.
-- there is one aspect of the cryptocurrency that I believe can teach us something important about the future of healthcare: Bitcoin and its coinish ilk are self - organizing systems that operate utterly outside the traditional structures and rules of financial engagement.
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