Sentences with phrase «of tens of millions of dollars»

The ethereum network suffered a large - scale cyber breach earlier this month resulting in the loss of tens of millions of dollars.
Whereas, a hundred or so large hand - made planetary landing scenes is at least in theory possible on a budget of tens of millions of dollars.
When the local congregation withdrew from the denomination, it claimed ownership of tens of millions of dollars worth of real and personal church property.
Most large law firms that do commercial transactions have excess insurance, typically in the range of tens of millions of dollars.
We had two buildings that were in need of tens of millions of dollars in upgrading to make them building and fire code compliant, to make them ADA compliant.
In Memphis, Tenn., the diocese appealed to local donors and philanthropists to the tune of tens of millions of dollars over the past decade, which allowed for the reopening of eight schools that had been shuttered.
Rhimes is one of many producers and filmmakers who have received offers of tens of millions of dollars from Netflix and Amazon to stray from traditional TV.
The Governor's actions will help protect nearly 30,000 jobs and a combined annual payroll of over $ 2 billion and ensure annual capital investments of tens of millions of dollars.
«New Yorkers are literally getting cheated out of tens of millions of dollars in public space — and the city is willfully choosing to do nothing about it,» Stringer said.
To Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty he said, six years later, that various central bank schemes were set up to «allow friends to earn handsome profits... They allowed friends to make profits because when companies are created without any risk, and billions of dollars are transferred, somebody takes a (quite big) commission... a minimum of tens of millions of dollars.
«Where you find the huge dollar amount is the many multiples of tens of millions of dollars that have been spent promoting the program and that causes a lot of head - scratching,» Schimminger said.
The allegations come amid testy relations between Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration and the Senecas over the tribe's halting of payments of tens of millions of dollars in casino revenue to the state.
The assemblywoman, herself the daughter of Cuban and Greek immigrants, called on Sessions and Trump to call the mayor's bluff — and deprive the police department of tens of millions of dollars unless de Blasio backs down.
Uber said last week that it had recently discovered an accounting error that had deprived New York drivers of tens of millions of dollars, and vowed to pay back drivers every cent, with interest.
Bratton said that the cost of storage and archiving footage goes into the cost of tens of millions of dollars per year.
So, right now, we have a structural imbalance of tens of millions of dollars between what the federal gas tax is expected to raise over the next six years and the $ 450 to $ 500 million that many transportation experts say we will need for maintenance, repairs, and new projects.
Government expenditures for education or airline safety seem a lot more productive than expenditures by private citizens to own, lease, or operate giant SUVs; or to give annual compensations of tens of millions of dollars (and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars) to well entrenched Chief Executive Officers of underperforming companies.
What are they to make of the tens of millions of dollars that have been squandered on this work?
His banking experience includes complicated disputes concerning syndicated loans in excess of tens of millions of dollars.
Our firm has a history of successful litigation, ranging from suits netting verdicts of tens of millions of dollars to those receiving only a few thousand based on the damages sought.
But the gold trader's testimony also implicated high - ranking Turkish ministers in bribes of tens of millions of dollars, and he accused Erdogan of personally ordering sanctions - busting trades.
The already announced interest of a group of investors and large cryptocurrency traders allows us to forecast liquidity in the DEEX ecosystem at the level of tens of millions of dollars and a constant interest in trading.
For example, the bitcoin community has been unable to increase block size, and the ethereum community debated for a long while how to handle the impending removal of tens of millions of dollars from the ethereum distributed autonomous organization (The DAO).
Sean has successfully represented clients on the purchase and sale of tens of millions of dollars worth of real estate.
Petar Zivkovski, director of operations for bitcoin trading platform Whaleclub, said The DAO's loss of tens of millions of dollars worth of ether was «the main driver behind ETH's current price swings,» while Xu Qing, spokesperson for Huobi, described the event as the «primary cause» of ether's price fluctuation.
Yet as the $ 6.5 - billion LHC has forged ahead, the neutron EDM experiments, with modest budgets of tens of millions of dollars, have hit a wall.
«He has facilitated the investment of tens of millions of dollars to those who have designed innovative technologies and processes that address the planet's most pressing environmental challenges, and he has built a most impressive example of energy efficiency in his Planet Traveler hostel.
Camping and Family Radio are con - men, this isnt about religion, its about milking foolish people out of tens of millions of dollars.
As yet, no decision has been reached as to the future of the Ethereum network, whether a majority of its miners will pursue a hard fork or a soft fork or whether, instead, they will resign themselves to the loss of tens of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency.
Ethereum suffered large - scale security breaches last week after anonymous hackers targeted vulnerable wallets in the network, resulting in the loss of tens of millions of dollars...
Now, he plans on donating almost all of his tens of millions of dollars in Simpson royalties to charity.
«We believe in accuracy, especially with a flagship program which is being promoted to the tune of tens of millions of dollars,» Schimminger said.
And 60 % of $ 3.2 billion — 2011 sales of ebooks, which are projected to rise to $ 10 billion by 2016 — is better than 90 % of tens of million of dollars (chump change for Amazon), which is the tally for 2008.
This followed a staggering 97 % kill rate for animals in 2006, despite millions of animal loving members, a world - wide reach, and a budget of tens of millions of dollars.
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